Ch 64 : Bullet Time?

47 was currently hunting down a slippery target that was running away after killing a random man in the street, but his target wasn't on the same street when he shoot the man, no, his target curved the bullet from the inside of a side street, killing the man instantly.

While people were screamed and running away from the dead body his target was calmly walking back down the side street he was in. 47 followed after him while making sure that his target didn't spot him.

They finally reached a construction site, his target instantly started running once he had passed by the metal fence, 47 knew he had been given away so he took chase after him, running in to the site without hesitation and he was about to go around a corner when his instincts alerted him to a danger, he didn't even think before he Jumped away from the threat, said threat turned out to be a curved bullet from his target who was waiting around the other side of the corner.

The man was clearly shocked when he saw how 47 Jumped out of the way, but he didn't stay shocked for long as he started shooting at 47 again, but 47 just started progressively jumping closer and closer towards him, dodging his bullets but at the same time he was also building up a lot of force that he unleashed on his target with his last Jump when he Jumped right into him, making his target get thrown through the air right into newly made concrete wall that cracked on impact.

Seeing that his target was knocked out 47 dusted off his suit and then walked over to the man's crumpled form, grabbing the man's arm 47 then Jumped away back to the house.


Walking into Logan's workshop with his target over his shoulder he first dropped him onto Logan's metal table before walking over to the front of Logan's desk and waited for him to finish his work, Logan was sitting at the desk and working on a time turner, he was currently looking more closely at the fairy wings that made the time turner work, the wings had a strange effect on the time around them, and he was only just beginning to understand how the time turner made the fairy wings effect time on the wearer.

Putting down the time turner Logan looked up at the patiently waiting 47, "That man must be from the Fraternity I take it?" Logan asked 47 as he stood up and walked over to his metal table.

"He was able to curve bullet's around corner's like you said and he had just assassinated someone so I assume he is a member of the Fraternity." 47 told Logan as he watched him work, casting spell's on the man and then walking around his workshop gathering item's.

Using the man like a worksurface, Logan dropped his gathered item's onto his chest, mixing together a number of different things into a large silver metal cup. Some of said things were a purple liquid that smelled like poison to 47, what looked like a dragons eyeball and a bunch of other strange things that 47 had no hope of identifying, "Will that concoction give me this, Bullet Time ability that the Fraternity have?" 47 asked Logan with some scepticism as he looked at the cup in Logan's hand.

"Huh?" Logan looked at 47 with confusion before looking down at the cup and realising what 47 was asking, "Oh! Oh, no. This is just my home made energy drink." Logan said before taking a sip, "Aaah~ Would you like some?" Logan offered to 47 after letting out a loud sigh of delight at the deliciousness of the drink in his hand that may or may not be able to kill lesser men with a whiff of it's smell.

47 just shuck his head, "No, thank you. What about the Bullet Time?" He asked again.

"Oh, that's a simple matter, your body is already made to deal with a higher level of stress and adrenaline, I just need to make a few changes to your heart so that it can beat safely at around 400 bpm, and then to your adrenaline so that it has more of a kick then it normally would." Logan told 47 before putting his hand on his chest, over where his heart was, and he then transfigured 47's heart a little bit.

47 couldn't even feel the change as it happened but once Logan lifted his hand away it was like a nail was being hammered into his head, everything around him slowed down as the adrenaline spiked through him, heightening his sense to their max.

He was quickly able to regain control of himself so that his head wasn't trying to kill him anymore, but he was still able to see the rest of the world in slow motion, the flames and creature in Logan's workshop slowed to a snails pace.

Even Logan in front of him was moving slowly as he drank the poison he called an energy drink, his throat moving up and down as he drank, normally this would barely take a second when he took a gulp, but now it was slowed to such a pace that it felt like it took 10 seconds with each gulp to 47.

The adrenaline spike left his system just as quickly as it came but 47 felt that he could call on it at any time, all it would need is a little push, looking back up at Logan he thanked him before walking out again, taking the man with him as he went.

Logan went back to his desk with his drink in hand, back to studying the time turner that he had taken apart, along with the fairy wings that he was now trying the next batch of diagnostic spell's on, before he could start casting Nagini slithered in making Logan look up at her, he instantly noticed that she didn't look happy, more concerned about something, "What's the matter?" He asked her with clear concern in his voice and eyes as he look at her.

She stopped in the middle of the room, as if she was hesitating, after a couple seconds she then seemed to have gathered her courage and she looked back up at Logan with a renewed determined look on her face, "Logan, I think I might be pregnant." She said staring directly into his eyes, watching them as they widened in surprise.

Calming down quickly Logan asked her, "Are you sure?" Logan said as he got up from his desk and walked over to her, so that he was just a step away from her with his hand hanging in the air like he didn't know what to do with it, Nagini couldn't help but smile slightly at the nervousness he was showing.

"I've been having some morning sickness and I haven't gotten my period since before the Addams Family world." Nagini explained to him, he nodded his head at her before he put his hand on her stomach, using a wandless spell to see if she was pregnant and if she was how far along she was, once the spell took effect a green glow seeped out from underneath his hand and from between his fingers, at the same time he also instantly knew how many weeks old the fetus was, it was currently at the 8 weeks old stage.

At 8 weeks the baby was only a little over half an inch in size, the eyelids and ears are still forming, and you can start to see the tip of the nose. The arms and legs are well formed, the fingers and toes were growing longer and more distinct. You could already see what it was going to become, what his and Nagini's child would become like. It was very unlikely that there would be anything normal about it, Logan wouldn't be surprised if it grew a tail in the coming weeks.

After thinking to himself for a second he took his hand away from her stomach and looked up at her, "You're pregnant, about 8 weeks along ... What do you want to do about it?" He asked her, wanting to know what her thoughts on having a child was, what she would think about having a child with him.

Hearing Logan's question she became angry at him, "I'm having it Logan, just because you don't want-!" She started in an angry tone before Logan cut her off, he had a confused look on his face when she raged at him with her hands over her stomach protectively.

"I never said I didn't want to have children, I just asked because you have never said if you did want children or not. I think you forget sometimes that we are actually very close in age, it's just my body that is young. I want to have this baby with you, that is if you do as well?" Logan asked her with a slightly hopeful look in his eyes.

This made Nagini freeze up and she looked lost, "Oh. Then, yes I do want to have this baby with you." Nagini smiled warmly, tears started welling up in the corner of her eyes, Logan returned the smile as he then wrapped his remaining arm around her, burying his face into her hair while she did the same and held onto him tightly letting her tears of happiness soak into his shoulder.


Author Note:

The next chapter is up on my Pat reon for free. Up to chapter 140.