Chapter 725 Unanimous Opinion

"That was fast!"

The group in the bar had expected the preparatory matters for the 'eve of the expedition' to take over a month to finalize, but they were settled so quickly.

The moment the words 'Big Expedition' were heard.

Abe, who was previously in a state of self-seclusion, immediately perked up and listened closely to what the Grand Knight Roland had to say.

Of course.

It wasn't just Han Dong and his group.

All activities in the Holy City came to a halt during Grand Knight Roland's speech.

The 'eve of the expedition' will last for a whole year.

Basic preparations include increasing the city's defense facilities, significantly increasing tax rates, mandatory labor policies for apprentice knights, and so on.

However, these aren't what Han Dong cares about, the accumulation of various resources can be left to the people above in the Holy City.

What Han Dong is most concerned about at the moment is how to be selected for the expeditionary army.