Because he had not seen any maintenance workers on the chains, Han Dong privately transmitted a message to inquire about the situation.
"Miss Chen, what exactly do those 'Locksmiths' at the very bottom do?"
"I'm not sure either... Perhaps a trip down there would reveal the answer.
I only know that undead who fail the city's entrance test or commit serious crimes are demoted to Locksmiths. They're sent directly below by the Dragon Boat, but what they do there is unknown."
The response startled Han Dong.
Locksmiths, a condemned class without even the right to live... It was incomprehensible that a high-ranking Dragon View Taoist Master would not know what these lowest-tier workers did.
Such a thing was indefensible in any societal system.
"Well, I hope we find the answer below."
After descending vertically for an entire hour, they finally saw the ground area.
"Is that... a military barracks?"
Centred around the landing point of the chains, it spanned outwards for a kilometer.