Chapter 805: Going up the Mountain

"Is your head not reacting?"

"Really, it isn't, Dumps, what are you up to?"

The following conversation involved privacy.

Dumps wrapped an arm around Han Dong and pulled him into a dim corner of the corridor on the outskirts of Demon King Castle.

"According to my speculation, your head should be connected to the 'Upper Old King' corresponding to the back of Perugia City."


"It's not entirely my own inference; it includes assistance on the information level provided by 'Mother'."

"Which one is it?"

"This 'Old King' is rather special, one cannot directly call its name nor refer to it using a code name.

Any living being that attempts to represent 'It' with characters might attract the Abyss.

However, information involving this being can surely be found within Perugia City... after all, this is the area covered by its 'medium-sized land deed'."

"You have your own motives too, don't you, Dumps?"

Dumps pushed his glasses up and said with a deep tone: