Chapter 228 Changing the Guardian

"Border Curse" - Advanced Investigation Case.

Total duration of five hours.

The squad entered the Granary District at two in the afternoon. Currently, dusk has just ended, and night is descending.

Although it's always night, the density of the fog increases during the twilight hours, and the activities of evil forces are more frequent.

Captain Kenny also left the Cursed Space promptly, posing as if he had been guarding the entrance to the Granary the entire time, and had not entered the interior at all.

In reality.

Kenny had been observing everything that happened inside the farmhouse in secret the whole time.

He was amazed at the way the squad handled the task.

"Not bad... Being able to return all alive, you guys are the best batch of newbies in recent years."

As for the various sounds of sword clashes coming from the town, Kenny didn't mention anything for the time being.