
"What should our last game for the day be?" Melanie asked chewing on her fries. Jacob had bought a packet of fries and a sandwich which was cut into two. When asked about it, Jacob had replied that they still had dinner to eat. So, it was better that they ate less for now.

"I don't know, you suggest." He shrugged, taking a bite of his sandwich. By then Melanie had finished eating her share and she looked around her. Finding her next game, she pulled Jacob by the hand that was holding the sandwich. He just had to take his last bite but got pulled before he could put it in his mouth. His mouth was left open as Melanie dragged him while he tried hard to save his last bite from falling.

"Let's play hockey." She left her release on his arm and he finally ate the remaining sandwich much to his relief.

After wiping his lips, he looked at what Melanie's eyes were fixed on. She was staring at the air hockey table in front of them. "You want to play this?"

"Yes. Is there any problem?"

"Not at all." He said excitedly.

"Let's not bet anything this time." She suggested hoping he would accept and much to her relief he did.

The game started and as it progressed, the scale had again titled towards Jacob. Melanie was poor at it. She couldn't control the striker and the puck would always end up in the hole. This went on until some time and she couldn't control herself anymore. She gave one hard push and the puck went flying away from the table only to hit a person right on his nose.


After his meeting with Mr. Patrick, Adrian and Steve went to have lunch at a small restaurant. They were not picky eaters, so they could make do with any kind of food. They settled for some pasta and a pizza. Though the restaurant they had chosen was not famous or huge, the food provided tasted delicious.

"What are you doing after lunch?" Steve enquired chewing on his pasta.

"I am going to buy a car."

"Why? What's with the one you are using right now?"

"It is fine. I need something which has more horsepower."

"Hmm. Do you have something in mind?"

"I was thinking of a Rimac." His answer made Steve choke on his food. He had been wanting to buy a Rimac for a long time and now his friend was here trying to steal his thunder.

"How could you?" Steve put on a crying face as he stuffed another spoonful of pasta.

"What? I heard that it is good. Let's go take look and if everything goes well I am going to buy one today."

"You are mean." Adrian gave him a sly smile.

After having lunch, Adrian and Steve went to the famous car seller in the area. Seeing two elegantly dressed men entering the showroom, the salesperson ran to them and welcomed inside.

"Welcome, sir. How may I help you?"

"We are here to look for a car," Steve answered while Adrian remained mum.

"Surely. Do you have anything in mind?"

"Rimac Concept One," Adrian said looking at the cars on display.

"That's a good choice. Let me take you in." The salesperson took the two men with him, happy to have got his first customer for the day. If everything went out well and the gentlemen bought the car, then he would receive a huge bonus from his boss.

He led them to the Rimac car on display and started to brief them about the specifications. While Adrian listened to him intently, Steve looked at his dream car in wonder. He was practically shooting hearts at it and it was quite noticeable with the way he was looking at it dazedly.

"Can we have a test drive?" Adrian asked the salesperson.

"Yes, sir."

The man took them towards the garage and handed the keys to Adrian.


"Yes?" Steve who was still in a daze replied absent-mindedly.

"You drive." This brought him back.


"Yes. Tell me your opinion. I'll decide on that."

Steve became happy at once. Though he was not the one to buy the car, he could still test it out.

"Okay baby. Let's go." He started the car and drove away with Adrian beside him while the salesperson waited for them to return.

After half an hour, the two friends were standing in front of the salesperson to finalize the deal much to his happiness. If the manager were to be present, he would have been soaring to the sky. However, he was right now having lunch with his wife and the salesperson did not know when he would return.

"Ade, why have you given my address?" Steve asked in confusion looking at the form filled by his friend.

"Aren't I looking for an apartment right now? What if I find one before the delivery takes place?"

"You are right," Steve answered. He was on the verge of crying now. His friend had not only bought the car but also had given his address to deliver it after some modifications. He was tempting him beyond the limit. It was not that he couldn't buy the car right now. However, his father had warned him not to buy one until the end of the year, or else the consequences would be dire.

Right now, the two friends driving towards who knows where. Adrian took a glance at his sulking friend and smiled inwardly. He took a U-turn at the junction and drove towards the posh area of the city. After driving for around twenty minutes, he finally stopped.

"Let's go." He said stepping out the car.


"To play."

"What?" Steve asked in his muddled state. He followed Adrian's gaze to see that they were in front of an arcade. The next moment he squealed like a little girl, startling his friend. He had forgotten his misery in the blink of an eye.

"You brought me to an arcade?" He shouted, excitement flashing on his face.

"Let's go and have a match."


The two friends stepped inside and without waiting they went to take their passes.

"Do you wanna bet?" Steve asked taking a glance around him.

"Definitely. What's the stake."

"Your new car."

"Ain't it too much?" Adrian raised an eyebrow at the unusual demand.

"Not when it comes to you."

"Okay. I am yet to decide what I want of you. So, I'll keep it on hold."


They agreed on deciding the winner from the best out of five games. They decided to play air hockey first. As soon as they went to the floor where air hockey tables were placed, a puck came flying out of nowhere and smacked Adrian right on his face.

"What a good way to be welcomed." Steve grinned seeing his friend's state. He couldn't help but chuckle.

Adrian glared at him. "Just you wait. I am going to kill you the next moment I kill the person who threw this at me."