The Worth of Spilled Blood.


*list of rewards*


- Lesser Mana Potion +5 - x16

- Lesser Health Potion - x15

- Mana capacity +1 - x12

- orichalcum ore 10kg - x6

- mithrill ore 10kg - x5

- Common Gemstone Draw - x5

- Steel Helmet - x2

- Steel Armour - x2

- Steel Gauntlets - x1

- Steel Boots - x1

- Steel Shield - x1

- Basic Weapon Manual (User adapted) - x1

- Spell Book - Magic fundamentals (Fire) - x1

- Fey Language Dictionary (Medium Magic Language) - x1

- Cooking Book (Russian recipes collection) - x1

- Cooking Book (Atlantidion recipes collection) - x1

15-Common Skill:

- Space Storage +1 - x7

- Ambidexterity - x2

- Lesser Fire Resistance - x1

- Lesser Frost Resistance - x2

- Dragon Skin Technique (First Stage) - x1

- Lesser Health Regeneration X2 - x1

- Mana Sprint - x1


- Medium Health Potion - x5

- Medium Mana Potion +50 - x3

- Mana Capacity +10 - x3

- Rare Gemstone Draw - x2

- Random Lesser Strengthening - x2

- Chosen Language Comprehension - x1

- Mithrill Ingot 5kg - x2

- Orichalcum Ingot 5kg - x1

- Adamantite Ore 10kg - x1

- Enchanted Orichalcum Broadsword (Fire Aspect) - x1

- Ring Of Arcana (0/200) - x1

7-Rare Skill:

- Space Storage +5 - x2

- Observe - x1

- Mana Regeneration X2 - x1

- Poison Immunity - 1

- Medium Chaos Resistance - x1

- Basic Shapeshifting - x1


- Great Health Potion - x1

- Random Strengthening +10 - x1

- Bracelet of Hecate (0/2000) - x1

- Broken Sword - x1

- Master Weapon Manual (User adapted) - x1

2-Legendary Skill:

- Shock Immunity - x1

- Blink Affinity - x1


*Woah! So many! How are we going to take care of it Daddy?" Asked Octavia looking at the list that Konrad Made.

"Well, let's see... I was thinking to first take care of those more regular rewards. All the Health and Mana Potions would go into the inventory. The same with Mana Capacity Orbs as they are not really useful for me anymore and I'd love to keep them for experiments. Now Space Storage. I was actually thinking that you should try using one of those to see what would happen. and depending on the outcome I might give you more or use them myself.

All the ore goes to you of course. Improving your capacity is equal with improving your ability to produce more of the Metals so that's an obvious choice.

Common equipment and the Gemstone Draws would be placed in the inventory as there is nothing really special about them.

The Basic Weapon Manual also goes there as i already used one of those on myself and you don't really use weapons.

And now it's starting to get interesting.

An actual Spell Book! we'll be having some research with that soon enough so I'll leave it at the pile of things to open later.

The Fey Language Dictionary is interesting but I guess we'll get to it later as well, the same with the cooking books. What the hell is Atlantidion?!..."

*Oh! and what about the skills daddy!?* Asked excitedly Octavia.

"Haha! Be patient Tavy. I'm not going entirely in order here.

Now, let's see...ah right! Ambidexterity Skill! i guess there's no reason not to use it now right?" He said before touching the correct orb to his forehead. It was a simple skill so it only caused him a little discomfort. He instantly felt as if it became easier to controll his right side. Yes...he used to be left handed, but now he was sure that whichever hand he used, he would be as proficient in it as if it was his dominant hand.

"Cool..Alright then let's continue!" He said before turning back to the parchment.

"I guess that i will be using all the resistance affinity and immunity skills. You are a slime merged with Adamantite so there's little chance for you to be affected by those things but I'm just a feeble human Haha! Also the techniques...This Dragon Skin Technique is a must of course and Mana Sprint as well. All the Random Strengthening I will use with the other orbs later, and the Language Comprehension will be kept for later use if at any point it is needed.The Magic Sword and the Ring need further examination, I'm really curious what they are capable of.

