A foreign energy

At the edge of the universe a hole appeared in space and through it came two lights.

One is yellow while the other is pure white and smaller than the yellow one, they both traveled through space at a speed faster than light quite literally.

Once the two lights passed countless galaxies, the yellow one stopped above a red galaxy while the other light went ahead and left the yellow light behind.

The yellow light kept brightening up while diving into the galaxy, and finally it stopped at the edge of the star system that inhabits a life preserving planet, a big one.

The light kept rotating and the yellow color started changing to red and then split into two balls of light.

Another hole in space opened and one of the red balls of light went in, while the other kept heading to the life preserving planet, entered its atmosphere and once it got through the clouds, it kept flying above the ground until it reached the ruin of a cathedral.

It went through the ground and floated inside a gigantic dark place underground, went through a large door with golden curves on it.

Beyond it is a stone statue of a humanoid large being, the red ball of light entered the stone statue and the red light began enveloping the statue slowly.

「Foreign energy detected...」

「Forei-g-gn ene-r...System installation...」

「System Installation error」

「System Force Installation...」


「Artificial Assistant Deletion...」

「Artificial Assistant Deleted...」

「Begin Host Awakening...」

The statue began shaking and cracks began forming on it and a mix of red and white light began seeping through the cracks, then an explosion came after destroying the whole underground with it.

At the surface the mix of red and white ethereal light seeped through the debris of the destroyed underground.

The ethereal light began forming a humanoid being, when it was done forming, a pale man, long silvery hair and red blood eyes was the result of the ethereal light form.

Yes! It is Min Joo.

"Ai how long have i been asleep" Min Joo said, but no one answered instead a sound rang in his mind.


「System is fully operational」

「Level System Unlocked」

「Worlds System Unlocked」

「Species System Unlocked」

「Shop System Locked」

「Blessing System Unlocked」

"What? Ai are you there"

「Artificial Assistant has been deleted, a new system has been Installed」

"So no assistant this time?"

「Yes, to view the status simply think 'status'」

Min Joo went ahead and thought about status, it's just like always, but this time how the window looked is simply different.

「Full Name: Min Joo」

「Deity Name: None (can be filled once you reach level 10)」

「Species: Celestial」

「Subspecies: Vampire」

「Level: 1 (0/1000000)」

「Energy Level: 2」

Lets see the other features~ Min Joo though as he opened another window.


「Worlds System」

「ID: 1 | Name: Blood」

「Description: the homeworld of vampires, a mix of magic and science civilization」

「Population: Unknown (Total Intelligent beings)」

「Age: 10,000+」

「Connection Lost」

「ID: 2 | Name: Zethria」

「Description: a world where every bug, plant and animal is a giant except intelligent creatures. The world has magical energy, and intelligent creatures can produce faith energy.」

「Population: 30,509,000,120 (Total Intelligent beings)」

「Age: 8901」


「ID: 3 | Name: Grogir」

「Description: a world of giant beings, currently following the technology tree and are beginning to send satellites into orbit.」

「Population: 8,000,000,000 (Total Intelligent beings)」

「Age: 8901」




「ID: 1 | Name: Vampire」

「Population: Unknown」


「ID: 2 | Name: Giant」

「Population: 8,000,000,000+」


「ID: 3 | Name: Human」

「Population: 10,000,000,000+」


「ID: 4 | Name: Elve」

「Population: 2,000,000+


「ID: 5 | Name: Orc」

「Population: 50,000+」

「Edit (Contains Subspecies)」

「ID: 6 | Name: Monster」

「Population: 5,900,000+」

「Edit (Contains Subspecies)」

「ID: 7 | Name: Nightstalker」

「Population: Extinct」

「Edit 」

「ID: 8 | Name: Dwarve」

「Population: 28,000,000+」


「ID: 9 | Name: Dragon」

「Population: 1,000+」


「ID: 10 | Name: God」

「Population: 26,809」


God...is that something new that got developed?~

"And what do you mean by faith energy"

「Faith energy: an energy that gets generated by praying, only an intelligent being can produce it, and if one prayed to a certain god, the faith energy that gets generated goes to that certain god」

"And gods, i never created something like that"

「Gods are made by a massive amount of faith energy produced by a large amount of followers, and so faith energy is what keeps them alive, this goes also to the former guardians you created.」

"Ok, got that" Min Joo said as he waved his hand and a black robe appeared on him this time instead of a black suit.

He then started floating and rose to the sky, flying above the clouds until he came across an ongoing war.