Chapter 16: Containment

During breakfast.

Han Dong also claimed to be feeling unwell and returned to his room with his fried egg noodles... In reality, he had things to do.

First, he analyzed Herbert's death.

He pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, placed them next to his bowl of noodles, and began to record and analyze while eating.

"Everyone experienced the visitation from the evil spirits last night.

Among the four of us who survived, some left their mattresses, but no one left their rooms... Yet, Herbert's room window was wide open! Clearly, he chose to jump out of the window in panic, which made him a target for the evil spirits.


My guess should be correct.

At least for last night, the evil spirits might have been restricted from entering rooms... or maybe they followed the 'only one person can be killed' rule, thus deliberately choosing Herbert who jumped out of the window.

But I can't guarantee that such 'restrictions' will always apply.

Perhaps as the time limit shrinks, the restrictions on the evil spirits will lessen.

After all, if it continues harming people at this pace, there may only be two of us left alive at the end of this event."

Han Dong recorded any details he could think of, making educated guesses in his notebook, preparing to verify these speculations with the subsequent events.

Secondly, the main reason for him to return to his room was...

Right after the siblings struck gold last night, Han Dong received a system prompt:

"Sub-event [Decision] - Completed

The probability of obtaining a 'Fate card (novice level)' at the end of this event will increase by 10%.

In addition, your intimacy with the significant figure 'Possessed Chen Li' has greatly increased, and your relationship with the significant figure 'Daqing' has slightly improved."

A significant upgrade!

This was the 'harvest' Han Dong received after voluntarily interacting with Chen Li yesterday and offering his assistance.

During breakfast.

Han Dong secretly slipped Chen Li a note, asking her to pretend to be feeling unwell and come upstairs for a private conversation.

"In the face of life and death, a team of strangers formed on the spot isn't trustworthy... The only one I can trust completely is the event character."

About five minutes passed, and Chen Li also came upstairs with her bowl of noodles.

"Come in..."

Han Dong specifically sealed off the window with newspapers when he closed the door.

"Thank you."

For a moment, the "Possessed" Chen Li, who looked quite terrifying and was mistaken by the team members as 'possessed by an evil spirit', broke down and cried when she was alone with Han Dong.

Years of pent-up hatred was finally unleashed.

"It's okay now."

Han Dong moved forward to comfort Chen Li... trying to further enhance their 'intimacy' to the maximum level.

As for the murdered Wang Po couple, Han Dong felt nothing.

In Han Dong's eyes, all kinds of characters in the Fate Space, akin to a game scene, were game NPCs... not real people. The intimacy levels and the preset storyline further confirmed this.

Just as Han Dong finished comforting her, a system notification sounded again:

"Intimacy upgraded, your relationship with event character 'Possessed' Chen Li has been elevated to 'Close Friend.' (Note: Intimacy level can be further increased.)."

The sobbing Chen Li slowly stopped and turned to look at Han Dong in front of her, "Thank you... If you continue with the filming, I will cooperate."

"No need... Miss Chen Li, filming is a minor matter.

Inviting you to the room was because there's a very important matter. I need you and your brother's help."

"What is it?"

With a serious look on his face, Han Dong said, "It's a matter of life and death for me, and only you can help."

Had their relationship not reached 'Close Friend,' Han Dong wouldn't dare to tell her about his situation.

Upon finishing the explanation.

Chen Li, who initially came upstairs with her bowl of noodles, now pulled out a kitchen knife from nowhere... giving the impression she could use a 'kitchen knife' at any time.

Suddenly, a chill filled the air, even the room temperature dropped by two degrees.

At this moment, Han Dong started to doubt - "Is Chen Li... a human or a ghost?"

"...I will definitely help you!"

Just as Chen Li said these words.


A humming sound echoed around, followed by a deep voice in Han Dong's mind, completely different from the prompts in the Fate Space.

"Special life detected with intimate connection to the host, if the target is willing, 'Perfect Containment' can be performed."

"Special Life!? Indeed, Miss Chen Li is no ordinary person!"

Han Dong was shocked.

A great opportunity was in front of him. If he seized it, he could deepen his understanding of the Portable Prison and gain a powerful ally.

This was crucial for the physically weak Han Dong.

"Chen Li's character setting in the movie is just a country girl who fell into the abyss of revenge due to her mother's death... She had even prepared herself to be imprisoned and sentenced to death for her revenge.

She has accomplished her life goal and has little attachment to the world.

Now is the perfect opportunity to contain her."

Hesitation leads to defeat.

Portable Prison, activate!

The teleportation process was completed in an instant... but the states of the two were completely different.

Han Dong was in the prison corridor, but Chen Li appeared directly in the only cell!

What happened next stunned Han Dong.

The speckled tentacles lurking between the stone crevices, upon sensing the intrusion, began to grow wildly.

They wrapped around Chen Li's hands, feet... and one tentacle ignored the skull, penetrating into the back of Chen Li's brain.

"Analyzing the information related to the containment object..."

Because the tentacle invaded through the back of the brain, Chen Li was in a strange state, her eyeballs spinning around.

When Han Dong saw this, his expression wasn't good... In fact, he wanted Chen Li to willingly choose whether she wanted to accompany him to the new world, instead of being forcibly contained like this.

"According to the system's prompt, Chen Li should be willing... I hope this method of containment will not hurt her."

After about five minutes.

Information analysis completed - [Possessed Chen Li]

Containment method: Perfect Containment (High intimacy level, the item is willing to accept the containment ceremony)

Category: Evil Transformed Ones (Developed an actual 'malice aura' due to extreme negative emotions while alive, and living in an area with heavy Yin Qi for a long time, resulting in light evil transformation in the individual.)

Combat Rating: E+

Path of Advancement: Refining Evil


1. 'Evil Transformation' - A permanent upgrade to all basic attributes.

2. 'Kitchen Knife' - Original weapon.

"No wonder the system prefixed Chen Li with 'Possessed.' She really did fall into the evil path due to hatred!"

When the analysis ended, the tentacles that bound Chen Li were automatically unlocked and withdrew back into the wall.

At the same time, an inconspicuous dark mark appeared on Chen Li's neck... needing close and careful observation.

The mark was - 'Faceless face surrounded by eight curved tentacles regularly distributed around it.'"