Three months Flew by very quickly...

Before long, the first of September finally arrived, once again pushing Konrad into the annoying clutches of public transport...not!

With his brilliant mind and awesome resourcefulness*COUGH*, our Great Hero*COUGH COUGH*, created a transport formation between the two towns, successfully removing the need of payment and wasted time!

It was an especially good thing, because he wanted to spend this time on exploring the city. With his observe and heightened senses, he might easily find something interesting or even track some criminals that he could rob without feeling guilty. He smiled while thinking about playing vigilante. Konrad could easily play a superhero now but he wasn't stupid. A stray bullet could easily end his life, so if he ever thought about doing that, then some kind of magical shield was the bare minimum he had to figure out.

For now though, sneaking around with an Aura Of Concealment and invisibility was his limit. He obviously couldn't go around showing his abilities.

But In the end this was all just 'what ifs'. He didn't expect anything like that to happen in the foreseeable future. Criminals weren't so easy to find as it was shown in all this superhero stories, and the city where his school was located, wasn't really much big to begin with...

"Huh...well, I guess being a superhero could be a cool hobby someday...but now I have too much to research! This thinking about superheroes gave some new ideas!.." He muttered with a twinkle in his eye.


//Three months later//

Three months! It took him three whole months to finally figure it out, but he finally did it!

Flight magic! An amalgamation of the Air magic and Gravity magic that he had to first figure out from scratch, but here he was! Three hundred meters above the ground with seemingly nothing keeping him in place!

The view was spectacular and the feeling was amazing. The freedom, The wind in his hair! this was what always longed for! That's why he always wanted to learn magic! So he could get this freedom!

He wanted to soar through the world with nothing holding him back.

Here in the sky he could taste a bit of that dream.

In the begining, he wasn't sure how his Mana capacity would fair against the flight magic, and he wasn't much wrong. With the almost 200 Mana he had when he began, he might have kept himself flying for a few minutes at was already Three months later!

He once again glanced into the distance with a never changing grin and said to himself...

"I guess I should check my Mana now...Even though it shouldn't happen as my regeneration is crazy, i don't want to suddenly fall from the sky. I'm using several different spells at the same time after all...Observe!"

[• Konrad Caster •]

| Race - Human

| Class - Magic Swordsman

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 415/630 MP

| Mana Regeneration ~63/min (2x5%/min)

| Blood Capacity - 6500/6500ml

| Blood Replenishment - 500ml/4daysx4 = 500ml/day


| Stats:

Strength - 23

Perception - 22

Agility - 25

Intelligence - 20


| Skills:

- Language Comprehension:

- [@π&¥@&€#∆££#&∆¶$

- Language Of Birds

- Health Regeneration: x4

- Mana Regeneration: x2

- Lesser Mana Affinity

- Space Storage: 14 m^2

- Observe: Basic

- Status Deterioration Block


| Soul Bonded Artifacts:

- Cooking Grimoire


| Familiars:

- Octavia [ Slime ]


| Description:

Konrad is a...






"Heh...I still have time..." He muttered.

His Mana was still over two thirds full so he had nothing to worry for the time being...But the Flight magic was costly as hell...

After three months of hard work, Konrad capacity almost quadrupled, and his Mana regeneration was already over one point of Mana every second. He almost caught up to Octavia, but the girl was working hard just like him, so she was already even stronger than before.

But between all this great improvements there was also a problem that Konrad found out... His Mana was slowly starting to regenerate faster than he could use it up!!! Some might say that it was a great thing, but for Konrad it created a problem when trying to improve his capacity. After all it worked the best only when he depleted his Mana to zero... There was another problem too. While expelling his Mana out, Konrad basically shoot blasts of energy all around himself... With the increase In his Mana Pool, the formerly unnoticeable blasts started to affect his surroundings. He didn't know what could happen when continuous blasts of Mana hit the things and people around him, but he would have to limit his training to a secluded place soon.

All this problems caused his Mana Pool to be lower than expected after three months but... guess he shouldn't complain. He had over 600 Mana anyway!

All in all this was a milestone for Konrad. Gaining the ability to fly and over 500 Mana Capacity, could certainly be called a huge improvement and he felt fulfilled inside.

With w whoosh, Konrad dived towards his house. He could see the entire Lake and the Sea that spanned far into the horizon sandwiching his little village. All the trees were already naked and the air was chilly but he didn't feel cold. A bit of fire magic to change his temperature could be easily achieved, not even mentioning his strong and resistant body.

The winter was just beside the corner, or more precisely just a few hundred meters above ground and to the west. There was a rain falling down in the neighbouring town, but when Konrad flew by the place he was greeted instead with the falling snow that only few hundred meters above ground melted into rain.

