Chapter 100 Manufacturing (9th update, seeking monthly ticket offerings)

[Single-Player Mode].

Han Dong, who arrived on time at Derry Town Basic Center, found that even the desks and chairs of Cass and his two companions were gone, and their names had vanished from the roster.

It was clear that all the parameters of the World of Fate could be modified at any time with utmost precision.

Han Dong planned to complete the medium-sized branch mission in the school by himself, finding a suitable "spy host" and slowly drawing out the hidden parasitic host.

The first history lesson.

The teacher in charge was Mr. Powell.

On the surface, he was a friendly middle-aged man. When talking about history, he would always bring up some past events in Derry Town, which made his classes interesting and widely loved by the students.

However, Han Dong was sleeping soundly, even openly snoring.

After class, Han Dong was taken away by Mr. Powell for a talk.