Summer End.

//Still on a trip but here you go anyway//

A few days passed since the Lottery craziness, that ended with Octavia's bloodline Awakening and Konrad receiving The Deterioration Block Skill. He could finally focus more on his usual research like improving his Mana capacity or training his swordsmanship!

There was also surprising revelation that came to him after he actually tried to calculate his late Mana improvements.

After getting his hands on the Mana Regeneration multiplying Orb the speed of his training basically doubled. Then, if he took into consideration his current capacity, if he actually worked on his Mana Capacity like he usually do, that is, whenever he could...then his capacity should increase by almost two points every day now! It should also double every one and a half month! That was an exciting prospect for him and Konrad was looking forward to see how he would be in a year, not even mentioning a few years from now on!

There was still about two months of the summer vacations left and Konrad wanted to spend as much of his time enjoying himself.

That his favourite pastime, usually has something to do with magic experiments, could be the reason why, most of the time, Konrad would be spending on continuous research and training. Reading through the second Tome Of Swords And Shields, took him only a day, and between his swordsmanship, Magic training, Magic research, and spending time with Octavia and other people, Konrad had his hands full of work.

He didn't realize when those two remaining months finally ended, but they did, which brought with itself a number of new improvements and a plethora of stat increases!

"Damn! It's already the end of August?!" He exclaimed one day, when he was casually looking through his phone.

*Of course Daddy. Why? You didn't realize?* Asked amused Octavia.

She didn't change after those two months, at least not on the outside. She could actually easily store her Slime inside of her nucleus and change her size, so growing up wasn't a problem. Her training on the other side gave visible results. Her shape- shifting ability improved by a few points but most of the time, Octavia actually spend on improving her ore Capacity and her mutated skill of Elemental Regeneration.

"I didn't actually. The time just went by so fast. I'm not sure If I even checked our progress. I think we should see how we improved. What do you say?" Asked Konrad.

He felt Octavia perk up slightly.

*Yes Daddy! I was meaning to ask you for a while now! Let's do that!* She said with anticipation.

"Alright dear. Let's see your progress now. Observe!" Konrad said and the usual window appeared in front of his eyes.

[• Octavia •]

| Race - Ancient Assimilation Slime Queen/Mutated

| Bloodline - Royal/Ancient Assimilation Slime

| Rarity - S

| Rank - A

| Class - Familiar

| Owner - Konrad Caster

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 625/625 MP

| Mana Regeneration - 25/min

| Assimilation

- Iron [17400/360g]

- Orichalcum [3000/1350g]

- Mithrill [2000/560g]

- Adamantite [1000/400g]


| Stats:

Body Control - 12

Intelligence - 11


| Abilities:

- Basic Transformation

- Corrosiveness Control

- Assimilation

- Alloy manipulation

- Royal Slime

- Elemental Regeneration {Mutation}


| Description: Octavia is a Slime familiar of Konrad Caster.

As a slime, It is a Creature born from the accumulation of Mana, often categorized as a monster species. It's usually considered the weakest of the magical species, but the presence of two powerful bloodlines and her birth through strong blood and magic, gives Octavia a very high potential and improved intelligence from a young age.

While performing her blood awakening, Octavia came in contact with a heavily regenerative concoction, leading to a positive mutation, that further increased her strength.

Slimes are considered the cleaners of the environment. Thanks to their controllably corrosive bodies, they can digest most existing substances and are often attracted by garbage due to its varied, biological composition.

Octavia is currently very excited to hear her progress.


Konrad smiled warmly, seeing how hard Octavia worked for the last two months. He remembered that at the beginning she was discouraged with her Mana Capacity almost not improving, but It was most likely because her bloodline was now awakened, which might have been the reason for her sudden improvement upon said Awakening.

But then, the more metal she tried to assimilate, the more Mana she had, even if only by a little bit.

they also made another discovery!

Octavia could actually Assimilate metals other than of the magical kind! They found it out when she tried to digest a bucket of old nails that he was asked to throw away. Octavia became curious about something so she requested to have this buckets for experiment purposes.

She was so adorable when asking, that Konrad just couldn't refuse her. Not that he had a reason to.

