A Stele and a shark.

With The revelations of Tavy's useful abilities, The duo was ready to embark into the sea.

As soon as he confirmed that the slime solidified and there was no leaks, Konrad jumped into the boat and pushed themselves from the shore. He didn't have any oars though, so he relied on water magic. It was much faster anyway so they arrived in the right place in only five minutes.

Tavy was currently sitting in the middle of the boat on his Aura Of Ignorance formation, providing Mana to the formation to keep them away from prying eyes. Since Tavy is a slime, it cannot go underwater with him... actually, Konrad wasn't even sure what would happen but he didn't want to try even though he was curious. Tavy was also uncomfortable with the idea of swimming in the water even if it could change its shape, so Konrad let it stay in the boat and wait for him.

The compass was now pointing straight down. According to the Map, Konrad had to dive at least 10 meters underwater. It was a very good thing, because his diving equipment, though professional, wasn't a deep diving suit, and Konrad wasn't trained in the art.

It was quiet the surprise that the seabed was so shallow here seeing as it was a few hundred meters from the shore, but it was still quiet deep. Luckily the water was very clean so it would still be somewhat light, down on the bottom...

Konrad jumped into the scuba gear and with a little help of observe and internet, figured out how it worked. It was very similar to the contemporary diving equipment in technology yet didn't appear to have any specific manufacturer. It just...was.

Before long Konrad submerged himself in the salty water and swam in the direction indicated by the Compass Of Random Journey.

...There was a giant boulder lying on the bottom of the sea. Konrad at first thought, that it was his target but observe told him no such thing, proudly proclaiming that the thing in front of him was a "huge boulder"...

It was quiet big indeed, with around two meters in diameter. It was a good thing that observe told him the exact volume though because now he knew that he could just barely fit it into his inventory. Of course after emptying a good chunk of it...

After a quick trip back to the boat, Konrad stuffed all he could onto it beside Tavy, and went back down to get rid of the boulder.

After finally storing it, the vision became hazy from all the mud that formerly lied on the boulder so Konrad decided to drop the stone somewhere further and get back to the boat for a minute.

With a thud The huge boulder landed twenty meters away from his destination, and Konrad quickly returned to Tavy where he once again stored his things and gave his familiar a reassuring pat.

After five minutes of waiting, Konrad once again jumped down and guided by the Compass, arrived in the depression formerly occupied by the boulder. the Compass was still pointing into it, so Konrad used his water magic to try and flush it the sand. He felt awkward when he realized that he could have done that after removing the boulder but he shrugged and continued to controll the water.

The sand in the hole, after being pushed out, quicky swam away with the current of water created by Konrad. It looked quiet cool and Konrad was pretty satisfied with his achievement.

Before long, the loose sand gave place to another stone, but it instantly appeared different to the one before. It was made from marble...and somehow, he could feel a slight magic power coming from the stone!

'Magic in a place like this? What is this thing? I need to get it out!' Konrad thought and with renewed determination he continued clearing the sand.

At some point his Mana was almost empty so Konrad returned to the boat to rest for a while before returning to continue.

It took him an hour to finally get it free and Konrad looked at his discovery in wonder.

It was a marble Stele at least two meters in length. Its surface was covered in marine sediment and dirt but he could make out multiple unrecognizable markings and even a fragment of a relief plastered onto it. What was remarkable though, was the perfect state of the Stele. Even though covered in dirt the Stele appeared to be almsot undamaged. Konrad was sure that it was because of the magic power he felt from it.

Thankfully it was still much smaller in volume than the boulder, so Konrad could store it without worrying about lack of space.

As soon as he did so, there was a ding that somehow reverberated through the water and a light flash as the smaller needle in the compass disappeared, by merging with the bigger one.

'Huh, so mission accomplished?...cool. I wonder what is that thing...' Konrad thought.

After looking around for a second longer, Konrad decided to get back onto the boat but before he could do so, a dark shape suddenly appeared in front of him and tried to attack!

It Looked like a shark but, one, there's no dangerous sharks in greece, and two, this thing was black and...wrong...and almost three meters long!!!

His senses flared as soon as the thing appeared before him. His sword training took the reins and forced him to dodge using his agility and water magic.

The black shark passed him by an inch and tried to turn to bite him, but Konrad already had his sword in his hand. The heavy weapon wasn't very suitable for underwater fights but it was good enough to stab something that was just beside him.

With a push the weapon sunk into the body of the strange creature that let out an unshrike-like screech and jumped away from him taking its distance. A lot of black liquid poured out of the wound worsening the vision but it wasn't important. The creature was aproaching him once again!

'What the hell are you?!' He thought while thinking about a strategy of attack.

He wasn't in a good situation. it was clearly some kind of water creature...or a monster. But it wasn't possible right? where would a monster come from? People would certainly hear about something like that...

With another slash Konrad deflected the second attack and the creature took it's distance, most likely judging it's options. It was clearly alone so Konrad wasn't that worried. As long as he was careful, he could do it.

