Chapter 669: The Mayor's Invitation

Other Derry Town.

The town's residents primarily come from Western horror culture - a fact that indirectly breeds a higher number of demon-like monsters.

Because of religious beliefs, many Western horror cultural products often deal with evil spirits and invariably involve demons.

As for Togu's previous whereabouts—the mysterious monastery outside the town—it must also be an area teeming with demons… Togu is just one of the many demons in the monastery.

En route to the monastery outside of town, Togu proposed:

"Master, I'm currently banished from Derry Town, and you're not an employee of the monastery. It will likely be difficult to get into this private property… Moreover, we may not be protected by the law once we enter another resident's territory.

Your relationship with the prosecutor seems quite good… Would you like to try getting into the monastery through her?"

Han Dong promptly refused: "Not for now.

Using your connections too often isn't a wise move.