The Countdown

-The surest way to corrupt youth is to instruct him to hold in higher those who think alike than those who think differently- Nietzsche

My alarm song "waking me up"by Avici rang , breaking the silence that dominated the bedroom. Slowly and reluctantly,I uncovered my face blinking and closing my eyes multiple of times giving the visions of night a chance to make way to the day. From now on waking up would no longer be a pleasure since today is my senior high school year entrance. The ground was lumpy as if I was on a bed of earth and rocks, my clothes felt as damp as flowers in the dew of dawn, within seconds of realizing that I was unconscious on my feet , eyes wide open ,the weird dream of last night drafted in my head , I opened the curtains letting shafts of light burst into the room."Now I'm awake , first thing first let's head to the bathroom " . Washing up my face I stood to see my reflection in the mirror, brown wavy hair at the length of my shoulder and sharp light brown eyes faced me "I'm sure that while making me god didn't spend much time " . My feathers reassembled of those drawn by a lazy artist."yep that's my humble description ". Finally before going downstairs I wore my school uniform "The community believes that they are an important part of a student life " . However it didn't bother me the less to wear them , in fact I love them it saves from the headache of choosing each and every day what to wear . Collared white blouse with fine green strips and buttons down front,black tailored skirt with two inverted box pleats,bottle green initials embroidered at the hem of the left pocket of my hoodie .To hear my mom 's voice echoing through all of the house'Lilith you re late , do you know what time is it ?' . Hurrying i sat to sip my morning drug which is milk tea but as I thought mornings couldn't be that calm . My parents started their long every year speech " this year is one of the greatest years in your life , it will reflect either success or failure so mature up and concentrate on your studies if you want to keep your brothers pace and don't tarnish our names as you did last year ...".Upon hearing last year incident my mind went blank , blood rushing to my head , I stormed to the entrance after taking my bag , trying to calm myself ignoring the repercussions this action of mine will have "waiting for my father's fair judgment this night ".Before I knew it i arrived to the bus stop where I spotted Marry ,her hair almost black, only showing hints of deepest brown when she passes by the sunlight . Her eyes are pale, blue, but so watery you'd almost expect to see them on someone albino. Her laugh is so infectious the teacher punishes her for even a giggle rather than have the whole class snickering into their algebra. Stood in by her she dragged me into a thigh hug .

"-why didn't you call me I was so worked up thinking of all the outcomes , I thought something happened to you "

" -Don't worry i was just being busy"

" -okay and you want me to believe you"

" -please we will talk about it later"

Marry was one of the rare friends I had ,probably my best friend , i was surprised at how you can start caring of another person this quickly.l have met her three years ago , we were seated together at class , always starting up a conversation she bothered the older loner me but as time passed I got used to it , discovering new interesting sides of each other .Not long before the bus arrived , Anna a shy girl who speaks like she heard her voice ten time louder than others, timid like 'a petite souris ' whom Marry befriended taken for mission to build her self esteem called us , face reddened by embarrassment. This year we changed buildings so school was new for all of us .The wind howls as the students arrive through the gates, hustling and bustling down the corridors. Friends are greeting each other with a hug or a playful punch while newcomers stand looking scared. My classmates who are now seniors standing ,tall and proud, confidence born of experience. Soon the bells ring and everybody runs except an occasional slowcoach or chatterbox. Everybody goes in except me who stood sighing "guess a new year begins" .I sits at the edge of my plastic chair waiting for the teacher to enter. Hush descended, register called , day started ,math, literature, geography, science, homework forgotten, homework lost, homework crumpled in bottom of bag, dog ate homework, baby puked on homework, just kidding, homework in right on time, home time.

"-Give me the freedom to learn by my own errors without judgement and I will school myself faster than you can ever teach."

"-it's right "

It was a first to see Anna talk so confidently maybe that after we parted as we are in different classes , a big event put some sense on her so I asked her classmate.

"-Marry what happened to her"

"-Ah ! That's because of a certain person"

"- Wait don't tell me she have a crush ,for our little baby to grow oh"

" 's"

"-And what's our prince name ?"


"-Marry don't!!!"

The sun cast its golden rays down upon the clouds of billowing smoke, turning them bright red fire as the laughter and steps of my friends cheered the horizon.I lost track of reality , being unable to hear Marry and Anna's warnings. I stood in the middle of the route as I turned my right , a car was coming , closing my eyes I waited for god's grace ,seconds passed , nothing happened "Am I dead?".I opened my eyes only to see myself in a stranger man arms ."Wait I know him 'the holy god!!!!'

"-if you have time to stare at my face then blush that means you are ok and why don't you let go "

I completely forgot our awkward position but before I could digest something my friends rushed to throw hugs as tears streamed down their face.

"-What got you !!!.. don't you ever scare us like that .... are you injured!!!"

Mysteriously I felt something wet in my face , it was tears ,my tears.

"-Wait you are crying, is it painful?. Let's go to the hospital "

Turning around to thank my savior , he was nowhere around."Where did he disappear?".

My first day of high school was full of weird incidents.

-But it was just the beginning-