Ch 63 : Let's Go

"There~ we~ go! Got ya! Ya little bastard!" Logan shouted out with triumph as he held up the forceps' that had what looked like a piece of spine and muscle fibres still attached to it. Logan had managed to pinpoint what let them shift into titan's.

It was a small extra growth on the inside of one of their spine bones that made a special liquid that spread through out the rest of the body and stayed there until needed, it would ignite with electricity when they were injured and using that energy a titan body would form around them with the liquid as the blueprint for the form.

Logan had already figured out how to make the liquid take a different blueprint, so he was able to combine the armoured titan and the colossal titan forms quite easily, he was now just having issues with the shortened life span problem.

When Logan was feeling the growth with his finger he felt something strange from it, like it was trying to eat his magic from him but with Logan keeping a tight control on the flow of his magic it was unable to take any, "It's almost acting just like a curse I saw once before, where the victim is drained of all their magic and they rapidly age before dying ... just like how titan shifters eventually die." Logan said to himself as he thought back to what he remembered hearing about the titan shifters short life span, but he wasn't able to recall anything, it must not have been covered from what he saw of the series.

"For now I'll treat it like a curse that make's titan shifters die earlier." Logan said as he started casting curse detection spell on the growth and instantly he was getting result's making him smile, "This just became ten time's easier." His smile was predatory as he looked at the chunk of spine in front of him.


The two bodies were disposed of once Logan had finished with them, translation, the Elf's feed them to the dark creatures that ate human's like the Lethifold Logan had picked up when stocking up his farm's.

And the spinal growth was stripped of it's curse meaning he could safely transplant it into himself safely and gain the power of the titan's, drinking the same painkiller potion that he took when he performed brain surgery on himself Logan waited a second for the potion to take effect and then laid down on his table face down, using the two way mirror's all around his head and the one's pointed at his back he was able to see his bare back as if he was looking at another persons.

Using wandless magic to control the blades and lift them into the air, he then made a small incision along his spine, between his shoulder blades, and he then made the skin separate so that he could see his spine bones clearly, one straight cut along either side of one of the ridges he was able to make a bone cap that he then lifted into the air with magic that was then just made to hang there until he needed to put it back.

After removing the bone cap he was then able to see into his spinal column and just where he needed to put the new growth that would introduce the titan shifter fluid into the rest of his body.

Lifting the growth from it's potion bath that it was sitting it, keeping it alive and ready to be transplanted, he made it float down into the opening in his spine and with a wandless medical spell made to stop the transplants from rejecting their new home he was ready to put himself back together again.

It was easy from then to put the bone cap back and seal the bone back together, even easier to heal the cut he made to get to his spine, stretching out his back he popped off the table and put his shirt back on, "Let's give it some time before test but first I want to get off this world. I feel like my mother's going to be brought back to life and then eaten by a titan if I stay here any longer." Logan said to himself as he walked out of the workshop at the same time calling Dobby who then went around the house telling people that they were traveling once again and that they were to come back to the living room.


"We're leaving again so soon?" Nagini asked Logan as he was setting up the veil and the deathly hallows, he simply nodded his head at her as he sent the house through the veil as quickly as the house could go, making them shoot out the other side like a rocket.

They had arrived in a modern time if the sky scrapers were a good enough tell-tail sign, Logan put away the deathly hallows and the veil before turning towards the confused members of his group, "Come, we'll walk and talk." Logan said as he was walking towards Brian's room to find out where they were.

Now that they were following after him silently, he began to speak aloud, "That world was not one of my favourites, it's famous for death and being eaten by a titan, I don't want to risk things when I already got what I needed which I think all of you will find very interesting once I show you just what I got." Logan added with a grin, they then reached the world map room and walked in together to see the map already activated and producing red smoke, that once they stood next to the table started moving to form into different shapes.

It became a man with a gun, he was swinging the gun and once he reached the end of his swing he fired a bullet, the smoke then made everything larger so that the bullet was able to be seen, it was actually curving in the air around a hanging pig and then into the bulls eye of the target that was directly behind it, which sudden be impossible, 47 seemed to think so as well as he took a shocked step forward to see the red smoke more clearly.

Said smoke then formed into letters that said Wanted this made Logan look at 47, "It's your lucky day 47. You get to learn how to curve bullets." Logan told him with a smile.


"That was incredible." Snape exclaimed softly, as he and Nagini looked up at a giant skeleton that was releasing steam as it slowly broken down into nothing, they were looking up at the person that was standing on top the skeleton's skull.

It was Logan and he was stood watching the titan that he was just controlling break down, looking over at the still stunned Nagini and Snape, he Jumped and a second later he was right next to them.

"That was why you were so worried about that world? I don't blame you, I would be as well." Nagini told Logan as she moved over to him, subtly looking him over to see if he was hurt at all.

"I have one question." Snape asked Logan as he walked up to him and Nagini, his face completely serious, "Why didn't you have any genital's in that form?" With such a serious looking face Logan thought that he was going to get an equally serious question so when Snape did ask him and it turned out to be about why his titan form didn't have a d*ck he couldn't help but burst out laughing, that Nagini soon joined him in with her own little giggles.


Author Note:

The next chapter is up on my Pat reon for free. Up to chapter 140.