
After stepping into the portal Min appeared in a grass field filled with blooming blood red flowers, with clear air, the blue sky. While looking at the sky there are two moons.

"Uhh! This is what i am talking about clear air untouched by machinery like on earth" Min said while inhaling the air and a smile on his face.

"AI gives me information about this world, name, and races give me intelligent ones," Min said while looking around the field.

//"Information Extracting"//

//"Information Extraction Finished...Displaying information"//

A white window displayed in front of Min.


World name: Viliria

World Energy: Magic

World Intelligent Races:

Dragonkins, Demons, Humans, Elves, Orcs, Beastkins

World Geology: 4 Large Continents, 30 Islands (Host can display current location)


"Display my current location" Min said with a calm voice.

A map appeared in front of Min, while in a daze. Min remembered the mirror in the void and thought. 'I'm naked am i?' while displaying a complicated expression Min asked AI.

"AI can you give me something to wear?"

//"Guide: Close your eyes and imagine what would you like to wear"//

'That's it?' Min Thought, and then he closed his eyes and kept imagining a black suit like the one gentlemen's on earth wear, then he opened his eyes and said "Mirror" then a mirror showed up out of thin air and said. "Great cloth created, ahaha!"

He waved his hand and the mirror disappeared like it was never there. And looked at the map displaying what looks like an island, the map didn't display anything on the island that looks big except for a few villages. Min used his fingers to zoom in the map and showed him the map of the island clearer and asked AI.

"AI will make the map like a mini map at the corner of my view? And while i'm asking this can anyone see the system window besides me?"

//"Map resized..Moved to the specified location"//

//"No one sees the Administrator System windows except you"//

"Ok that's a relief people will think i'm crazy while talking alone, i'll keep talking to you with my thoughts" Min said while showing relief expression.



"Can I fly? If I can do anything, can you tell me how I can do it?" Min Asked with a puzzled expression.

//"Guide: Host can do anything using his imagination"//

While listening to what AI said, Min thought of flying while closing his eyes, then after a few seconds he opened them again.

-Ding! Ding! Ding!

A bell rang again multiple times when Min Opened his eyes, while looking at the ground surprised that he can fly.

//"A new skill has been created: Mirror"//

//"A new skill has been created: Map"//

//"A new skill has been created: Flight//

A smile appeared in Min's face. Then he said "Status Open"

//"Status Opened"//

Name: Min Joo

Race: God

Age: Unknown

Titles: None



Creation (can create anything out of thin air just by imagining it)

Immortality (Eternal life, unkillable)

Regeneration (Heals faster that any creature can't see it)

Space ( can travel in space faster than light and breath in the vacuum)


Skills (any skill the host creates will be displayed here):

Space Portal (can open a space portal to any specified world)

Mirror (can create a mirror just by think about the word Mirror)

Map (can scan and display the world map)

Flight (can fly freely)


"Now let's not waste any time and get into the quest while exploring, AI display all villages existing in this island and races that inhabit them" Min Said while flying towards a big snow mountain.

//"3 Villages Found...all 3 inhabited by Elves"//

"That's good, I'm lucky enough not to encounter humans on my first day" Min replied in calm tone.

Min Arrived at the snow mountain and landed above.

"AI I wish to ask you something, do vampires exist?" Min asked AI.

//"No, Vampires don't exist, they're being created by human imagination"//

"Then it's decided my creation will be the Vampire race, AI can be part of that race too like a sub race for me.." said while remaining calm.