Ch 60 : I Know What to Do Part 2/2

After Logan had to answer every single one of Wednesday's question's about Jeepers Creepers he quickly interrupted her before she could start asking more, "Hop off, I want to show you something." Logan told her, she stared at him for a second, probably contemplating weather or not she should break out the puppy dog eye's but ultimately she hopped down from Logan's knee and watched him as he got up and walked over to a shelf, filled with different items, for some reason unknown to her Logan grabbed a ripped and old looking wide brimmed hat that was drooping over.

Walking back over to Wednesday Logan handed her the old hat, "This is the Sorting Hat, a magical item from my old school, put it on." Logan instructed her, she paused for one second before placing the hat on top of her head, dropping over her eye's slightly before she pushed it back up so it sat on her head correctly, "What does it do?"

"I read minds and sort children in to school house's." The Sorting hat said to Wednesday, the only indication the she was surprised was the slight widening of her eyes, "Did the hat just talk?" She asked the smirking Logan.

"Yes, he did, he has read a lot of people's mind's so he knows a lot, you can ask him question's, now run along." Logan smiled to himself as he watched Wednesday run off out of his workshop, smiling for the hat's suddenly tragic future.


Snape was back in his potion's lab now after having collected all of the necessary ingredients for the potion he was trying to make, it was quick to make because it only lasted for a couple seconds after it was competed so it had to be drank straight away, but it also meant that it required a lot of precision and skill to make, something Snape didn't even have to think about now, it was all instinct and habit from a life time of making potions.

It was a potion of his own design, but it required some very hard to get ingredients but with Logan's farms it was easy to get the things needed for it, dragon hearts being one of the most difficult of them all to get, it was a good thing one of the elderly dragons was on it's death bed when Snape went down to the dragon farm.

"Alright it's nearly done." Snape said to himself as he stirred the cauldron, clockwise two more times, after that the potion instantly turned from a light purple to a pure red liquid.

Snape quickly pointed his wand at the cauldron and frost started appearing on the sides of it, once Snape saw that the potion wasn't bubbling anymore he dunked his head right into the cauldron with out any hesitation, taking great big mouthfuls of the finished potion, with his stomach now full he pulled his head out of the cauldron and fell to the floor, taking big gasp's of air at a time.

Right after finally getting his breath back Snape felt a great pain shoot through him coming from his stomach, he felt his heart beat erratically, like it was trying to beat it's way out of his chest, "Good, ur-, it's working!" Snape grunted out as he struggled with his clothes, ripping them off as best he could even while being in pain so that he chest was showing.

Instead of his normal pale white skin, the area on his chest where his heart was located was completely black, and a lump was slowly forming, with each beat of his heart it would get larger and larger until it finally burst open, spraying blood and parts of flesh all across Snape's potions lab. Once it finally burst open Snape gasped for breath again, like he was finally free of a crushing pressure that had been squishing him.

Looking down at his chest, Snape saw an open hole in it and instead of panicking he ... smiled, a real smile as well, not the small smirks that he would normally let slip when he was happy.

"It worked!" Snape cheered, before grabbing his wand that was on the ground next to him after he dropped it in all the pain he was feeling and he pointed it at the hole that was now in his chest where his heart used to be, and he used a small healing spell to fix the wounds he got from the lump bursting, but it didn't seal the hole, no that was now a permanent fixture on his chest, so you would be able to see right into him and see that he was heartless, poetic in a sense.

He then looked at the pile of clothes that he made in front of himself before the growth burst, inside the file something was moving, looking into it after pushing a sleeve out of the way with the end of his wand he saw something that he thought he would never see in his life, his still beating heart, separated from his body but still keeping him alive at the same time, "I didn't think it would work so well." Snape said quietly to himself as he picked up his heart with both of his hands and slowly got back to his feet, his knee's still shaking from the pain he felt when his heart burst out of his chest.

Snape then walked over to a cylindrical tank filled with the Elixir of life made from the Philosopher's stone and he dropped his heart in and sealed the top, the same kind of tank that was supporting Brian the brain so Snape was sure of it's toughness since Logan made it that way. Snape thought that this might be a good way for him to have achieved immortality but that strangely wasn't the reason he did this, the reason he did all this was just a short way's away waiting for him at their normal waiting spot, in a cemetery.


Vitalicia was sitting on the sofa in the cemetery waiting for Snape like she had done for the last couple day's, she had a dazed look on her face as she stared off into space when she suddenly looked to the side and half a second later Snape appeared from his Jump gate, looking completely worn out with his sweat and blood on his face, and all over his torn clothes.

Vitalicia couldn't help but mutter aloud to herself, "Beautiful~" After she said that she stood up to meet the rushing, out of breath potions master that was running towards her while trying to keep something hidden under what looked like torn pieces of one of his favourite black robes, she noticed in the back of her mind.

"Sorry for making you wait Vitalicia, haah~" Snape apologised as he tried to catch his breath.

"That's alright Honey~ What's under the clothe? You have me all excited with how terrible you look." Vitalicia asked with her hand's together in front of her to show her excitement.

Snape finally calmed down his breathing and then kneeled down in front of her, seeing that Vitalicia froze for a second before smiling at Snape as she waited for Snape to speak even though she already knew what he was going to ask her.

"Vitalicia, ever since I laid my eye's on you, you're all I could think about. You've made my life better just by being in it, and I don't think I can ever go to a time before that." Snape said before he unveiled the tank with his heart floating inside it, Vitalicia gasp like she had just saw something incredible and then smile softly as she looked at his heart like she was looking at a cute kitten.

"Vitalicia, I'm offering you my heart, will you take it and be my wife for now and forever?" Snape said as he held his heart up to her, literally willing to give her his heart for her hand in marriage.

Vitalicia leaned down and took the tank between her hands, looking at his heart intensely as it beat to a steady rhythm, she could feel the vibrations with each beat and she felt that it had a certain nervousness to it's beat. She hugged the heart to her chest and then looked up at the nervous Snape, "You're heart show's your everything now, when your excited, happy or nervous like now." Vitalicia smiled at him before she put her hand out towards him and he instantly took it, helping her up from the sofa.

"Of course I'll marry you." Vitalicia said as she leaned in and kissed Snape on his lip's instead of on his cheek like she had been doing at the end of every day they had spent together. It was the very moment they had both been waiting for since they met. And once their lips met Snape's heart could be seen beating 10 time's faster in it's tank.