Making the Transport formation

With the design of the double core being ready Konrad finally took a ride home. Since he was still really sleepy from yesterday's work, he decided to leave the formation construction for tommorow and he would just check if his design works on a smaller scale after dropping off the stuff he needed for the main project.

He left the bus early, when it was passing through the neighboring village and while dragging the heavy case, departed in the direction of the haunted mansion! He concluded that this would be the best place for now because the ruin he used until now was too crowded and here he had a secret basement that he could easily hide with a few planks. It still wasn't perfect but ehh...

Soon enough everything he needed was hidden in one of the cabinets, and Konrad left home with much lighter steps.

'Oh yeah! Thank God I don't have to drag it anymore!' He mused.

As he was walking towards his house he suddenly came across Steevy.

"Heya Steevy!" He called out.

"Oh! Hi! You're Konrad right? How's it goin?" Stevy replied.

"Cool! I was just passing by and then i saw you so i decided to say hi." Konrad said. "Oh! Right here's your marker!" He added and took out the marker from his backpack, presenting it to Stan.

"Woah! Thanks! I knew it will return to me haha! It always does." The boy snorted. "You wouldn't believe how many times i lent it to someone, only for it to return to me later.

"Maybe it's a magical marker?!" Konrad joked, but Inside he was actually really considering that option. Magic was real after all.

"Ha! Good one! But who knows. Anyway thanks again Konrad. It was good to see you again. Sorry but I have to run. I have an appointment with a certain skateboarder girl and hope to give her a ride on my board if you know what I mean haha!" Stan laughed and winked to Konrad.

Konrad Snorted. "Sure, go on tiger. Good luck with Your ride." Konrad patted his shoulder and they went on their way.

Inside Konrad felt a little awkward and envious because he never had a girlfriend before.

He sighed and walked back home. The road was uneventful from that point onward and Konrad could finally lay in his bed and get some sleep.


He woke up early the next day and instantly started on procuring a light formation on a small wooden disk. Of course instead of the usual Mana absorbing core or the Mana from blood absorbing core he used the one he designed. After completing his formation half an hour later Konrad observed it's behavior. It started by slowly glowing the same as in his first formation. that was a good sign. Then he put a but of his Mana into the formation, something he became quiet good at recently, and the formation lit brighter just as it should. Then he took the blood that remained from making the formation and poured it on the core. The Formation quickly lit up and suddenly the orb of light appeared above the center just as it was supposed to do.

"Konrad! Breakfast's ready!" Suddenly the voice resounded.

Konrad got startled with the sudden shout and his hand that supported his body on the table slider from under him, making him hit his head on the table.



The breakfast was eaten quickly and Konrad returned to his room, the formation already turned off and hidden. He massaged his forehead for a bit and took out his journal.

He liked to have some written notes. Having his work on the Computer was all nice, but he liked to write down his insights and imagine his journal as some kind of magic Grimoire.

'The mixed core design appears to be working flawlessly...after comparing the efficiency with the original two cores, it seems like no energy loss can be observed.' He noted excitedly.

"It's time!"

//two hours later//

Konrad was standing in the secret basement under the haunted house. The old formation was there on the floor unchanged, but his aim was not the formation at all. No. He was looking at an empty part of the floor in the other corner of the room. That was the place where a new formation of his own design would be created!

There was a bunch of tools and different things around Konrad.

At first he placed a few light ball formations he had with himself because it was a cheap and good source of light he had at hand. The light balls soon lit up the entire basement and Konrad had to admit that he accidentally made an awesome thing because it not only looked great but also worked better than your average light bulbs.

Then He grabbed a a few planks and made a rectangle on the floor close to two meters in size, with walls standing straight around 10 cm aboveground. It looked a bit like a sandpit...but without sand.

Finally his eyes fell on the sole reason why it was so hard for him to return home yesterday. He was looking at a 25 kg bag of cement! It was heavy and he had to bring it all the way here without his mom asking him why he needs so much cement. He of course managed that by first arriving here yesterday and dumping the bag here before returning home.

Now I'm sure your curious about the reason just the same. Well. The answer is quiet simple.

Konrad figured out that instead of carving in a hard stone or wooden surface, he should just use a soft material that solidifies after some time. With the bag of cement Konrad can mix it with water and sand to make concrete or just use water so it would solidify after some time and while it solidifies Konrad can spend this time on carving the formation!

He was really thankful that he already had a bit of experience with making concrete. A few buckets of sand from the outside and a few buckets of water from a pond in the backyard and Konrad was on the way of creating a significant amount of concrete.

Then he poured it into the rectangle on the floor until it was around two cm thick, and used a spatula to flatten it as much as he could. When he was finally satisfied with the result, Konrad grinned and sat on a chair in the corner to take a breath.

"Feww...It was harder than I thought and it was just a little mixing and pouring." He sighed.

"No matter...Time to finish this!" He said with a renewed vigor after his energy returned to him.

He took a few objects he would use to carve in the concrete. He purposely made the concrete a bit denser so he could instantly begin carving but it was also the reason why it was so hard to mix it, even with a wireless drill he grabbed from the garage, to help him.

He used some sharp and blunt sticks and other things to slowly make the dents in the concrete. It took him e few hours to finally complete it but he was really satisfied with the effect. The entire formation was there and the only missing part was a sh*t tone of blood... Yeah... Konrad sighed. there was still a lot to do...

He also had to watch out for the formation because it was still soft. He would have to make sure it didn't deform in any way until it hardened completely. Good thing he chose the right type of cement for the work. The concrete should be hard enough tommorow to at least start filling it with blood. He wouldn't be able to stand on it yet but adding a little blood shouldn't deform it in any way.

He wondered if it was possible to get some blood from a different source than himself but he didn't see any possible way so it would be some time before it was finished using only his own. In the meantime he would have to see how the formations react to diluted blood and maybe focus more on his magic capacity and control...

//next day//

Konrad judged the concrete formation to be hard enough to start pouring blood in the recesses. Until now he only needed a few ml to make them as his formations were very small but now he was building a big formation and the required amount rised exponentially.

He suspected that he would need to give out over half of his entire blood if he wanted to complete the formation but as he didn't want to feel week and faint, he'd need to do it piece by piece over the next month. He also needs to see if the dried blood acts differently from the fresh blood. He knows that the old formation even with having inferior language and dried blood from many years ago still worked without any flaws but he wanted to know if the efficiency was any different from blood that was fresh. He'd check it later with his light balls.

Konrad looked at the first rune word on the edge that meant 'connect'. It was a part of a long instruction on the outer circle belonging to a set of secondary instructions covering different aspects of the transport rules. He remembered having a hard time understanding the reason behind those instructions and had to look up a lot of theoretical information about space and time on the internet. It was surprisingly fun looking for those information when you had a real life purpose in applying them onto something.

He poured some of his blood that he just collected and started filling the markings until they gave out the glow he was hoping to achieve. he didn't need to use as much blood as for the light ball but it was close. He also had to repeat that process with over a hundred similar runes and then a bunch of big geometrical shapes, pentagrams, heksagrams, circles etc.

"Ugh...this is going to be a long month..."


Next time a time skip!...i hope ;P

Anyway, rate, comment and enjoy!
