Pandora part 1

Five days have passed since the accident,my body still hurting from the fall I decided to stay home confined in my bedroom plus lucky me nobody was home today "Finally I can enjoy some time alone". Laying at my bed I heard birds trill ,sweetly high, the chorus as playful as a child . With closed eyes , I imagined their music to be a painting of gifts.In the calm of the day my heartbeat is the steady drum to their melody and I seep into the moment climbing the daydream stairs . Suddenly the doorbell rang demanding me to leave my comfort zone ,letting out the heat of the couch i have been building for hours .The doorway had taken some loving inspiration in its design thanks to mom , I open the door to only find Marry and Anna standing with bags full of chocolate, churros and soda.

"-Guys what the hell are you doing here in the middle of a Sunday ?"

"-We were so worried, you weren't yourself since that damn accident "

"- I was just intrigued by the identity of the mysterious man"

"- ah! The one who saved you then disappeared like dust .Why ?a crush " said marry with a teasing voice.

"Let's head to my bedroom first"

"-Well I don't blame you I had never seen someone that handsome "

"-Marry want to waste your youth this hard "

"- Lilith is no one home?"

"- yep Anna "

"- Not even brothers in law ?"

"-can I ask you why you call them that?"

"- Well you are my waifu "

"- I swear to kill you "

"-okay no more silly jokes , I promise"

Arriving at the bedroom Anna sat at the bed while Marry wandered freely taking whatever picked her interest.

"-so about the stranger who saved you yesterday wanna find him"

"-why are so eager about that topic"

"-well for the three years I have known you it's my first time seeing you blushing so I was assured that something serious was afoot"

"- you and your assumptions "

"- I didn't notice you were into the older guys ,explains why you are so icy towards the boys"

"- I see that I am icy "

"-itzy huh!"


At that time we both turned to see Anna laughing her heart out .

"- you girls make the best pair . Do you know what the math teacher who hates negative numbers did"


"-stop at nothing"

At the unexpected joke but the sweet way of Anna , we couldn't help but fall for her overwhelming cuteness.

"-It's not your type the dad jokes "

"-yeah where did you hear it from"

"-Don't tell me is it by any means Ruka?"

Her face now red as a beetroot radiating heat like a hot-pan , we could cook three course meals using her face.Finding a sensitive spot no one of the two of us missed it.

"-know it!"

"-I ..... a...m gonna get some fresh air !"

"-wait Anna we re going with you !"Said Marry dragging me by my hand ignoring my angry expression 'you are fortunate to be my friend otherwise I would have ripped you apart '

The street was glorious in its inception. The sidewalks were smooth grey stones, joined with such precision that the joins were almost invisible. The walls were concrete, but not like a villa in rural Spain; they were more akin to the construction of a modernist skyscraper, all sharp edges and corners. The buildings were nothing short of monoliths, the bastions of the city's pride, stamping its arrival on the map of financially significant places to trade with. Then out of the blue Marry asked me a question that weighed on me

"-Did you decide which university you want to attend "

"-Why ask ? you already know the answer "

"- I'm asking 'you' not your parents standers "

"-As if I have a dream "

"-sigh.. you ...anyway .We will talk seriously about it later now girls let's enjoy our free time"

Marry loved shopping. She loved the perfumed, air conditioned mall. She basked in the attention of the sales staff and pawed over different fabrics and textures. She would try on new boots and hats, get a free make-over and then head to the spa for a manicure. The garments she brought home would often never be worn or maybe worn once. She was a shop-a-holic. It was a compulsion to her.

Seeing Anna trying to hide herself by all means i asked her worrying it was again one of her anxiety attacks .

"-Anna what's wrong"

Marry hurried to check her too

"- girls it's Ruka"

"- Ann you scared the shit out of me!"

"-let's check out what's our Prince Charming look like , he would pay the price for seducing our baby!"

Upon seeing us the young player approached with a confident grin.

"-An didn't think of meeting you here , What's such a attractive woman as you doing without my phone number?"

"Woah super cheesy and cringy pick up line and who do you think you are calling An"

"-Take off your arms from around her shoulder and get lost"

"- Calm down ladies how about we grab something from heaven cafe it's on me"

"- The one that makes the best macaroons in the town"

"-Marry don't fall for his trap"

"- We are talking about MACAROONS "

"-oh these girls seriously,For god's sake how did I become Their friend "

Square tables, glass tops, menu under glass tops, slow turning ceiling fans above, light classical music, waiters smartly dressed in black and white, terracotta rustic tiled floor, large windows, small vases of yellow carnation flowers on each table, daily specials on a chalk board at entrance.

"-Ruka you sneaked out from your shift again ! Letting me deal alone with this many customers "

"-Sorry Yael I had urgent things to do first"


"-No making money "

"-Do you believe money grow from trees or what "

"-What's money made from?"

"-paper ....,go get changed!"

As we sit waiting for our order ,we watched the two conversing casually,they had good chemistry.Marry calling me multiple times I couldn't hear her as I saw a familiar figure 'The barista was none but the Holy God!!'

The sun streamed through the windows, yet my mind was clouded with grey as a melancholic took over me . Abruptly my heart felt as if my blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat. My melancholy mood hung over me like a black cloud, raining my personal sorrow down on me , 'i can not breath , help .....'