He was zeroing on his house and he was just about to land on the steps to enter when he spotted a courier's truck trying to park in front of the house.

"Huh? Oh! I think that's my package! Finally!" He exclaimed, and with excitement landed on the driveway before removing the Aura of Concealment.

just then his phone vibrated indicating an incoming call. It was the same courier that was already parked right in front of him.

%Hello, I'm waiting with a package at your address...% said the voice that came from his phone. Konrad grinned at that and replied.

"Why Yes. I'm right here!" He said, before waving to the driver right from beside him, startling him immensely.

"Woah!! Oh God, you startled me haha! I didn't see you approaching." He said while breathing heavily.

Konrad tried not to laugh while replying.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Can I have my package?" He said lying that he didn't mean to scare him, while suppressing a laugh.

"Wha-Oh yes of course! Here it is!" He handed Konrad a very small package and continued saying. "That will be 300€.//AN couldn't decide what currency to use so I just went with Euro so everyone could somehow understand// Honestly I know I shouldn't ask but... What did you buy for it to be so small yet still cost so much? Gold?" The courier asked.

Konrad grinned and replied amusedly while handing him the money.

" Why. I guess you are spot on mister! Haha! ...Gold it is..."


"Here Octavia. Try to Assimilate it" Said Konrad upon placing two small ingots of metal right in front of her.

*...Where did you get that, Daddy?* She looked At Konrad with a curious expression.

Konrad grinned amusedly and said...

"I bought them. What? Did you think that only because gold and silver are precious, and used in jewelery, you can't just buy an ingot?"

*Ye-N-No! I mean..ummm...Why are they so tiny?* She said while pointing with her tentacle at the minuscule gold bar.

Konrad snorted lightly and replied to her change of topic.

"Well...even though you can buy a gold ingot, Do you think, im wealthy enough to do so? 5 Grams was a limit for me with my minuscule budget...After all we are doing it to improve said budget right?"He said with a sheepish grin.

Octavia laughed at her Daddy's shamelessness and turned to the two ingots.

*And why did you bought the silver?* She asked pointing at the four time larger, but still tiny, silver ingot.

"Well, i assumed that even though it's much cheaper, we could try to one day figure out how to make blessed silver out of it. and since the last blessed silver you absorbed, mixed with Mithrill successfully making more of it, you can probably guess where I'm going with it..."Konrad explained his idea.

*Oh i see... so it's in case we ever need it.* Tavy nodded in understanding.

Konrad smiled.

"Alright, now let's infuse our Mana into it and then you can Assimilate it."

*I know Daddy! I do it all the time! I'm not a little child* She replied and Konrad could practically imagine her pouting even though she didn't have any lips...


*Phew..I'm done Daddy!* Konrad could hear her voice around an hour later as he was tinkering with some random formation sketch on his bed.

"Great! Come here and I'll see your status!" He replied and The little slime wiggled onto his lap. His hand involuntarily moved and began caressing her soft gelatinous body.

"Alright, Here it comes...Observe!"

[• Octavia •]

| Race - Ancient Assimilation Slime Queen/Mutated

| Bloodline - Royal/Ancient Assimilation Slime

| Rarity - S

| Rank - A

| Class - Familiar

| Owner - Konrad Caster

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 320/730 MP

| Mana Regeneration - 36/min

| Assimilation

- Iron [17400/1160g]

- Copper [560/220g]

- Aluminium [400/160g]

- Gold [5/5g]

- Silver [20/20g]

- Orichalcum [4000/1950g]

- Mithrill [3000/1360g]

- Adamantite [2000/1200g]


| Stats:

Body Control - 17

Intelligence - 12


| Abilities:

- Basic Transformation

- Corrosiveness Control

- Assimilation

- Alloy manipulation

- Royal Slime

- Elemental Regeneration {Mutation}


| Description: Octavia is a Slime familiar of Konrad Caster.

As a slime, It is a Creature born from the accumulation of Mana, often categorized as a monster species. It's usually considered the weakest of the magical species, but the presence of two powerful bloodlines and her birth through strong blood and magic, gives Octavia a very high potential and improved intelligence from a young age.

While performing her blood awakening, Octavia came in contact with a heavily regenerative concoction, leading to a positive mutation, that further increased her strength.

Slimes are considered the cleaners of the environment. Thanks to their controllably corrosive bodies, they can digest most existing substances and are often attracted by garbage due to its varied, biological composition.


Konrad smiled brightly at Octavia.

"Well, you did it perfectly Tavy. You should be able to start multiplying those two metals now. Would you like something delicious to eat as a reward?" He said warmly.

