Chapter 683: Work

Gazing at Togu, who emerged again from Hell with the status of a resident and was granted the authority to manage the monastery.

The clerk wore expression of dissatisfaction and ferocity on her face.

She was reasonably disgruntled that such failures, enslaved by outsiders, could regain resident status and continue to assume the roles of the Eighth Demon and the head of the monastery.

Meanwhile, Han Dong's Little Demon Eye was also locating the main body of the arm in preparation for a final battle with the clerk.

The scene shifted from "four against one" to "six against one", the tension was high, nearing another conflict.

Everything in the passage darkened, including the lava flowing in the passage which became dim and lightless.

Seeing this situation, the clerk immediately responded by retracting all the arms scattered in the passage back into her body, and respectfully lowered her head.

Despite being cornered by six burly men, she had no intent to fight.