Serious talk in a forgotten Language.

Konrad was currently sitting in a dogeza position like a Japanese, while an angry slime, wiggled menacingly right in front of him. He was receiving a heated reprimand from his familiar about taking unnecessary risk.

"I'm sorry! I didn't expect to be attacked!"


"But I'm alright! Really. It wasn't strong enough to even scratch me!"


"Okay okay! When we return, I'll buy you a basket of apples alright?!"


"Okay two it is! Just please calm down..."



After being properly chastised by Tavy, Konrad propelled the boat back to the shore. Soon enough his feet touched the sandy beach and he sighed.

"Alright. We should probably name this boat, what do you think Tavy? After all you practically made it anew... What do you think about...Bluemoon! Blue for the color and moon cus it sound cool?" He said with a grin.

Tavy was quiet for a moment before replying in favour of the name. seems like Tavy liked it...

With that decision made, Konrad stored their new boat 'Bluemoon' into the inventory and took out the treasure that he recovered. They were still in a secluded part of the beach and Tavy's carrier formation was switched to give a stronger aura so there was no problem with someone looking towards them.

With a thump, the marble stele landed on the sand an surprisingly stuck itself straight, unmoving. Its surface was still covered in a mass of organic and inorganic dirt though, so Konrad asked Tavy for another cleanup.

"Just don't dissolve the marble if you can alright? If you can't remove some dirt without dissolving the marble then don't remove it." Konrad asked Tavy.

It turned out though, that he didn't have to worry, because Tavy could clearly clean the stele without damaging the marble even in the slightest.

Soon enough his familiar was done and Konrad stared at a clean and really beautiful piece of art. That stele was simple yet stunning. After Tavy's thorough cleaning, there didn't appear to be much accumulation of damage. He could see multiple markings that he assumed to be some kind of letters, and a mysterious relief at the bottom of the stele, displaying a snake curling around a triangle. Some bird motifs could be spotted on the edges of the stele while the overall style appeared to come from ancient Greece, just like the location he was in suggested...

But The strange part was the letters themselves, because...they didn't appear to tell him anything...

Of course he wouldn't be able to understand them but what was surprising was the fact that they didn't appear similar to anything he had ever seen...

and he saw a few alien alphabets in computer games...

With no further clue, Konrad called out observe.

[• Stele Of Tiresias •]

| Rank - A

| Magical Language: Language Of Birds

| Description: A stele holding the first prophecy of the Prophet Tiresias. It was written in The language Of Birds, because it was the language from which the prophecy originated. Through the multiple years of exposure to the weak ambient magic, the Stele accumulated Mana through the magic language engraved into it achieving greater durability to the outside sources. It was ####.


"...A...P-Prophecy?! It's a freaking prophecy?!" He exclaimed in shock.

He grabbed his head while sitting in the sand.

"A prophecy...I just had to go and mess with a prophecy...And in the middle of Greece as If it wasn't bad enough...." He started to mutter.

Greek mythology always loved to torment people who were a part of a prophecy. Konrad wasn't happy, exactly because of that reason. And since the Compass Of Random Journey led him to this Prophecy then he can be sure to be a part of it...

"Alright Konrad...stay positive...It's not that bad! You're not going to bang your mother or Travel the sea for ten years..." He shuddered trying to think about prophecies. Thankfully there was that part about Greek prophecies being too blunt for their own good.

Konrad quickly though about everything he knew about prophecies, listing the good and bad aspects. After the initial scare he got thanks to the Greek Mythology, He finally calmed down and looked at it rationally. The vagueness of the prophecy and how bad was the prophesied future, would be the deciding factors of wether he was going to panic or not. Damn he didn't even know the prophecy yet...

"Maybe i just read to much Fantasy..." He thought aloud.

Konrad set the problem of prophecies aside and once again looked at the Stele.

"Language Of Birds...No surprise i couldn't recognize it...It's another magical language...and also a mythical language from many religions... I don't expect to learn it any time soon...Unless..." He muttered and held out his hand in front of him. Suddenly a prize orb appeared inside of it and Konrad grinned when the words rearranged themselves to suit his needs.

[} Chosen Language Comprehension (Language Of Birds) {]

"*SIGH*...I guess No Pain No Gain... Tavy i'm going to be in pain for a while but don't worry about me I... Right, i think we should go to the lottery Space...don't wanna explain to mom why I was unreachable if i pass out..." He decided.

Tavy was now very worried about him and tried to dissuade Konrad from taking unnecessarily painful steps but Konrad explained everything to the slime and concluded that there was no better way...

Before long Konrad sat on the solid light that formed the gacha space with the prize orb in his hand.

"I have a feeling of Deja vu..." He muttered and then, put the orb towards his forehead where it became a streak of light that entered his head.

There was a lot of pain, before he once again lost consciousness...




Konrad consciousness was hazy when he woke up. he could feel someone calling out to him but it sounded so distant...


"...ugh...T-Tavy?" Konrad muttered while massaging his temples as he slowly sat up.

Suddenly a small blob of blue jelly smashed into his chest as if it tried to embrace him.

*Daddy! I was so worried! Please don't do such dangerous things again!...I can't lose you...*

Konrad smiled and caressed the little slime, trying to calm it down.