Then we have another Health and Mana Regeneration Skill And i wonder if they can actually be cumulative as i already had each of those before. I'd have to obviously try that later so for now let's continue...

Another Observe...Well i don't think it would actually improve my current ability since I already have the skill. Since it's a Rare skill then maybe there's a legendary equivalent that's more powerful or something..I'll leave that in my inventory as well.

Oh yeah and here's the skill I was talking about before Octavia!" He said turning towards his familiar.

*...Basic Shapeshifting...huh? Do you think that it would work on me Daddy?* She asked with a hint of excitement and worry in her voice.

"Why, of course Octavia! Even if it doesn't, I'm here for you and i will protect you if anything goes wrong, so there's no need for you to worry. now let's continue, The experiments would be done later." Said Konrad.

Octavia agreed do Konrad smiled and continued reading from the list.

"This Bracelet of this is something I'm super curious about seeing how much capacity it actually has but let's not get sidetracked.

The next one is...Ah that thing..."

*What is it Daddy?* Asked Octavia curiously, seeing Konrad's mixed expression.

"'s just...this is a legendary prize yet the name states simply that it's a Broken Sword... I just don't know what to think about it" He responded with a thoughtful face.

*Maybe it's not a simple sword Daddy* She proposed unconvincingly.

"Maybe...Anyway! we'll see to it later. For now let's finish with the list." He said and they continued their previous activity.

"A Master weapon Manual! Now that is something I was really hoping to find and I'm glad that it is here. I will be able to finally complete my Technique and the only thing that would remain for me to train is experience! I already can't wait to use it!

It's a shame that the Legendary Skills are just passive abilities, but being immune to electricity is still very useful. I'm more curious about the Blink affinity though because I'm pretty sure it's not about blinking your eyes. If it's what I think it is, then there would be a whole new training awaiting me in the nearby future! I can't wait!" He exclaimed happily.

"Now... i guess it's time we proceed with our experiments! Right Octavia?" He asked excitedly to which his familiar wiggled happily and responded in affirmative.

*Let's do this Daddy!*


They stored what had to be stored and began with the Space Storage experiment.

At first they didn't know how to let Octavia use a skill orb but it finally worked when she engulfed it and touched the orb to her nucleus with the intent of using it. The Nucleus absorbed the light that came from the orb and she shuddered but it wasn't painful to her.

Further examination confirmed that her original Space inside of her Nucleus became bigger instead of giving her a Separate Storage Space, leading them to the conclusion that the Skill adjusted to suit Octavia. It was a very good thing and it eased Konrad's mind when he thought about the Shapeshifting skill she was yet to try using.

Konrad gave Octavia the remaining Space storage +1 orbs and all the Magical Metal they won in the Gacha while he personally absorbed the two +5 Ones to increase his inventory, before taking out the Shapeshifting Skill Orb. He waited a while for Octavia to finish with the metal and gave her the Orb.

"Don't worry Tavy, I'm here for you and nothing is going to happen." He calmed her and she snuggled to his side thankfully before grabbing the orb and repeating the action of absorbing the skill.

*Ahh!..* She let out a small cry. Konrad instantly became alarmed.

"Octavia! Are you alright?!" He asked worriedly.

*Y-yes! It just hurts a bit, b-but I'll be alright!* She responded quickly, but Konrad knew that it must have been really painful for her and she just didn't want him to worry. He caressed her softly while using his prototype healing formation to try lessen the pain.

After a minute or two, She finally relaxed in his arms and Konrad sighed in relief.

"You alright Tavy?" He asked her while continuing his patting administration.

"Mhm! Yes Daddy! I feel...funny but good!" She said with excitement.

"Haha alright then, i will use observe on you and we will see if anything new appeared on your status. Let's see..." He said before calling out the skill.

