Ch 59 : I Know What to Do Part 1/2

A couple day's pasted as Logan's house floated above the Addams garden, under it's notice-me-not charm's so that normal people wouldn't pay attention to it.

In those day's Logan had barely interacted with the Addams, of his own design's of course, after all he didn't want to get anymore effected by the Addams madness then he already was but Wednesday seemed to have taken a liking to him and so would follow him around any chance she got, asking him question about thing's he had done in his past or about thing's in the Black house. Logan wanted to get rid of her but couldn't bear the look she would get on her face when he would tell her to go away and do something else, it was like kicking a puppy, an evil puppy that would happily piss on your grave but a puppy non the less.

47, the house Elf's and the Shadow Elf's were all busy completing there task's like normal but now that 47 could Jump he was finding it a lot more easy to complete his own job's and also taking on higher risk job's that he would normally need the assistants of a Shadow Elf to complete.

Where as for Snape, instead of trying to improve upon his potions like he normally was he was spending every day with Vitalicia, and every day he would do something to try and impress her, the first day it was the Dementor in a Bottle, the second day he brought Vitalicia to Azkaban to watch as a rapist was killed by a Dementor from it sucking his soul out, where it would be trapped for as long as that Dementor lived but during that time the soul would be in constant suffering inside the Dementor's 'stomach'.

The third day Snape took her to the Thestral paddock and they rode on their bony back's into the sky's of the expanded space, as they flew Snape would point out creature's that they would go past and explain what they were to her, while also making sure not to lose his grip on the reins while he had his arms around her, but she seemed more interested in the Thestral that they were riding on and how they can only be seen if you have witnessed death.

On the fourth day they travelled the world with Snape's new ability to Jump and they visited all the war zones, battle fields and places that were going through a very wrought time, weather that be because of natural disasters or water and food shortages, they went to them all, at Vitalicia's request.


The firth and current day of Snape trying to wow Vitalicia, and he was beginning to run out of idea's, he had currently been planning their day's by having in mind one simple thing , 'What would Voldemort enjoy seeing or experiencing?'. Snape had his old master in mind because the Addams and Voldemort seemed to fit together like pea's in a pod.

"What did Voldemort love to do? Kill Dumbledore's followers? Can't do that, he's already dead and it would be to much to go back to that world, what else?" Snape mumbled to himself as he tried to come up with ideas.

"Torture and kill muggles? We can do that here, but I already did something similar with the Dementor and the rapist. Hmm~?" He rubbed his chin in deep thought as he paced back and forth in his room, his robes billowing behind him, when he suddenly stopped, "I've got it! It's not something Voldemort would have liked but let's hope Vitalicia does." Snape said aloud as he ran out of his room, only he knew exactly where he was going and why.


"What's this arm? It feels old and it stink's of death." Wednesday asked Logan as she was standing in front of a desk in Logan's workshop, on the desk was a severed grey, scaly arm that had claw like fingers, it was being held over a blood red flame that was slowly cooking it. Making it release black smoke that moved through the air until it went into a blank book that was slowly being filled with words and sometime's pictures and diagrams.

Walking over to her Logan looked at the progress the red flame was making on the arm, and how close the book as to being completed, still a long way to go, "This is one of the arm's I ripped off the creature that lock my arm." Logan explained and as he was about to turn and walk back to what he was working on before Wednesday asked another question, "What are you doing to it?" She said as she stared at the arm intensely.

Sighing silently Logan walked to his desk and patted his knee, seeing his action Wednesday instantly rushed to him and hopped up onto his knee, like he had done some many times before now when Wednesday's curiosity couldn't be contained and Logan had to sit and tel her the whole story about what she wanted to know otherwise she would use her puppy dog eye's on him, that she had quickly learnt worked against him if she was trying to get her way about something small, if it was something big Logan wouldn't budge even with Wednesday's magical eye's.

Logan and Wednesday now looked like father and daughter, and the father was just about to tell and story to his child, "The creature I beat and the locked up was called Jeepers Creepers." Logan started as he sat back into his massive chair, "Jeepers Creepers? Why is it called that?" Questioned Wednesday.

"Let me tell the whole thing first and then you can ask question's. Creepers is a dark creature that eat's people to replace part's of it's self that are old or broken, it's extremely old, and there's no way to really tell how old it is. It can only hunt every 23 years for 23 days of spring, after that it goes back into hibernation. And it pick the part's of you it want's to eat it play's with it fun first, making it scared and frighten so that it can smell your fear, from that it can tell if it want's your eye's or your lungs, you following so far?" Logan asked her, looking down at her small cold face, she just nodded her head and said, "Continue."

"Weather it has no control over this or just does it to make thing more interesting I don't know yet but every time it hunt's, one of the people it's hunting gets a psychic connection to the souls of it's recently eaten victims, and that's how they learn of the creature and of how they can only out last it to survive. You can also learn about it by touching one of it's separated body part's like that arm over there." Logan said pointing to the arm.

"Now, I'm not going to risk letting whatever's inside that arm into my head so I made a different way to learn about it, that's what it is doing now, that black smoke is information and it is being moved over to that book, the book will probably be cursed at the end of being filled if it isn't already cursed, but I will at least have a way to learn about it and maybe how to kill it for good." Logan grinned, showing off his sharp teeth and making Wednesday stare at them in interest.

"Now for your earlier question, it's called Jeepers Creepers because if you hear the song, 'Jeepers Creepers~ where'd ya get those peeper's? Where'd ya get those eye's?' Then that mean's it close, electric signals have been known to act strange around it, like phone's and radio's, and instead of normal music or the radio you would hear that, not sure how it make's that happen though. So question's?" Logan asked Wednesday after finishing speaking and he instantly regret asking if she had any question's because of course she did. Logan felt like he was going to be there for awhile.