As soon as the creature moved away, he decided to use this chance and understand what he is facing.

'Observe' He thought, calling out the skill.

[• ©#@¢$*©®€@¥μ®€ •]

| Rank - Unknown

| description: It's a #### of ####. After the connection was broken #### weakened #### after finding###### stayed to deter #### ####.


His eyes went wide.

'What the hell?! Unknown?!' He didn't have time to ponder more about the shocking information because the 'shark' was again charging towards him.

His eyes narrowed. 'Enough of this. Ice spike!'

With his hand pointed forward a spike made from frozen water materialized and lunged in the direction of the shark, but to his surprise, even after it pierced the creature, it didn't stop accelerating.

'Not good!' He thought and quickly cast antihero spell.

Suddenly a wall of ice appeared in front of him, stopping the monster in his tracks, but it was almost shattered by the impact. What was worse, it seemed as If the creature wasn't affected by the impact. Just like with the spike. Unlike with the sword, the wound inflicted by the ice wasn't bleeding...

His thoughts gave him an idea but he needed to figure out what to do quickly. The creature already passed the ice wall and was approaching his location with it's mouth opened wide, hundreds of sharp black teeth ready to chew on him.

With a bit of concentration another spell was called upon. This one though made the dim sea bottom soak with bright light as a long spear of light appeared in his hand. It was a little pet project of his. Light magic that he could wield like a weapon. Until now he could only shape and shoot the light or make it follow him but the spell he used, gave the light creation a solid for that he could move around as long as he could provide Mana. It was very costly though so he didn't have much time.

Thankfully the creature was already very close. Upon seeing the light spear it actually tried to move away but it was already in his range and with a thrust the spear penetrated it's body.

The following shriek surpassed the previous ones as the creature started to break apart. in a glow of light. 'Seems like that attack was "Super Effective"...' He thought awkwardly, while breathing heavily into his rebreather. Adrenaline was still present in his blood, as he slowly resurfaced. The weird creature actually dissolved and disappeared after being killed and Konrad was unhappy because he couldn't examine it, but one thing was for certain. That wasn't a normal animal....

'It might have been guarding that stele...but then who ordered it to do so? That doesn't make sense...Or did it come here afterwards? but then where did it come from originally?! so much questions so little answers! I hope that this Stele answers at least some of them...' Konrad thought while swimming back towards the boat.


Current Status

[• Konrad Caster •]

| Race - Human

| Class - Magic Swordsman

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 15/65 MP

| Mana Regeneration - 6/min (2x5%/min)

| Blood Capacity - 6000/6500ml

| Blood Replenishment - 500ml/4daysx4 = 500ml/day


| Stats:

Strength - 15

Perception - 14

Agility - 17

Intelligence - 14


| Skills:

- Language Comprehension:

- [@π&¥@&€#∆££#&∆¶$

- Health Regeneration: x4

- Mana Regeneration: x2

- Lesser Mana Affinity

- Space Storage: 13 m^2

- Observe: Basic


| Soul Bonded Artifacts:

- Cooking Grimoire


| Familiars:

- Tavy [ Slime ]


| Description:

Konrad is a...






//Konrad's inventory list//

- Steel Broadsword

- Steel Gauntlets

- Mysterious Stele

- Compass Of Random Journey

- Map Of Revealment

- Lesser Health Potion

- Medium Health Potion

- 7x small light orb formations

- Invisibility formation

- sound muffling formation

- Gacha Space transport formation

- Teleportation formation (->Greece)

- fire ball formation

- Smartphone

- few changes of clothes

- Jar of dirt

- two buckets of wet cement (for later)

- four empty buckets

- Orichalcum ore 10kg

- Orichalcum Ingot 5kg

- Konrad's favourite knife

- Konrad's personal Grimoire:

- Fire magic ( Fireball, Fire Bolt, Fire Wall )

- Light magic (Light Ball, Light Lance, Flashbang, Invisibility)

- Wind magic (Wind Ball, Wind Blade, Air Wall, Vacuum Sphere, sound muffling)

- Mind magic (Aura of ignorance)

- notepad for quick observations.

- •Apprentice Tome Of Swords And Shields•(completed)

- bunch of different trinkets he thought might come in handy someday...

- Spelunking equipment

- Diving equipment

- Hiking equipment

- Climbing equipment

- Prize orbs:

[} User targeted Summoning (Another World Hero) {]

[} Common Gemstone Draw {]

[} Mithrill Ore 10kg {]

[} Lesser Health Potion {] x4

[} Pure Iron Dagger {]

[} Mithrill ingot 5kg {]

[} Adamantite Ore {]

[} Orichalcum Ore 10kg {] x2

[} Chosen Language Comprehension {]

[}Mana Capacity +1{] x2

[} Steel Gauntlets {]

[} Pure Iron Broadsword {]

[} Medium Health Potion {]