
The next few days were filled with the trio dismantling a giant snake and people whispering rumors about the. What made Konrad laugh was when he heard someone mentioning how the trio stinks since the day the were seen snuggling together so they must buck eachother all the time. The source of the stink was obviously because of them dismantling the snake. they spent so much time with it that they got used to the smell and didn't realize that their things got permeated with it. Well... As much as Konrad thought it was funny he still preferred not to stink so he started spamming cleaning spells on their clothes and each of them to clean it. The girls looked at him weirdly, but he wasn't going to tell them what he heard. 'They might get some weird ideas and I'm not ready to do that with twelve years olds. I promised myself to wait so I'll wait.' Konrad thought.

the next week passed and only a month was left until Christmas. The trio already prepared a room in the Lab where they stored portions of the basilisks in special containers. they were reluctant at first with Cristal being around but they finally tasted the meat when Cristal straight up swallowed a piece with no problem whatsoever about the fact it was a piece of a snake. "... alright then..." Said someone when they saw that.

It soon turned out that the meat slightly increased their magic power and strength of the body. it was a minuscule amount, and a normal person wouldn't even realize but they weren't normal. After a thorough research the trio came to ca conclusion that thanks to the meat being soaked in magic for over a thousand of years it became a strong magical nourishment. They decided to eat at least a small piece every day to increase the speed at which their magic raised. At the moment Konrad long surpassed Dumbledork a few times and only his experience wasn't on par with the old wizard. Konrad's magic repertoire was probably higher than his as well. He could cast any spell in existence wandlessly. his Phoebe wand tripled the power of Konrad's spells but even without her he greatly outmatched any wizard. Now Konrad felt like the super wand wasn't really that useful to him other than a way to hide his ability. As for the girls they were already close to reach Dumbledor's level and with the aid of the basilisks meat he expected them to reach it in around a month time on Christmas.

After every distraction was taken care of the trio put their hands back on their main project. only a bunch of runes was missing and they soon got to work. The spend astronomical amount of money on the materials needed to create so much philosopher's stones but they had basically a gold factory in the other room, and contracts with the biggest companies in the Muggle world. They weren't low on money at all and they could easily spend many times more.

Two days later the runes were finally completed, the huge formation put together and everyone were ready for the test run. Cristal was curled on the head of Ruby on the side of the room in the reptile section that Konrad made for their pupils, while Athena and Croockshanks sat on a small tree's branch in the other section of the Animal Spa. Yep. Animal Spa. That's how Konrad called it because it was basically that. A magical relaxation spot for their familiar's. with indor grass tree's, small hotspring with waterfalls and all. That Konrad planned to enjoy the hotspring with the girls later, he kept to himself.

The trio put a bunch of random items on the big left pentagram and a sandwich on the center front one.

"It's ready! I'm Starting the formation!" Konrad Said.

"Alright we will be observing if everything is working as it should." Hermione said.

"Don't worry! We walked through the schematics at least another seven times after assembling it there is no need to worry" Said Luna sounding completely sure of their succes already.

Konrad smiled and pushed his magic into the formation. the magic was being sucked longer and longer...and longer?

"Woah I already exceeded the magical capacity of Dumbledor! It sure knows how to suck, considering its made from the philosopher's stone so the cost should already be decreased by quiet a lot..."

Then Konrad felt that the formation became filled , and the actual proces started while the suction lessened.

"oh that was just because of the size. alright let's see if it works. ...I wonder how big of an explosion would it make if something went wrong hehe."

"Konrad focus!" Shouted Hermione.

"Alright, alright."replied Konrad.

The the bunch of random thrash they put on the formation started disintegrating similarly to the other formations in the past but this time the ennergized matter actually didn't have a a specific collie it was a mix of multicoloured particles that soon got absorbed into the formation. then the pentagram with the sandwich started glowing and the sandwich lifted into the air slowly spinning in the air while a few dozens of rune clusters activated then there was a flash from the formation. the random ennergized matter could be followed by the multicoloured light from the inside of the formation, as it entered each of the activated rune clusters. the color of each cluster then changed but neither had the same colour. the light then entered the empty pentagram on the right, which caused the biggest formation connecting the sandwich pentagram and the empty pentagram. The matter exited the crimson stones and converged into the center of the pentagram soon taking shape of a glowing sandwich identical to the one in the first pentagram. Then it repeated piling up more and more sandwiches that were quickly loosing their glow, until the matter in the formation was fully exhausted.

everything dimmed and the formation was deactivated. Konrad walked to the pile of sandwiches and took one of them before handing it to Luna carefully"

"What's the verdict?" He asked hopefully.

Luna observed the sandwich from all the sides and then suddenly comped on it scaring. the others.

"Luna! It might be..."

"Delicious! Perfectly normal Yummy sandwich!" Luna exclaimed happily.

everyone needed a second to register their words before exploding in happiness.

"We did it!"

They did it! An actual copying formation after months of hard work was finally completed. The creation of this formation took them almost a year of hard work and research but they accomplished the impossible using the same Muggle science the Wizards so frown upon. The formation basically broke any supplied material into separate atoms that were further broken into subatomic particles and reassembled into the atoms needed for copying the pattern item. Sandwich was just a test subject to see if everything worked with the .ore complicated constructs. This formation was the apex. The ultimate goal of alchemist. Changing anything into anything. if they incorporated the metal shaping formation from the philosopher stone creation formation they will be able to do everything they from anything in any shape they wanted.

Konrad grinned.

"Alright let's try the orb!" The girls grinned and a box flew into Hermione's hands. She moved all the identical sandwiches to the table nearby and put the Philosopher's Sphere in the copying slot. A bunch of trash from the Room of hidden things landed in the material slot and after waiting a while for Konrad to recover his energy the formation glowed again.

thThe proces was the same as the first tim but instead of the sandwich, the Philosopher's Sphere appeared in the output. Then another, and another one. a total of three copies were made and the trio was thrilled when they confirmed each one working perfectly. That proved its ability to copy magical substances. Probably the contribution of the Huffelpuf's Cup's magic.

The trio wanted to continue their research but Konrad was exhausted after activating this formation two times and it was already close to the curfew.

they said goodbye to their reptile familiar's and left back to Hogwarts with the other two.

konrad was surprised when Cristal asked to stay with Ruby for tonight but he was happy that the two was so close. He heard Cristal mutter something about conversing the infidels and turning unfaithful but he dumped it on the magical exhaustion and went through the now conveniently shaped vanishing cabinet and went to sleep.