Octavia tried Infusing one iron nail with Mana. It wasn't an easy thing to do, because the Mana seeped out of the metal very quickly but she finally figure a way to do so, and upon doing so she instantly tried to Assimilate the metal like the magical ones before. It costed a minuscule amount of Mana in comparison but required a lot of concentration out of her. Upon finally Assimilating the iron, Observe displayed not only her capacity but also the entire iron she digezted and stored away in her life. In the end, She decided to use that bucket as a sort of a training bucket. Just like her Daddy Trained his Mana control by controlling the flow of it inside and outside of his body, she would do the same using the bucket of nails!

This training had actually more than one purpose. With a better control of her Mana, Octavia could easier control the metal inside of her body. It was a weird connection, but it was there nonetheless. As of yet she wasn't able to create magic inscriptions using the metal inside of her, but it was her and Konrad's ambition to one day achieve enough precision to be able to create magical objects like the Amulet Of Phobos!

Konrad with a smile reported her recent progress and praised her before finally deciding look at his own progress. It was the moment of truth! His achievements of two entire months of hard work!


[• Konrad Caster •]

| Race - Human

| Class - Magic Swordsman

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 175/175 MP

| Mana Regeneration ~17/min (2x5%/min)

| Blood Capacity - 6500/6500ml

| Blood Replenishment - 500ml/4daysx4 = 500ml/day


| Stats:

Strength - 19

Perception - 20

Agility - 23

Intelligence - 17


| Skills:

- Language Comprehension:

- [@π&¥@&€#∆££#&∆¶$

- Language Of Birds

- Health Regeneration: x4

- Mana Regeneration: x2

- Lesser Mana Affinity

- Space Storage: 14 m^2

- Observe: Basic

- Status Deterioration Block


| Soul Bonded Artifacts:

- Cooking Grimoire


| Familiars:

- Octavia [ Slime ]


| Description:

Konrad is a...






It was a shocking improvement, considering that he neglected looking at his own status for what should be around 60 days. Octavia would often ask him to check hers, so that she could make some conclusions, but when it came to him, he was mainly focused on repetitive casual training and some magic research that neither required him to check his own status very often.

Konrad was very surprised with how much his statistics increased in those two months but he was also very eased with himself. With him suddenly reaching 175 points of Mana, it was a very significant improvement that he was honestly quiet proud of. As for the previously mentioned stats...It was probably the effect of status Deterioration Block! Since there was no way for his stats to fall, then they could only go up! No wonder he felt so strong lately. With his usual physical training and the new training schedule from the Advanced Tome Of Swords And Shields He actually WAS much stronger than before! He could probably go one to one with some of those powerlifters. Maybe not with the best but he could certainly lift around 190 kg which wasn't a small number. But since some of those guys could bench press more than that, then he still had some way to go...

The difference between Konrad and all those Bodybuilders and powerlifters was rather simple though. He was still quiet lean even though his muscles were very nicely pronounced. He had more of a swimmer body but it carried quiet a punch. His muscles were hard and compressed and this made him look good! Not overly muscular and not too skinny. just... Right as it should be...

All in all that was all that changed through this two months, was what Konrad wanted to think, but there was also one other discovery that Konrad should have realized long ago but with all that happened to him he honestly forgot.

The Language Of Birds!

He completely forgot about researching this new language, and was reminded in the most peculiar way, when a bird landed on a fence as he was walking through the street. The fact that Konrad could clearly understand the bird, as it talked/thought about looking for food and protecting the hatchlings, was a weird discovery, but the fact that he apparently became Doctor Dolittle was a completely different matter...

He could speak with animals!!!

When he first spoke to Octavia he half believed it to be the effect of their bond mixed with the Language of birds, but now he knew that he could speak with any animal in pretty much the same manner!

The speech of the animal would be apparently translated inside of his mind into the language he he understood and the same happened in reverse. It was a magical language alright...

Konrad tried to figure out what to do with his weird predicament when he suddenly had the idea to just relax and watch anime. Only halfway through the video, Konrad realized that he didn't look at the subtitles even once...

" is like Allspeak?" He muttered in a sudden understanding.

It turned out that Language Of Birds was 'The One Language to rule them all' or something. Figuring out how to turn the ability off, or direct it only at a single entity became his main priority...for two hours...He needed only this much to figure out how to avoid being awoken by shouts about hunting and worms from outside the window...

