
Steve called out all the names of people who were selected for the next round. There were two men and four women. Amongst them, the two women who were the first to arrive for the interview were also selected. While one of them was ecstatic, the other woman just gave her a faint smile. It was never her intention to pass the examination. She had other ambitions and working in King Corporation was not one of them. Yet, she put on a happy face for her friend.

"I am deeply regretful that our company could not recruit the other people. But I am sure that given with this resume and skills, there are good companies out there who are ready to hire you. Thank you everyone for your patience and hard work. The selected candidates please wait for my instructions while the others may leave."

Those who had not been selected left with a sad face, unhappy that they had a lost a great chance. The ones who stayed back were elated. If they passed the next rounds then their lives would be set. Working at King Corporation was anything but ordinary.

Like the other four people, the two friends were happy too. One was happy because she got selected for the next round, while the other was happy because her friend had passed the round.

"We will start the second round right away," Steve informed them and called the first person. It was a man with round spectacles with a cute face. He followed Steve to the small room where Adrian was waiting.

"May I come in sir?" He asked politely.

"You are already inside," Ade answered not giving him any sympathy. The man's eyes widened in embarrassment. He did not know what to do and to his relief, Steve came to his rescue.

"Please take your seat, Mr. Harris." The man scurried inside like a little mouse and took the only unoccupied seat in the room, opposite to the two serious-looking men.

"Mr. Harris, do you want some water?" Steve offered him a bottle of water which he took gratefully. His attempt to make a good impression on Adrian had failed. So, he was quite nervous and his palms had become clammy. He drank a sip and tried to calm himself.

"Mr. Harris, tell us about yourself," Steve asked him the first question. This was quite easy for him to answer. So, he told the two men all that he wanted to say.

"Mr. Harris, consider the scenario." Adrian started, startling the poor man. "Your boss has ordered you to not disturb him for a few hours. But you have an important message that has to be conveyed to him at all costs. So, what would you do?"

The man's eyes widened hearing the ridiculous question. It sure was tricky for him to answer. So, he thought for a while before speaking, "I would inform my boss about it immediately."

"You do realize that not following orders may lead to you losing your job right?" Ade looked at him right in the eye, making him fidgety.

"Yes sir. But if the information is of grave importance and it requires immediate attention, then it is something that has to be conveyed. So, I am sure my boss would understand the gravity of the situation before firing me. I don't think he is unreasonable to fire me without any genuine reasons."

Adrian raised his eyebrows at his answer, while Steve hid a smile. The man was quite bold though he looked timid and silent. Ade stared at him for a long time, amusement dancing in his eyes as Steve continued interrogating.

Steve looked at Ade after finishing his questions. "Do you have anything to ask?"

"No, you can wait outside. Send Miss Jennifer Mane inside, in the meantime," Adrian said, not moving his eyes from the man.

"So, what do you think?" Steve gave him a hopeful gaze while the waited for the next candidate to come.


"I knew it." Steve grinned. At that moment, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Steve spoke loudly. The door opened and a woman with ash blonde hair walked in.

"Take your seat, Miss Mane." Steve gave her a polite smile which she returned with a smile of her own.

"Miss Mane, shall we start?" The woman nodded at Steve's question.

"Why do you want to work at this company?" Adrian fired the first question. Jennifer had noticed him the moment she had entered inside. Like the other women, her heart too had pounded wildly just by a mere glance. He sat like a king with utmost patience and sincerity, his face showing no emotions. However, his eyes held the shrewdness and cleverness that could look through any deceit.

"It has always been my dream to work here since I was studying at college. I was impressed with the way the company operated as well as the way the employees were treated here." Jennifer replied, occasionally taking glances at Ade while her eyes were focused at Steve.

"That's good. Your resume says that you have a degree in advertising. Why did you apply for the post of a secretary? Don't you think you are overqualified for the job?" Adrian continued not giving any chance for Steve to speak.

"Sir, I feel no job is big or small. I might be overqualified, but it is a pleasure to work for King Corporation and especially to work for you." The woman blushed when she said the last words. Ade narrowed his eyes.

'Uh. Oh. Wrong move woman.' Steve thought to himself. He couldn't say it out loud to her as the great devil was right beside him.

"You may leave. We will tell you our decision in the end." Steve gave her a nod and asked her to send the next person. It was another woman who went by the name of Jessica Turner.

"But sir, it was only two questions?" Jennifer objected.

"Those two questions are enough to find out about you, Miss Mane," Adrian smirked as Steve rolled his eyes.

The woman left the room reluctantly, unsure what the result would be. Before he could even ask Adrian his opinion of the woman, Steve got his answer. "Rejected."

It was an expected outcome, it was no surprise for Steve. Ade hated people who tried to suck up to him. It just disgusted him to the core, especially women who tried to fawn over him.

The interview proceeded smoothly until only one candidate was left. Among the five people he had interviewed, Adrian had rejected all the females, only the two men were accepted.

Steve sighed and looked at the person next in the queue. It was a woman named Mina Williams. 'Looks like the next candidate too would be rejected.'