Chapter 404: Overturned

"Mist", the movie, within two hours, fully displayed the helplessness, fear, and despair of humanity.

However, it made little, if any, exposition on the origin of the mist and the monster, leaving it up to the audience's interpretation.

In Han Dong's view, the ending was unsatisfactory.

Such terrifying organisms eliminated entirely within a short time by the army alone? Han Dong didn't think so.

Remember, these soldiers were the first batch of humans to come into contact with the mist and the monsters.


[Mythical Phase]

"Indeed... Once the plot comes to a crucial node, the omen will reveal itself."

While the townspeople's attention was focused on the slowly approaching army, Han Dong sneakily made his way to an empty warehouse.

The Omen card and the metal dice were taken out simultaneously.

This time, the card was imprinted with three white octopus marks, making it significantly more challenging than the Cold Spider event.


"Values unequal, Omen reveals."