
-Behave like rain and fall for me-

As I was walking by our house entrance,I have met my oldest brother taking off his shoes,passing by me as if I wasn't there . His college entrance was today, guess it didn't went well ,he would be separated from his girlfriend 'poor thing' . I greeted him and made my way through the garden , I hurried to go out before meeting any other member of my family , my second brother and father would most likely ignore me but my mother is another storyline called "the ultimate SCOLDER !".The sky was indeed beautiful today,the cocktail blue shade was beginning to darken into gravel gray, large pillows of clouds were forming now a shadow protecting us from the sunlight heat "it would probably rain today" .Without forgetting to bring out my favorite purple umbrella,I run out to discover what a big alley crowded with strangers look like.To the cars and drivers I must be invisible. In these streets where I walked in for my whole life and that I know as if they were etched in my head with a sharp knife forming a work of art , I wandered freely,this is where I grew up on , more importantly my heartbeats calm down letting a bunch of air penetrate my lungs saving me from my cage . Neatly mown grass banks and well manicured young trees arose the laughter of children around pleasing the eyes and ears of the temporary passengers of the alley.

As l predicted navy rain flooded,clothes now soaked people started seeking shelter as the puddles plunking the rainfall became stronger.

Upon my umbrella resonated the rhythm of the tune , each raindrop was a kaleidoscope "if only I could see it more closely,how would it feel if I walked time stopped.Perhaps would it be fun to sit inside the raindrops and take a gravity propelled ride to the depths of earth and leafs". My fingers tightened around the curved wooden handle as my imagination ran letting a tiny smile grew wilder embracing that sad face of mine.

Laughing my heart out at the crazy daydream of my own silliness,I reminisced the innocence of childhood.I like rainy days , it reminds me that sometimes even the world can notice mankind struggles and share their sorrows " is it weird of me to find peace in dark weather or the fact to be a pluviophile" As I made my way to a small alley letting grip of my umbrella , i stretched my arms to touch the houses on both of sides, these walls build long ago situated in the center of London near Cecil court ( where every book lovers head to search for new gems ) I took a few steps dancing under the rain, giving myself a sense of hope in life.My breathing now becoming sharper , I stopped a few minutes to spot a presence in my secret refuge.At my surprise it was a handsome man from the depth of his greenish dark eyes which mirror an intensity melted with honesty yet a generosity reflecting sadness to the gentle expressions of his deep voice making the gentle tapping of rain only emphasize the angelic melody.I stood still staring at this entity two feet far . Little did I know someone that charming existed. Black , thick and lustrous hair ,sharp jawline, tall figure "his hands seemed awfully familiar " in short term god's best sculpture "it's unfair ".

Suddenly our eyes locked up, I couldn't help but blush, comparing our states I looked like a potato , my clothes clinging at my skin slicking with perspiration while he could be described as a holy god .

A heartache, an insatiable fire burnt all the oxygen in my body leaving me unexpectedly alive as I ran away , rushing home in embarrassment,my converses kissing the grounds unaware of my surroundings.The emotion I once felt is now more like a thin layer of ice cooling my chest , a gentle reminder of the pain that came before and a warning not to stroke the fire again . Far enough I slowed my pace remembering the strange encounter with this mysterious man whom looked at his twenties but more striking the nostalgic emotion that caught me off guard as i watched him sing.

This night I had a dream of a sweet young child