[• Octavia •]

| Race - Ancient Assimilation Slime Queen/Mutated

| Bloodline - Royal/Ancient Assimilation Slime

| Rarity - S

| Rank - S

| Class - Familiar

| Owner - Konrad Caster

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 1320/1330 MP

| Mana Regeneration -132/min

| Assimilation

- Iron [35000/35000g] ±

- Copper [13000/13000g] ±

- Aluminium [6420/6420g]

- Gold [1320/1320g]

- Silver [2730/2730g]

- Orichalcum [80000/34000g] ±

- Mithrill [60000/20000g] ±

- Adamantite [23000/13000g] ±


| Stats:

Body Control - 129 (29 + 100)

Intelligence - 16


| Abilities:

- True Transformation {Mutation}

- Corrosiveness Control

- Assimilation

- Alloy manipulation

- Royal Slime

- Elemental Regeneration {Mutation}

- Metal Forming


| Description: Octavia is a Slime familiar of Konrad Caster.

As a slime, It is a Creature born from the accumulation of Mana, often categorized as a monster species. It's usually considered the weakest of the magical species, but the presence of two powerful bloodlines and her birth through strong blood and magic, gives Octavia a very high potential and improved intelligence from a young age.

While performing her blood awakening, Octavia came in contact with a heavily regenerative concoction, leading to a positive mutation, that further increased her strength. Upon absorbing a special object, a further mutation caused Octavia to awaken the highest form of her Transformation ability.

Slimes are considered the cleaners of the environment. Thanks to their controllably corrosive bodies, they can digest most existing substances and are often attracted by garbage due to its varied, biological composition.

Through trial and training, Octavia reached the Strength of an S rank. The Assimilation of a considerable amount of powerful materials and her greatly improved movement ability allows Octavia to resist practically all the physical attacks while also having a great magical resistance. Using the materials as a weapon gives her also a strong fighting force.


"Woah! Your body control rised by a hundred points! This is crazy Octavia!" You should have no problem with your Shapeshifting now! I wonder how well can you shape the metal you assimilated now." Konrad said, excitement clear in his voice.

Octavia was really shocked with that information but her shock quickly changed into excitement no lesser than Konrad's.

She instantly wanted to change into her cat form, but something weird suddenly happened. Her Body started to rapidly transform into different irregular shapes and sizes while her colour began to change like colors in a kaleidoscope. Konrad instantly became alert, so he shouted to stop her but as soon as she realized that something was wrong she already stopped by herself, returning back to her slime form.

"W-What was that?! Octavia! Are you alright?" He said to her quickly while hugging her jelly-like body.

*...Dizzyzzzzz...uhh...huh? Daddy? Wha-What happened? I was just turning into my cat form like always and then...* She mumbled confusedly.

"You suddenly started to change rapidly and i was terrified that something wrong was happening to you. How do you feel?" He asked her.

*I...I feel alright. Just a little dizzy, but I didn't feel any pain. I just tried to change like I always do...* She said and Konrad suddenly had an idea.

"Like always? Maybe that's the problem here. Maybe it became so easy for you to change that when you put so much effort as you always do, you suddenly start to rapidly change just like you did a while ago. Seems like you now need to train control over your...control, Hahaha!" He laughed and Octavia giggled at her Daddy's silliness.

"Alright, haha! I guess we can leave your training for later. We should focus on the other consumables that i will be using... I'm both looking forward to it and fear the most likely pain, ugh..." He shuddered at the thought of another skill that would knock him out, out of pain...

*I'm here for you Daddy so if anything happens to you, I will make sure you are alright, just leave me a few healing potions in case something goes wrong alright?* She asked sweetly but he could feel a tinge of worry in her voice. She still remembered the last time when he passed out it seems...


The next hour consisted of Konrad absorbing the rewards, starting from the least likely to cause him pain, like the Lesser Fire and Frost Resistance and the Health and Mana Regeneration Skills. At first he worried for the two resistance abilities to clash with each other, but surprisingly, they didn't. Instead the two felt as if they complemented each other somehow. and he was pretty sure that the skills became even stronger. The Regeneration Skills also mixed with the ones he already absorbed in the past, actually doubling the effect! Now His Health Regeneration actually reached eight times it's original value, and his Mana Regeneration reached four! He was becoming more OP day after day! It's just a bit annoying that training his Mana capacity is going to be even harder than before from now on...