*Maybe late Daddy. You know that it will be used in the process so what sense is there in wasting your delicious food?*

"Well I don't think my food transforming into gold is a waste at all. If i was to receive a gold bar for every dish i make for you, You would always have delicious food to eat...wait...I am going to receive a gold bar every time!" Konrad exclaimed in a fake shock that caused Octavia to burst out laughing.

Konrad joined her in her laughter shortly after but only upon sneaking in another comment.

"Damn, People would have to be realy rich to eat in my restaurant, if i ever made one. Haha!"

They duo exchanged jokes for the rest of the day. Whenever one of them had an idea about a food or a gold joke, they would tell it to the other one.

His mother very confused though hearing all the laughing coming out of Konrad's room...'Is Konrad playing with his friends again? Maybe i should check on him...' She thought before looking towards Konrad's Room. But just as her eyes landed on the door she suddenly stopped and turned back towards the kitchen.

'Ehh I'll check that later. I still need to finish making dinner. Huh..maybe Konrad would help me if I call him...Konrad? I...wasn't i supposed to check on him or something? Huh...must have slipped my mind...' was what she thought before calling Konrad to help with the dinner.

The reason for her weird behaviour was a variation of The Aura Of Ignorance he designed. Instead of completely Ignoring the existence of the target, the affected person would still acknowledge the existence but would ignore it as insignificant and something to think about later. In reality, it was much more complicated since It also caused his mom to call him instead of entering herself, and reminded her about something else to do but it was a mess of mind magic that Konrad made specifically for his door, so it wasn't really important to explain in details.

In the end it was a good exercise to teach Mind affecting magic, but he obviously tested it on other people before placing it in his own house. He would never forgive himself if his magic hurt his family. That's why he hoped to move into his own place and the gold he bought was an investment into his future...

Suddenly another thought came through his mind. Maybe he should go open the Gacha in the nearby future? Nah. He already gathered 50 litres. 50 More and the second promotion would be in place. Damn! 121 openings! That would be insane!

Konrad couldn't wait for That Day to finally come. He might become so strong in a single swoop!


Current Status

[• Konrad Caster •]

| Race - Human

| Class - Magic Swordsman

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 630/630 MP

| Mana Regeneration ~63/min (2x5%/min)

| Blood Capacity - 6500/6500ml

| Blood Replenishment - 500ml/4daysx4 = 500ml/day


| Stats:

Strength - 23

Perception - 22

Agility - 25

Intelligence - 20


| Skills:

- Language Comprehension:

- [@π&¥@&€#∆££#&∆¶$

- Language Of Birds

- Health Regeneration: x4

- Mana Regeneration: x2

- Lesser Mana Affinity

- Space Storage: 14 m^2

- Observe: Basic

- Status Deterioration Block


| Soul Bonded Artifacts:

- Cooking Grimoire


| Familiars:

- Octavia [ Slime ]


| Description:

Konrad is a...






//Konrad's inventory list//

- Steel Broadsword

- Steel Gauntlets

- Steel Armour Chest Piece

- Compass Of Random Journey

- Map Of Revealment

- Medium Health Potion

- Teleportation Formation (->Greece)

- Teleportation Formation (->Gacha Space)

- Teleportation Formation (-> School)

- Bunch of different experimental magic formations

- Smartphone

- few changes of clothes

- Jar of dirt

- two buckets of wet cement (for later)

- four empty buckets

- Pure Orichalcum = 21kg

- Orichalcum Ingot = 5kg

- Pure Mithrill = 6kg

- Mithrill ingot = 5kg

- Pure Adamantite = 7kg

- Konrad's favourite knife

- Konrad's personal Grimoire:

- Fire magic ( Fireball, Fire Wall, Fire Javelin, Fire wave, Heat adjustment, etc. )

- Light magic (Light Ball, Light Lance, Flashbang, Invisibility, etc.)

- Wind magic (Wind Ball, Wind Blade, Air Wall, Vacuum Sphere, sound muffling, etc.)

- Mind magic (Aura of ignorance, etc.)

-Water magic ({needs water} - Water Jet, Water blade, Water ball, Water Wall, etc.)

-Combination magic (Flight, Ice Magic,)

- notepad for quick observations.

- •Apprentice Tome Of Swords And Shields•(completed)

- •Advanced Tome Of Swords And Shields•(completed)

- bunch of different trinkets he thought might come in handy someday...

- Spelunking equipment

- Diving equipment

- Hiking equipment

- Climbing equipment

- Prize orbs:

[} User targeted Summoning (Another World Hero) {]

[} Common Gemstone Draw {] x2

[} Lesser Mana Potion {]

[} Lesser Health Potion {] x5

[} Pure Iron Dagger {]

[}Mana Capacity +1{] x3

[} Steel Gauntlets {]

[} Pure Iron Broadsword {]

[} Medium Health Potion {] x2