'Phew...Good. It might be cool to talk with animals, but there's only one non human entity that i wish to have conversations with' He thought while looking at his beloved Familiar.

All in all it was a completely unexpected ability that had its pros and cons. That he could talk with foreigners as if he spoke in his first language was pretty much an awesome boon but to speak with ALL animals... Sorry but it's a no thank you for him...That it wasn't really that good when used in magic was another sad discovery. But Konrad had his other magical language so it was alright...

And that's how the last two months of vacation passed for Konrad. Of course he still needed to figure out how to earn money, so he could be free to do what he wanted, but he already had an idea in mind. Now he just needed to somehow procure the last ingredient... But where would he find a piece of gold?...

//AN - I made some changes in the inventory, though it's still long as heck XD Some people advices me to put The status and inventory into an auxiliary chapter but i feel like this way it's easier to see how our hero improves with time and from my own experience...i never check auxiliary chapters XD As it's also easier for me to write it this way, so sorry but I won't be moving it anywhere. Just bear with a few lines to skip if you don't want to skim through it. I do know that there is some readers that do pay attention to the changes in the inventory and they are even better at it than me as i sometimes miss some stuff that should be put there, so thanks a lot <3

I hope you still like the story. I want to do more time skips soon but it's not easy with Konrad improving at such a rapid pace. Now I have to figure out an entire school year before he can go on his own and i think it's time to nerf him MUAhaha*COUGH*COUGH* Or maybe not...

Anyway! Hope you liked the chapter! Stay tuned for the next update! Enjoy!


Current Status

[• Konrad Caster •]

| Race - Human

| Class - Magic Swordsman

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 175/175 MP

| Mana Regeneration ~17/min (2x5%/min)

| Blood Capacity - 6500/6500ml

| Blood Replenishment - 500ml/4daysx4 = 500ml/day


| Stats:

Strength - 19

Perception - 20

Agility - 23

Intelligence - 17


| Skills:

- Language Comprehension:

- [@π&¥@&€#∆££#&∆¶$

- Language Of Birds

- Health Regeneration: x4

- Mana Regeneration: x2

- Lesser Mana Affinity

- Space Storage: 14 m^2

- Observe: Basic

- Status Deterioration Block


| Soul Bonded Artifacts:

- Cooking Grimoire


| Familiars:

- Octavia [ Slime ]


| Description:

Konrad is a...






//Konrad's inventory list//

- Steel Broadsword

- Steel Gauntlets

- Steel Armour Chest Piece

- Compass Of Random Journey

- Map Of Revealment

- Medium Health Potion

- Teleportation formation (->Greece)

- Teleportation formation (->Gacha Space)

- Bunch of different experimental magic formations

- Smartphone

- few changes of clothes

- Jar of dirt

- two buckets of wet cement (for later)

- four empty buckets

- Pure Orichalcum = 21kg

- Orichalcum Ingot = 5kg

- Pure Mithrill = 6kg

- Mithrill ingot = 5kg

- Pure Adamantite = 7kg

- Konrad's favourite knife

- Konrad's personal Grimoire:

- Fire magic ( Fireball, Fire Wall, Fire Javelin, Fire wave, Heat adjustment )

- Light magic (Light Ball, Light Lance, Flashbang, Invisibility)

- Wind magic (Wind Ball, Wind Blade, Air Wall, Vacuum Sphere, sound muffling)

- Mind magic (Aura of ignorance)

-Water magic ({needs water} - Water Jet, Water blade, Water ball, Water Wall)

-Ice magic ({needs water} - Ice Spike, Freezing Pulse, Ice wall, )

- notepad for quick observations.

- •Apprentice Tome Of Swords And Shields•(completed)

- •Advanced Tome Of Swords And Shields•(completed)

- bunch of different trinkets he thought might come in handy someday...

- Spelunking equipment

- Diving equipment

- Hiking equipment

- Climbing equipment

- Prize orbs:

[} User targeted Summoning (Another World Hero) {]

[} Common Gemstone Draw {] x2

[} Lesser Mana Potion {]

[} Lesser Health Potion {] x5

[} Pure Iron Dagger {]

[}Mana Capacity +1{] x3

[} Steel Gauntlets {]

[} Pure Iron Broadsword {]

[} Medium Health Potion {] x2