Personal reactions and readying before the Ball.

Just like everyone expected, Konrad became the centre of attention for the next few weeks. People asked him at every corner about how did he do that or how is it to pat a dragon. Konrad of course newer gave them an answer , and most of the time he would omit the answer and hide somewhere or run back to the Lab to work on the Big Project.

After a week Konrad Finally admitted.

"Alright, you were right Hermione! I still hate being the center of attention! better leave that to Nevile and his Harem. They seemed to have gotten used to it by now." He said after Hermione once again asked him how did he like the fame.

"Ha! You see? I was right and you better remember that darling. Hahaha" She laughed at Konrad's misery.

"Huff, You should be at least a little humble Mione..." Konrad pouted.

"*smirk* Not for you, Love." She said with a grin that Konrad returned.

"Ohh least you are all still the same towards me. I love you." Konrad said.

Hermione blushed and smiled.

"I love you too." She replied. "Now seeing how exhausted you seem from all this fame stuff I think you should relax and let your beloved girlfriend give you a good 'massage'. I can't be worse than Luna, right?" She said with a lustful smile pushing Konrad onto the couch inside their mansion and getting lower in front of him.

When They got back to school, Konrad was a much more relaxed and a much happier wizard.


Barty Crouch Junior was in a quandary. What the hell happened in that arena?! And what the hell should he tell his master about the boys ability if he didn't even see him do anything?! How did he do that anyway?! Even this stupid magical eye couldn't see through that weird mist! Did someone help him? Did he do it himself? Can he now order Dragons around or what? In any case, Master isn't going to be pleased. He doesn't like unknowns in his plans...


Dumbledore was very confused. What happened in that arena? At first the boy looked really confident despite the situation he was in but I was sure that he must have been actually really scared inside, while showing a brave front In front of everyone but then the dragons weird behaviour...and this weird magical mist...I couldn't tell where did it come from! It shouldn't have been Konrad because I didn't even seen him take out his wand and before I could try looking for the source of the magic I already couldn't breach this mist! What was that?! and Then...The mist disappeared and...Konrad ... Patted the dragon? Is THIS the power he knows not? No! It must be Love! There's no other way! But then what was that?...Ehh, I need a lemon drop...


"Did you see that! He was so cool How do you think he did that Draco?" Asked Ron.

"Don't know Ron! But I want to be as good as him! Do you think he would teach us this mist spell?" Draco asked.

"Nah we should try to figure it out ourselves. We shouldn't bother him." Replied Ron.

"Yeah you're right, we should go to the library later and look for it!" Draco said with a grin.

"Yeah let's do that! I soo love reading!" Ron exclaimed.


"This is a very serious mater sis! Daddy and Mommies went much further than we did with them! we need to catch up!" Shouted Cristal When the two Reptile girl sat in their private room.

"I know Sis! But I just say, maybe we should start with Mommies and then with Daddy. This way Mommies won't be jealous so much!" Argued Ruby.

"...Well... it's not that bad of an idea I guess...It's not that i Don't want to do this with Mommies... I just wanted to taste Daddy's faster!" Exclaimed Cristal suddenly, surprising Ruby.

Then Ruby made a lustful expression.

"Well...maybe, you need a little won't know if you like it until you try it, they say..." She licked her lips and snatched her sister's lips with her own surprising Cristal.



The Yule Ball was coming close and Harry couldn't find any girl willing to go with him...ops sorry wrong story...

The Yule Ball was coming soon. Every boy walked around smuggly, with a worried expression, or straight up broken. Konrad of course belonged to the first group, yet leaned onto the second slightly. The reason for that was.- He was going with four girls at the same time!!! and two of them aren't even students in any of the magical schools present. He was worried if everything was going to happen as he hoped. In the rules of the Triwizard Tournament there was nothing stating that a champion could have only a single partner on the ball So Konrad registered all four of them-Hermione, Luna, Cristal and Ruby. As of yet nothing happened. No teacher stopped him asking why was there four girls beside his name on the list or why was there two girls no one knew about.

He thought it was just a matter of time but he didn't know that none of the teachers really cared about the list and they actually made bets with eachother about who would go with whom so the list was sealed without anyone checking it until the ball itself.

For there not to be questions with how Ruby and Cristal arrived at Hogwarts, Konrad had to ask McGonagall to let him fetch someone with the floo powder. She then changed her bet to a student from a different school. If only she knew...

When the day finally came for the Yule Ball to commence, Konrad waited for the four girls to go down the stairs only to make him almost pass out. They were Stunning!!!

Hermione wore a beautiful blue coloured dress similar to the one in the movie yet it seemed much more exquisite. On the other hand, the dress perfectly accentuated Hermione's natural beauty not hiden under any make up other than a slight touch of lipstick. Her hair were done similarly like in the movie but Konrad was sure there was a lot of work put into it. She was just so beautiful that he wanted to take her here ad there, but he stopped himself. He knew that he will get his fair share of her in the future.

Luna was an embodiment of mysterious beauty. With her red-orange dres looking as if it was made of fire in some places and her earrings in her standard dirigible plum earrings that also looked as if their glowed. Her hair wavy behind her partially flipped over her shoulder and small multicoloured flames burst every now and then in between the strands.

Cristal wore a beautiful Black and purple dress in gothic accents matching her beautiful Purple eyes and black straight hair. She was extremely Cute and Konrad's heart almost burst out of his chest after seeing her.

The last one was Ruby. She looked peculiar with her Green hair and crimson eyes but unquestionably beautiful. Her hair were braided and flipped over her shoulder, ending in a red bow. She wore a Yellow-golden dress accentuated with Precious stones in a flower patterns that gave of the feeling of spring to the others.

Konrad watched the girls with unhidden delight and adoration making the girl blush and grin happily seeing as the hours of work weren't for nothing.

"What do you think Darling?" Asked Hermione bashfully.

"Yure...You're Perfect! I'm the luckiest man in the entire world to have such beautiful and loving girlfriends!" He said with love in his voice.

The girls were very happy hearing his words and blushed heavily.

"The only thing that would make me happier would be if you were my wives instead."He said with a grin and a blush.

"W-w-w-wives?! This!...I...we."Hermione stuttered while the other girls looked shocked with Konrad's words.

Konrad quickly sealed the stuttering lips of Hermione with his own and then said.

"I'm not asking you now, Don't worry. But you can be sure that I WILL ask each one of you one day and then we'll live together forever!" He said with a loving smile. Every girl was really happy with Konrad's declaration and already couldn't wait for that day to come.

With that attitude everyone went for the ballroom holding hands. Not one of them wanted to let go, even as they approached McGonagall at the entrance.