Ch 57 : Love at First Sight

"Let's go introduce are self's then." Logan said to the group that was made up of Nagini who was in her snake form around his neck, Snape who was walking a little bit behind him, his black cloak billowing in the non-existent wind, then there was 47 trailing behind him, watching over them all like the dutiful bodyguard he was.

Once they were on the front porch Logan called for the stone platform that was stuck to the underside of the house and they all stepped on to it, letting them slowly float down to the ground, landing right in front of the recently gathered Addams family.

Gomez stepped forward, looking up at Logan he smiled before taking the cigar he had in his mouth out, "What can I do for the pleasure of this unexpected visit? Old man." He said to Logan with a grin.

Logan's face was far from being happy though, "Old man? I'm only 23 ... physically." Logan muttered out, at that Gomez got an excited look, "You don't think an Addams can't notice when someone has faced death and come out victories! I'm very jealous by the way, being dead must have been wonderful. Anyway let me introduce my family Old man. This is my wonderful wife, Morticia, isn't she incredible, she torches me daily, I'm a very lucky man." Gomez said as Morticia glided forward, like she wasn't even touching the ground, standing next to her husband as she said hello to Logan's group, "A pleasure to meet you all."

Gomez then went on to introduce the rest of the family, his three children, Wednesday, Pugsley and Pubert. Wednesday stepped forward and came within a metre of Logan, looking right up at him with her cold face she asked, "How did you lose that arm?" She asked Logan bluntly, while pointing at the empty space where his left arm used to be.

Logan paused before speaking, just studying Wednesday's expressionless face, giving up on trying to read her he gave in and answered, "I lost it fighting an ancient, unkillable creature that would eat part's of people to replace what was broken from it's self, I have even seen it rip off it's own head before taking someone else's and attaching that one. While I was fighting it, it had managed to catch me when I was off balance and cut off my arm. I got my revenge though, I gabbed my severed arm and used it like a weapon to impaled it through it's chest and then into the ground, after that I just cut it into pieces and locked it up in my personal prison." Logan explained to the small girl who after hearing Logan's recount of his battle against Jeepers Creepers could only exclaim, "Incredible~" A similar thing was said by Pugsley who was also listening intently to Logan beside her.

"Ar! I know the feeling Old man! I remember when I would fight off the men trying to get at my Cara Mia, then too was such a time that I slipped up and due to that I was almost defeated, but my love for my darling was stronger then that!" Gomez shouted out before he then stared at his wife with fire in his eye's. "Oh, Gomez~ That look in your eye~" Morticia said as she almost swooned right there, into Gomez's arms.

After they finally contained them selves Gomez once again started to introduce the rest of the Addams, "Then we have my brother Fester!" Gomez said as he gestured to the pale bold man without a neck, the man had a strange grin that made you think he was unsure if he should smile or not and was half way between deciding.

"And then we have Grandmama, Lurch are butler and of course Thing." Logan got a cackle from Grandmama, a hello from Lurch that sounded more like a groan, and then a wave from Thing, which was the only thing ... it could really do, being only a severed hand.

"Finally, my dear sister-in-law, the beautiful! Vitalicia~" Gomez introduced Morticia's twins with white hair as she also walked forward so she was next to Gomez and her sister, she was even more incredible looking in person, someone in Logan's group seemed to agree as well.

"You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen." Snape said coming to the front of their small group, stepping in front of Logan so that he was now facing Vitalicia directly, looking right into her eyes as she put her hand to her cheek and sighed, "Why~ Thank you, Honey~ And who might you be?" Vitalicia asked Snape as she held out her hand, Snape took her hand, tracing the back of it with his thumb, "Severus Snape, It's is a pleasure to met you and I would say a pleasure to even be in your presence." Snape said was a hint of passion before he kissed the back of her hand. He was acting with the passion that Logan had only ever seen from him in the movies when he would talk about his deceased love, Lily Potter.

'Is Snape in love again? He's probably not going to let this one go this time, I hope I don't lose a potion's master because of this, he is actually helpful.' Logan thought as he walked Snape start talking with Vitalicia, and she actually seemed to be interested in him as well, if that was because of love like it was for Snape or if it was only to lour him to an early grave, Logan didn't know which, Vitalicia was never in the movies and so she was a complete unknown to him.

After the two groups watched Snape and Vitalicia walk off together, walking into the cemetery next to the house Logan spoke again, "How about I explain why we're here first?" Logan asked Gomez.

"Sure thing Old man!" Gomez yelled with cheer before taking another puff from his cigar.

Logan could feel the veins in his forehead pulse with angry when he was called an old man by Gomez once again, but he released that anger quickly when he realised that he was already getting pulled into his pace, 'Their madness work's faster then I though, I've only been around them for a couple minutes if that!' Logan thought in his head but out loud he said, "Let's go up to my house, just step on the platform." Logan then stepped back on the stone platform, followed by everyone else soon after.