819 Chapter: Siege

At the same time Han Dong and his companions stepped into the Rat Nest,

the "counterfeit" produced by the Old King himself had already been delivered back to the Expeditionary Army by the Demon Flute Messenger.

Even the Eye of Expedition, which had gathered dozens of psychic knights, couldn't detect any clues.

The counterfeit arrived at the Demon King Hall and directly reported to the Great Demon Leader their reconnaissance results on Perugia City, elaborately describing the detailed situation of the 'Outer City'.

They aimed to focus the Siege Forces' attention on the 'Outer City' as much as possible.

Since 'Han Dong and the others' had safely returned and brought back information about the city, the first siege battle of the Expeditionary Army was officially underway.

The Great Demon Leader personally signed the Siege Book.

All members of the Siege Forces imprinted their blood on the Siege Book, thereby "signing up" for the war through such a method.