Ch 58 : Well that was Quick

While Logan's small group wearing having a chat with the Addams over a cup of tea in the Black family house, explaining the whole world hopping situation, Snape was walking with Vitalicia while she introduce him to her dead relative's and how they died, while Snape was listening he was also working up the courage to ask the amazing woman next to him, the same one that had already stolen his heart right after meeting her for the first time.

"Vitalicia, you wouldn't happen to be single would you?" Snape asked her, trying to make the question seem unimportant and like he was just asking out of a common curtesy, when in fact Snape was desperately hoping the answer was that she was single.

"Hehehe~ Honey, you are so sweet ... It's a shame the Addams don't do sweet, if you would like to court me I expect only the best from you." She said with a laugh that made Snape feel good inside.

"What do the Addams consider the best?" Snape asked directly this time with his normal cold look but it was clear that he was also determined, he was direct since she had already made it known that she knew what he really wanted from her.

"Ar~ This must be the look my sister say's her husbands gets sometimes, I like it, there's murder in your eyes." Vitalicia said as she stroked Snape's cheek, Snape tried to grab her hand to keep it against his face but she pulled away and gave him a small smile and a look that meant she knew what he was hoping for, "Addams love the dark, despair and the feeling of hopelessness. The smell of burnt corpses in the morning from the festivities the night before, oh how much fun that was~" Vitalicia reminisced.

"I understand, I'll be right back, don't go anywhere." Snape said before he Jumped away, making Vitalicia blink her eye's in sudden surprise but it soon turned into a warm smile that Snape would have loved to witness.

"That man is just full of surprise's." Vitalicia said aloud before she sat down on a sofa that was randomly in the middle of the cemetery.


Snape had Jumped into the designated Jump spot at the entrance of the house, the only place that allowed people to Jump to the house, but only people that had a shark tooth pin like the one Dobby had on his little butler's outfit. Logan was the only exception to that rule as he could come and go as he pleased.

Logan had made Snape a Jump at his own request when he saw how easily Logan was able to get around, it was clearly a better way to travel compared to apparation.

Snape rushed to the living room where he found the Addams and Logan talking, without caring if he was interrupting them he asked Logan for a favour, "Logan I need your 'Dementor in a Bottle', it's for something important."

Logan looked at Snape confused for a second before pointing towards where his workshop was, "Yeah, you can keep it even, it wasn't that hard to make." Logan said just as Snape was rushing off again.

"What's a Dementor?" Wednesday asked curiously, ever since meeting Logan and looking around his house she had been asking him question's constantly, about everything that interested her just like she did with Logan's missing arm.

"A soul sucking demon that eats happiness and is formed from places of magic and where great suffering has also happened." Logan explained quickly, "I managed to make a away to seal them away into bottle's like those ship in a bottles that people make." Logan said before turning back to Gomez and Morticia who were also looking mighty interested now as well.

"Would you like to go see them? They guard my prison." Logan asked them with a raised eyebrow, before getting up and leaning them down to the basement, the Addams followed after him excitedly.


After reaching Logan's workshop Snape looked around the room quickly, searching it with his eye's until they finally found what they were looking for, on a shelf behind Logan's desk was a clear glass bottle with a black wisp of smoke that was erratically smashing into the side's of the bottle, if you looked closely at the smoke you would see that it was actually a small Dementor that was trying to escape from the prison Logan trapped it in.

Snape quickly grabbed it and rushed back from where he came from, he quickly reached the Jump point and he instantly Jumped back to the cemetery where Vitalicia was waiting for him.


Having just Jumped back to the cemetery Snape looked around for Vitalicia, he spotted her laying down on a sofa with her eyes closed, it looked like she had fallen asleep waiting for Snape to get back. It took everything he had to not pounce on her right then and there. Instead he slowly walked over to her, then he kneeled down and slowly started petting her white hair, he couldn't help but be amazed at how soft it was between his fingers.

Slowly Vitalicia opened her eyes and a blade of sunlight shined down onto her face, "Did you have a good nap?" Snape asked her standing back up, while hiding the Dementor in a Bottle behind his back.

"It was lovely, this shade is perfect for it on such a day." She said as she sat up, each time she moved it was with elegance that made it seem like she was too perfect, at least to Snape.

"I have something for you that I think you will love." Snape said before taking the thing he had hidden from behind his back out and presenting it to Vitalicia, he was even cracking a small smile, granted in looked more like a smirk on his normally cold face but at least it showed that he truly already cared for Vitalicia a lot.

She took the glass bottle with a curious look on her face, "What is this little creature? It makes me feel so cold and gloomy, it's a wonderful gift, thank you Honey." Vitalicia thanked Snape before she stood up and then kissed him on his cheek leaving behind a clear black lip stick mark.

A couple seconds after Vitalicia kissed Snape he was finally able to regain his mental functions and answered her, "It's called a Dementor, a creature that eats happiness and sucking people's souls out if their bodies, that's why you feel cold and gloomy around it. My employer, the man with the one arm, had made away to bottle them up like this, they are normally the same size as us." Snape explained as Vitalicia looked more closely at the Dementor.

"What an amazing creature." Vitalicia said with a breath taking smile that made Snape's heart become warm.