'Disappointment or a godsend' and Training Time.

As if he was guided by an invisible force, Konrad approached the rainbow coloured ball. His excitement reaching its peak.

"A legendary prize... It's a legendary prize!!!" He exclaimed shocked, his hand already wrapping around the small orb.

His eyes quickly settled on a surprisingly long line of words that appeared on the surface and his mind went blank.

[} User targeted Summoning (Another World Hero) {]

".. What?!"


He woke up from his dazed state after a long time of contemplation.

This was huge! Like...HUGE!!! If he understood it right, this prize was basically supposed to transport him into another world as a Hero!

It was basically a change of his entire life!

He couldn't get his head around how much it would change but...He couldn't go... Not now. Not in the near future, at the least.

He looked at the machine and sighed.

"You are giving me something so amazing and i cannot even use it without abandoning my family, friends and my research? There's so much I have to do! So many things I want to improve!" He said. "True, being a Hero in another world certainly would have a lot advantages, but there is to much unknowns for the me now! I know too much stories where the hero became a puppet or someone framed him. I don't know the strength of the enemy i would have to face nor if i would have to hurry or have a leisure time in that place. I...I need to get strong enough before I even consider this choice..." He concluded, and with reluctance, thrown the prize into his storage space.

"Huh...Thank God I already had my lesson of thinking before using today ahaha...ha..." He laughed awkwardly to himself.

Then he remembered what he was doing, before he opened the legendary prize, and with a grin opened the book to continue reading.


//Two Days Later//

Other than eating some stuff from his storage and sleeping for a few hours on a hastily made bed using some spare clothes, The only thing he did was reading his 'Apprentice Tome Of Swords And Shields'.

He wouldn't be even aware how much time passed and he probably wouldn't even eat anything nor sleep if it wasn't for his phone ringing every hour to wake him up from his trance.

But in the end he finished the entire book!

He was quiet surprised that it took him so much time with him being so into the reading but when he looked at the size of the book he thought that it was only natural.

There was so much knowledge, that now resided in the depths of his mind and he was eager to try what he learned in real life.

With a thought, The steel Broadsword appeared in his hand, and Konrad tried to achieve the proper stance. There was no actual universal stance for a person. Even if the book was adapted specifically for him, he still needed to design the proper stances and moves that worked properly for himself. Of course with the knowledge from the book, Konrad knew how to create the best possible stance and sword art for himself. The book Didn't teach him one after all.

It was an interesting approach to the problem but the more he thought about it, the more sense it made.

The sword was heavy and Konrad had problems with wielding it properly but he was expecting it.

He actually started exercising a few weeks ago, after he realized that stronger body means more blood and strength, but the improvements were minuscule.

But he wasn't discouraged and with sweat dripping down his face he swung the sword and moved his body looking for the best movements.

He had to accomplish a series of movements that streched his body in a way he didn't know possible, And in no time his body ached all over as if he just run a marathon..

But it wasn't in vain as thanks to his this exercises he was slowly discovering more and more about his body.

His Understanding, with the help of the knowledge in the book slowly rised and allowed him to shape a basic technic, that wouldn't leave him injured after swinging the sword a few times.

But As much as he wanted, he couldn't continue after an hour of such training because his body was too exhausted...

He lied on his impromptu bedding, breathing heavily, and sighed.

"Ugh...That was horrible!...But amazing nonetheless... I don't think I would have ever been able to make such fast improvements If it wasn't for that book..." He muttered into space.

He looked at his phone and saw that the battery was already exhausted, only having a few % remaining. Not surprising seeing as he spend over two days in this pocket space.

"Guess it's time to return home, right?.." He concluded.


"...I guess I'll take a quick nap..." He concluded and to be safe, he turned off his phone, if someone was to call him when he finally go out, And like this, He zoned off.



He woke up surprisingly refreshed, despite the uncomfortable sleeping arrangements and his intense training. There was still some lingering pain in his muscles, mainly in the arms and shoulders from wielding the sword in both hands, But it was as if that training made him visibly stronger.

Of course he wasn't about to believe that just a single session made him stronger than he was before but a person can dream...

He didn't know how long he slept but the earthquake sound that came from his stomach proved that it wasn't a short nap.

"Alright alright i hear ya boy" He said.

"...I really need to socialize more...I'm talking to my stomach now.." He snorted awkwardly and grabbed his last sandwich from the storage.

"And...the food is no more. One more reason to end this session for toda...for now." He muttered.

With the sandwich quickly disappearing in the infinite black hole of Konrad's throat, the aspiring mage departed in the direction of the magical formation.

At least that was his plan, but as he passed the Gacha Machine, He had the urge to try once again. There really seemed to be no side effects in his body and he felt as if his blood was full. The double healing factor pill must have really caused a full regeneration. 'there's no harm trying one more time, right?' He thought. His palm approaching the lever.

As soon as the blood, that was being sucked out of him, reached the 1 liter mark, Konrad pulled the lever and the familiar click and flush could be heard once again as the blood in the tank poured to an unknown location, and the sound of a rolling ball came from the machine.

He was already reaching for his prize, before it even appeared in the prize hole, but he stopped abruptly as he saw the prize because It was a Striped Gold.

"It's a Rare Skill..." Konrad whispered.


//Konrad's inventory list//

- Steel Broadsword

- 7x small light orb formation

- fire ball formation

- Smartphone

- few changes of clothes

- Jar of dirt

- two buckets of wet cement (for later)

- four empty buckets

- Orichalcum ore 10kg

- Orichalcum Ingot 5kg

- Konrad's favourite knife

- Konrad's personal Grimoire (Still empty)

- notepad for quick observations.

- •Apprentice Tome Of Swords And Shields•(Already completed)

- bunch of different trinkets he thought might come in handy someday...

- Prize orbs:

[} Steel Armour Set Piece (Gauntlets) {]

[} Medium Health Potion {]

[} User targeted Summoning (Another World Hero) {]

Golden skill orb (unchecked)