He thought about how quickly his body would now regenerate and wondered if it was possible for him to have a healing factor akin to Wolverine's...A man could dream...

He was curious what was this Chaos that the resistance skill refered to, but being resistant to it was certainly something he wouldn't pass down. The absorption was significantly more unpleasant, probably because it was a medium level Resistance but it wasn't as bad as it could have been and Konrad felt a weird kind of calmness spreading inside of him, as if a fear that he didn't even realize he felt, suddenly became much less pronounced.

Next were the immunities...

Konrad dreaded the skills, expecting to pass out from pain, but thankfully, it wasn't the case. The poison Immunity spread inside of his body and he felt his body burn from the inside, but it wasn't as unpleasant as he expected. It was weirdly familiar. He thought for a while where he felt that feeling before until he suddenly realized that a bit of black ooze started to seep out of his skin. He remembered then that the same happened when he drank the Healing Potion! At that time there was much more of the black ooze though and Konrad understood why the skill was not as painful as he expected. There wasn't much poison in his body left and the skill only finished the work of the Potion. His body felt even lighter than before though and he could bet that his alcohol resistance was now even better than Captain America's...not that he was going to try. He didn't like alcohol anyway...

The Shock Immunity also surprised Konrad by only giving him a bit of headache and the feeling of static that spread all over his body, before turning back to normal.

The next were the two Random Lesser Strengthening Orbs.

The prize was only supposed to give him a single stat point each, so he wasn't that worried about using it.

The problem appeared when talking about the higher tiered Strengthening. The last time he used one, he passed out from. pain and he still had two skills to absorb.

That's why he first turned towards them, leaving the Random Strengthening +10 for later.

Konrad started with the Mana Sprint.

The Skill was pretty self-explanatory. Upon absorbing the orb and enduring pain in his lower body for a minute, Konrad quickly understood how the skill worked. If he channelled Mana into his legs while running or just simply walking, the activity would become much easier. His legs would become stronger, faster, depending on how much Mana he provided continuously and the energy needed for him to move would be outsourced from said Mana instead of exhausting his body. It was a simple yet completely broken skill for someone with Mana regeneration at his level!

The amount of things Konrad wanted to test only increased but he was still not done for today.

He grabbed the Skill Orb of Dragon Skin Technique and once again absorbed it.

A surprising fact about this particular orb...It was absorbed similarly to the Language Comprehension Orbs by transforming into light that entered his forehead. Of course the mind splitting pain was also there, but not as horrible as when he learned an entire language. That led him to understand that the Skill Orb this time needed to only give him the knowledge and the rest depended on Konrad.

There was a slight problem though...Even though he had the knowledge...he couldn't use it yet! It wasn't just a simple skill! It was some kind of magic technique based on intent magic and self enchantment, and he would need to train for it to actually work. It was yet another thing to occupy his time...Awesome!

Konrad sighed after giving the skill a quick overlook in his head.

Only the Random Strengthening remained and Konrad wasn't looking up to the pain from suddenly increasing his stats by ten...

"Alright Octavia! This is the last Orb for today but it's the most likely to knock me out from pain... " He shuddered."Please be strong for me, alright?" Said Konrad and Octavia Agreed reluctantly.

"Ok! Here goes nothing!" Said Konrad.

The Orb found his way into his mouth and before long the expected pain also attacked him...but it wasn't as bad as in the past! Only now did Konrad realize that the pain he felt through the day was much less pronounced than it used to be. He didn't know if it was because of his regeneration or from his improved stats but he gladly accepted that he wouldn't need to pass out from it yet again.

He sighed in relief when it was finally over and hugged Octavia to calm her down. He didn't know how a gelatinous creature could become stiff from worry but he made sure to properly pat her so that she went back to her usual cheerful self.

"It's finally over!" Konrad said in content, glad that there was no more consumable orbs to use for today.

