Ch 62 : The Plot? What About It?

"Is that a titan?!!!" Logan shouted out as he made the house hover out of the giant dumb looking human's reach, and then he made it go even higher when he saw how the titan was now climbing the tree to try and get at them.

The others were also panicking to a certain extent, people like Snape, 47 and Nagini were either calm but surprised because of seeing giants back in their own world or just because they were made to be calm in any situation in 47's case. Vitalicia was the odd one out, she wasn't panicked at all, in fact she look excited and curious, as she looked out of the windows.

Logan made the house fly even higher when he remembered about colossal titan's, and he made sure that the magical cloaking and defences were on even if they would automatically turn on when there was an immediate threat, he had only been using the notice-me-not cloaking charm on the house for awhile when they were in the Addams Family world and so forgot to make sure the rest were on when he made them go through the veil, he blamed the Addams madness, Logan thought as he glared at Vitalicia and Snape who were now both looking out the window down at the titan that was walking around in circles like it was confused, it's arms crossed and walking like it was being sassy.

After the new couple had their fill of looking at the titan, Logan walked out of the living room, heading for Brian's room, everyone else that knew what he was doing followed after him, Snape grabbed his wife's hand and explained what they were doing as they walked to the world map room.

Standing in front of the world map Logan stroked Brian's tank and pushed his magic into the tank, soon red smoke came out of the map and formed into a titan with long hair, pointed ear's and it didn't have any lips or cheeks, so it just looked like it's skin went right to it's teeth. That smoke then formed into letters, spelling out, Attack on Titan.

Logan started talking before the rest inviable started asking questions, "This world is about people that live inside these cities that are surrounded by these enormous walls that protect them from the gigantic man-eating humanoids referred to as titans that you saw before, I'm not going to let anyone leave this house, that's including the Elf's and you 47, while we are here so you might as well go and do your own thing's." Logan said to them, making them stunned for a second at his seriousness before walking away, 47 was the first to go after he said that he would make sure the Elf's knew of his order and then Snape and Vitalicia left together, Logan and Nagini were the only one's left in the room, that was if you didn't count Brian the brain.

Stroking Logan's back as he was leaning over the world map, looking at a group of name's, Nagini frowned as she asked him, "Logan why are you so concerned about this world? Is it that dangerous?" She asked him confused as to what he might be thinking.

"To me it's not that dangerous, but this place is known for it's brutal death's and I don't want to risk things when the only real thing of value in this world is something that only I could really make use of if I can break in down and make it better, but only really then, the rest of this world is way behind the times that it's not even worth it to send out the Elf's." Logan explained to her, as he point at a couple of name's on the map and made Brian Jump the house to their location.

Standing up straight Logan looked Nagini in her eyes as he said, "Don't worry about it so much, we'll be in the next world before you know it, now I need to do a little job, while I'm gone why don't you watch the Attack on Titan series, I believe we picked it up from one of the worlds that was in a future setting." Logan said sending her away once she agreed but she only did because she didn't want to keep pushing this issue when she could tell that he wasn't going to move on it.

Once she had left the room Logan called out, "Bat." Barely half a second later the Shadow Elf popped into the room, kneeling in front of him, silent awaiting his next order from his master.

"I need your help with a small job that could potentially extremally dangerous, what do you say?" Logan asked the Elf.

"As if you even have to ask Master White." Bat said as he stood up and looked Logan in his face, but it was hard to tell with the white mask on his face.


"We're lost! Just admit it!" A teenager complained aloud as he and his small group walked through he woods at night with lantern's in their hand's, the only thing letting them see in the dark. The group was made up of four teenage boys and one girl that had a stone cold look on her face and it seemed like it wasn't just because of the cold night air.

"Look at the map, we just need to get here and we will be fine, right Reiner? Reiner? Where's Reiner?" The teen asked aloud after looking up from the map, pointing the lanterned out at the dark around them, finding no one, "Bertholdt's gone as well? Did we get separated somewhere?" The teen asked aloud, looking for the other two teen's that had suddenly gone missing.


"Good job Bat. This was as easily as it could have gone, you have my thanks for that." Logan thanked Bat after they had gotten back from the small task Logan wanted Bat's help with, the small task was to kidnap two of this world's main antagonist's, the armoured titan aka Reiner Braun, and the colossal titan aka Bertholdt Hoover, they both had the ability to form a titan body around their own when they get injured, titan shifter's.

What was special about the two titan's was that the armoured titan was 15m tall and covered in extremely hard bone like plating that formed all over it just like it's name suggests, like armour.

The colossal titan was 60m tall and it has been known to possess significant control over its body, able to release devastating bursts of steam to ward off enemies or even completely evaporate them in seconds but at the cost of it's energy.

Logan had grabbed the two of them because of these special abilities and he now had then in his workshop, on his operating table to try and find out how he can take that power for himself and then get rid of the drawbacks like the short life span of only a couple years after you gain the power, it shouldn't be that hard with his current skill set.

"Bat, before you go, ask Snape for a potion that make's someone extremely exhausted, for two people, thanks." Logan thanked the Shadow Elf before he popped away.

While he was getting a potion that would stop them from shifting while he was operating on them he started casting every single diagnosis spell that he had ever learnt to try and figure out what made them both different, around the twentieth spell he casted he finally found something in their spine's, in their spinal fluid.

Popping back into the workshop Bat passed Logan two glass vials filled with yellow liquid, after thanking Bat he popped away again and using a bit of wandless magic he force feed them both the potion that would make them so exhausted that they wouldn't be able to shift even if they were injured, meaning that he would be able to safely cut them open and get at their inside's as much as he liked so that he could figure out how to become a titan shifter himself.

"Let's have some fun shall we?" Logan asked the unconscious Reiner as he held a scalpel up to the over head light to make sure they were properly maintained, even with the charms placed on them that didn't mean that it was bad to have good habit's for when he wouldn't have his personal knife's.


Author Note:

The next chapter is up on my Pat reon for free. Up to chapter 130.