Ch 56 : Welcome to the Family

"Let's go see where we have ended up this time." Logan said aloud as he led them all into the world map room once again, or Brian's room as it could be called now. The excitement was any less compared to all the other time's they had travelled to another world though as they all rushed to see what the world map had to say.

Once Logan activated the world map Brian's tank started to bubble and swirl around the tank making Brian bob up and down where the brain was suspended in the liquid. This would normally remain unseen when the world map was activated but now that it was in a clear tank the memory searching part of the magic to tell what world they were in was plain to see, if you looked closely as the Elixir of Life potion in the tank you would see small memory wisps flying around with the motion of the spinning water, and when a memory was scanned to see if it matched the name's on the world map it would turn from a blue to a red, it was the wrong one it would just turn back to it's normal light blue colour but if it was the right memory it would stay red and it would then get dragged out of the tank and moved to the map where it would then turn to red smoke that formed together to show the memory, just like before when they had just arrived in the Jumper world and the red smoke turned into David Rice Jumping about.

This time the red smoke formed into eight figures, there was an old woman that looked like the hag's Nagini and Snape recognised from their home world, a man that was a little bit shorter then Logan with extremely pale, greenish skin in a butler suit, on his should there was a severed hand that was standing up on the tips of it's fingers.

Then there was a pale bold man with a lit light bulb in his mouth and he also had a very short neck, if he even had a neck, and in front of him there was two children, a boy and a girl, the boy was wearing a black and white striped jumper and he was a bit over weight he also had a stick of dynamite in his hand, the girl was very thin and she had her black hair in two plats that sat on her front, she had on a black dress with a white shirt collar around her neck and she had a large knife in her hand.

In the middle of the group there was a couple holding a baby, and strangely the baby had a thin mustache just like the man holding him, mostly the father, he had a similar mustache to the baby and he also had slick back hair and a cigar in his mouth, he was also wearing a striped suit.

The woman next to him was most likely the wife and mother of the child, she was very beautiful, with pale white skin, red lips and an sharp jaw line, her hair was long and shiny, and she was wearing a black dress that was open on the front that showed off her cleavage.

And lastly there was a woman standing off to the side that looked exactly like the mother in the middle of the group, they were most likely twins with how close they looked like each other, but there was some key difference's between the two. The woman on the side had black lip stick and her hair was completely white and she instead was wearing a white dress that was open on the back that showed off the curve in her spine.

After the red smoke separated it soon reformed into words above the world map, the word's said 'The Addams Family', Logan had already realised this from the smoke figures but he didn't know who Morticia's white haired twin was, thinking to himself for a second he thought about what could happen if he met the Addams and what happened to other people that met them in the past.

They were effected by the Addams special brand of magic that made people start acting like them, you would become deranged and your tastes would change from liking sunrises to hating them and then loving raging thunder storms that would rain lightning down on you.

That's when he saw Snape looking at him with a expression that said, 'What's special about this world then?' Logan couldn't help but grin at that look, "I think you'd like this world Snape, the Addams are actually a lot like you in some ways, they even have their own brand of magic and potion art's that you might be interested in learning about." Logan said to Snape, trying to convince him to take the bait that he was giving out, Logan was interest in how Snape would change if he met the Addams since he was already very similar to them.

"What kind of magic?" Snape asked curiously, but he tried to hide it with his normal cold expression and dead eyed stare that made you feel like he was looking through you but Logan couldn't help but think of a fish biting on to his hook.

"I think it had to do with paranormal abilities, the movie's never went into it, but I do know other people can learn it, as people have married in to the family and have shown the same abilities even when they definitely didn't have a magical family history. You'll have to find out for yourself when you meet them." Logan explained to him before turning back to the map and he then used it to find out where the Addams currently were in the world, a red dot started blinking on the map and once Logan saw that he placed his hand on top of Brian's tank, feeding his magic into it, making Brian Jump them and the whole house to the marked location.


Outside of the Addams family home, in the garden a woman could be seen cutting the head's off of rose's, a gentle smile on her face, when she stopped suddenly when she noticed that it had become dark, but even when there was no sun shining down a blade of light seemed to reach her anyway to perfectly highlight her eyes.

"Oh my~" She exclaimed as she looked up, she then turned back to the house and called out, "Gomez darling~ We have guess's~" She called out loudly but without any rush in her voice.

After calling to the house the woman looked back to what was suddenly blocking the sunlight, it was a giant house that was floating up in the sky that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.