"I'm alright Tavy. I told you that it wasn't dangerous, just a bit painful. I had a lot of knowledge forcibly pushed into my head, that's not something pleasant but it was necessary..."

Tavy now wiggled a bit angrily.

*It wasn't "a bit painful" Daddy! You passed out from pain! Do you know how worried i was?! for three hours! I tried to wake you up for three hours, but you didn't move...I...I...was so scarred...* Tavy now sounded as if she was on the brink of tears. it was a slime though so it couldn't cry. But that didn't stop it from feeling the same emotions... Konrad hugged the little slime and tried to calm it down.

"I'm sorry Tavy...please forgive me. I was selfish and stupid. I didn't think how you would be feeling when I pass out and i knew that it would most likely happen.

I-...Wait... do I understand you so well?!" Konrad suddenly came to the realization. He could understand Tavy as if it spoke directly to him.

*What do you mean Daddy?* Asked Tavy a little calmed down now.

Now he was sure of it. Konrad could understand Tavy as if it spoke to him but it was as if the voice came straight into his head.

And Tavy sounded feminine...

"Umm Tavy...Sorry to ask you that now but...Umm... Do you know if you're a boy or a girl?" He asked, and a feeling of confusion came from his familiar. He thought that Tavy would reply in a negative but it surprised him by saying-

*Why Daddy I'm a girl of course! Don't joke around. Haha*

"What?...and how do you know that?"

*Because I chose to be! After you showed me this "A-Animu?" I began to think about what gender i was, and then i felt as if I could choose. I wanted to be a girl so I became a girl!* Proclaimed Tavy proudly.

That revelation shocked Konrad. So Tavy was a girl because she chose to? Just like that? He'd have to get used to that idea...but for now he had a more pressing matter.

"Then how can I understand you so much..." He asked his familiar.

*Umm, couldn't you always understand me?*

"Not as good as now, I couldn't." He replied.

*Weren't you like, trying to learn a new language? Maybe that's the reason?* Tavy gave her idea, and Konrad opened his eyes wide in realization.

"The Language Of Birds! You're right Tavy how could I forget!" 'Isn't it supposed to be some kind of divine language according to mythology? Or from another source i believe it was supposed to be the language that predated the other languages. What if it was the original language from Before the Tower of Babel, if it ever existed? If that's the case, wouldn't i be able to speak with more than just 'Birds'? I need to check it out!' He thought

*Daddy! stop; you're still weak from...*

She couldn't finish because the overexcited Konrad already jumped onto his feet only to fell back down because of a sudden headache.

*...Maybe you should rest for a bit longer?* Tavy was now giggling like a little girl and Konrad gave her a toothy grin through the pain.

"Yeah, maybe I should..."


Current Status

[• Konrad Caster •]

| Race - Human

| Class - Magic Swordsman

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 65/65 MP

| Mana Regeneration - 6/min (2x5%/min)

| Blood Capacity - 6000/6500ml

| Blood Replenishment - 500ml/4daysx4 = 500ml/day


| Stats:

Strength - 15

Perception - 14

Agility - 17

Intelligence - 14


| Skills:

- Language Comprehension:

- [@π&¥@&€#∆££#&∆¶$

- Language Of Birds

- Health Regeneration: x4

- Mana Regeneration: x2

- Lesser Mana Affinity

- Space Storage: 13 m^2

- Observe: Basic


| Soul Bonded Artifacts:

- Cooking Grimoire


| Familiars:

- Tavy [ Slime ]


| Description:

Konrad is a...






//Konrad's inventory list//

- Steel Broadsword

- Steel Gauntlets

- Compass Of Random Journey

- Map Of Revealment

- Lesser Health Potion

- Medium Health Potion

- 7x small light orb formations

- Invisibility formation

- sound muffling formation

- Gacha Space transport formation

- Teleportation formation (->Greece)

- fire ball formation

- Smartphone

- few changes of clothes

- Jar of dirt

- two buckets of wet cement (for later)

- four empty buckets

- Orichalcum ore 10kg

- Orichalcum Ingot 5kg

- Konrad's favourite knife

- Konrad's personal Grimoire:

- Fire magic ( Fireball, Fire Bolt, Fire Wall )

- Light magic (Light Ball, Light Lance, Flashbang, Invisibility)

- Wind magic (Wind Ball, Wind Blade, Air Wall, Vacuum Sphere, sound muffling)

- Mind magic (Aura of ignorance)

- notepad for quick observations.

- •Apprentice Tome Of Swords And Shields•(completed)

- bunch of different trinkets he thought might come in handy someday...

- Spelunking equipment

- Diving equipment

- Hiking equipment

- Climbing equipment

- Prize orbs:

[} User targeted Summoning (Another World Hero) {]

[} Common Gemstone Draw {]

[} Mithrill Ore 10kg {]

[} Lesser Health Potion {] x4

[} Pure Iron Dagger {]

[} Mithrill ingot 5kg {]

[} Adamantite Ore {]

[} Orichalcum Ore 10kg {] x2

[}Mana Capacity +1{] x2

[} Steel Gauntlets {]

[} Pure Iron Broadsword {]

[} Medium Health Potion {]