*We still have to appraise the items we won Daddy.* Mentioned Octavia already in a calmer state.

"Oh yeah... Well... i guess there's no point in dragging it out, right? Let's go!" Said Konrad.

*Yay!* Replied Octavia excitedly.

// AN //

Sooo....yeah. That was a long chapter Haha! but I saw no other way than doing it like this as i didn't want to cut it in half. Hope you liked what I did and see ya in the next chapter!




Current Status

[• Konrad Caster •]

| Race - Human

| Class - Magic Swordsman

| Status - Healthy

| Mana ~ 2030/2030MP

| Mana Regeneration ~406/min (4x5%/min)

| Blood Capacity - 6500/6500ml

| Blood Replenishment ~ 1000ml/day (500ml/4daysx8)


| Stats:

Strength - 37

Perception - 33

Agility - 34

Intelligence - 31


| Skills:

- Language Comprehension:

- [@π&¥@&€#∆££#&∆¶$

- Language Of Birds

- Health Regeneration: x8

- Mana Regeneration: x4

- Lesser Mana Affinity

- Space Storage: 24 m^2

- Observe: Basic

- Status Deterioration Block

- Mana Sprint

- Dragon Skin Technique (Stage - 0)

- Ambidexterity

- Lesser Fire Resistance

- Lesser Frost Resistance

- Medium Chaos Resistance

- Poison Immunity

- Shock Immunity

- Blink Affinity


| Soul Bonded Artifacts:

- Cooking Grimoire


| Familiars:

- Octavia [ Slime ]


| Description:

Konrad is a...






//Konrad's inventory list//

- Food!

- Water/Drinkables!

- Personal belongings Backpack/Suitcase

- All the research material and metal reserves that Octavia didn't manage to redigest in time.

- Steel Broadsword

- Steel Gauntlets

- Steel Armour

- Compass Of Random Journey

- Map Of Revealment

- Medium Health Potion

- Floating Ice Prison formation

- Teleportation Formation (->Greece)

- Teleportation Formation (->Gacha Space)

- Teleportation Formation (-> School)

- Bunch of different experimental magic formations

- Smartphone

- few changes of clothes

- four empty buckets

- Konrad's favourite knife

- Konrad's personal Grimoire:

- Fire magic

- Light magic

- Wind magic

- Mind magic

-Water magic

- Gravity magic

- Space Magic

-Combination magic

- notepad for quick observations.

- •Apprentice Tome Of Swords And Shields•(completed)

- •Advanced Tome Of Swords And Shields•(completed)

- bunch of different trinkets he thought might come in handy someday...

- Spelunking equipment

- Diving equipment

- Hiking equipment

- Climbing equipment

- Prize orbs:

[} User targeted Summoning (Another World Hero) {]

[} Common Gemstone Draw {] x6

[} Rare Gemstone Draw {] x2

[} Lesser Mana Potion +5 {] x17

[} Medium Mana Potion +50 {] x3

[} Lesser Health Potion {] x20

[} Medium Health Potion {] x5

[} Great Health Potion {]

[} Chosen Language Comprehension {]

[} Pure Iron Dagger {]

[}Mana Capacity +1{] x15

[} Mana Capacity +10 {] x3

[} Steel Gauntlets {] x2

[} Pure Iron Broadsword {]

[} Medium Health Potion {] x2

[} Steel Helmet {] x2

[} Steel Armour {] x2

[} Steel Boots {]

[} Steel Shield {]

[} Enchanted Orichalcum Broadsword (Fire Aspect) {]

[} Ring Of Arcana (0/200) {]

[} Basic Weapon Manual (User adapted) {]

[} Master Weapon Manual (User adapted){]

[} Spell Book - Magic fundamentals (Fire) {]

[} Fey Language Dictionary (Medium Magic Language){]

[} Cooking Book (Russian recipes collection) {]

[} Cooking Book (Atlantidion recipes collection) {]

[} Bracelet of Hecate (0/2000) {]

[} Broken Sword {]

[} Ambidexterity {]

[} Lesser Frost Resistance {]

[} Observe {]