
After turning down Zhou Gang's invitation to have supper, it was around 9 pm by the time he returned to his rented apartment.

Chen Hao had wanted to take a shower and study the Dipper Steps after, but he then saw the black cat walking to the cat food and pulling the food with its paws, staring intently at Chen Hao.

Its attitude was very obvious. Even if you don't wish to eat supper, I do.

Chen Hao was speechless.

He truly regretted bringing it back. Isn't it just a cat demon that only knows some trashy spells that his Buddha beads easily managed to undo?

What was I thinking when I brought it back?

Not only is it of no help, it's a glutton too. Is this cat worth training? It might fatten to death before it proves to be of any use.

Not worth it, so not worth it!


The black cat seemed to sense Chen Hao's displeasure, so it shrunk its neck, looking aggrieved and bitter.

What a trashy owner. What happened to living in the lap of luxury with you? Already you're showing impatience? Sob, sob… I really miss my little master.

"Still acting pitiful? Stop it, you're a demon and not an ordinary cat. If you want food fix it yourself. You really regard yourself as my master, huh? You're capable, aren't you?" Chen Hao told the cat this, then ignored the cat and got busy with his own stuff.

The black cat glared at Chen Hao. If not for the fact that it knew it wouldn't win in a fight against him, it would certainly have pounced on him and clawed him to death.

The black cat was stunned when it saw Chen Hao walking to the bathroom, looking like he really was going to ignore it. Surely it couldn't go to sleep hungry? If it didn't eat its fill at night, it wouldn't be able to fall asleep.

The black cat had no choice but to crawl up. It skillfully picked up a little bowl with its mouth, then poured in the various cat food—even pouring water was a small feat to it. In no time, it finished fixing its supper. The supper was prepared in nearly exactly the same way as how Chen Hao did it before. Finally, it even used its paws to mix the cat food together until it was satisfied, then slumped onto the ground and peacefully began to enjoy its food.

Although Chen Hao appeared to ignore the cat, he was in fact observing it. When he saw this, he felt really annoyed.

Damn. You really know how to fix this yourself? You little scumbag. You clearly could do it yourself, yet you liked to order me around. You're used to being served, aren't you? I bought safe and expensive cat food for you, you're even eating better than me. And you still f*cking made me prepare your food for you? Hur hur. Indeed, I've been too kind. That needs to be changed. At least towards this little fellow. The cat shouldn't continue to be spoiled.

Chen Hao snickered then walked into the bathroom.

The black cat seemed to sense it, causing it to look towards the bathroom with a dubious look. But it didn't see Chen Hao. Never mind. Let's talk after I eat my fill. This trashy master. I'll eat, eat, eat till you're broke.

Six minutes later, Chen Hao came out after a shower. He saw that the black cat had finished eating and had crawled to a corner on the bed and was curled up, seemingly asleep.

Chen Hao's mouth twitched.

You're good at enjoying life, aren't you? Eat and sleep, sleep and eat, living like a pig. Just wait, I just have no use for you right now. When I have use for you later, if you dare to disobey me, watch how I deal with you.

After changing his clothes, Chen Hao got onto his bed and sat with his legs crossed. He closed his eyes and quietly sorted out the Dipper Steps information.

Dipper Steps. Sounded impressive, like something you'd read in a secret martial arts manual.

After browsing through relevant news, the contents were indeed quite shocking.

But after sorting out the information, Chen Hao wanted to cuss.

Although the Dipper Steps was indeed impressive, its impressiveness depended on one's Dao Attainment. Because, this was a footwork that one mastered using his Dao Attainment. The higher one's Dao Attainment was, the more formidable his Dipper Steps. Walking on water, leaping onto roofs and vaulting over walls, or even walking as though one was flying for several hundred meters—that was child's play.

But without Dao Attainment, all that was useless.

Dipper Steps, also known as the Nine Dipper Steps, was a divine power that got more profound the further one advanced.

The first steps were the foundation. Even without Dao Attainment, one could achieve this. But these three steps didn't go beyond the spectrum of humans very much—one would at most be able to go two to three meters in one step, moving distances in an instant that was unpredictable and ingenious. But even then, to be able to take the first three steps, it would require a strong physique, else the prowess of the Dipper Steps couldn't be displayed.

While Chen Hao was free from disease, it'd be a stretch to say he had a strong physique. Even during the freest period in his life—when he was in university—he had never managed to persist in a run for more than a month. Regarding his health now, a change in the weather and he easily caught a cold.

Chen Hao figured it would be difficult for him to walk even these three first steps with his physique. The middle three steps would require Dao Attainment to control. One could move five to six meters in one step. Flying onto trees and doing a backflip in air—those were easily done. As for the final three steps, he learned from the information that it required a Dao Attainment of over a hundred years. Chen Hao felt that he could forget about it in the short run, or even in the next few years—he needn't even think about it.

It's so hard to be a master! This lousy system isn't as smart as the kind you read in novels. His hope to master the skills in a short period of time, then quickly make the big bucks and live in a grand mansion, were crushed.

Hopes dashed, Chen Hao's excitement vanished.

There was no such thing as reaching the sky in a single bound. Even if he obtained the system, he had to take it one step at a time, for there was no other way around it.

Mm, let's start from the first three steps.

Although it was a simple three steps, each step encompassed twelve transformations, so three steps would encompass thirty-six transformations. They were interchangeable and could be merged to create more combinations.

Thankfully, he was being imparted the skill from the system, so he didn't have to figure out the details by himself. So long as he practiced it sufficiently and learned it properly, he would be able to master it after working up a good physique.

This was considered welfare from the system, perhaps. After all, if an ordinary person wished to learn this, even if he studied the transformation of the footwork, it was not something that could be achieved in a short period of time. Much less learning and practicing concurrently. Even if one was especially talented, even these mere three steps would take a few years to master.

That meant that, according to proper procedure, if an ordinary person wished to master the complete Dipper Steps, he would have to take what seemed like forever. That he was able to master it directly, the limitations being his own physique and Dao Attainment, was already a massive shortcut.

Let's put that aside for now. I shall have a good rest tonight and think about how to improve my physique tomorrow. F*ck, with the divine powers in my hands, if I have no capabilities to show for, isn't it equivalent to begging for alms with a gold bowl? No way!

Chen Hao planned quietly in his heart.

Later, he laid on the bed. As he pondered over it, he took out his phone, and what he saw made his eyes light up instantly.

Someone had sent him a red packet!

He quickly tapped open and saw that someone with the name of "Good Little Rabbit" had sent him 50,000 yuan over WeChat!

There were also some voice messages attached. It was only after Chen Hao listened to those messages did he recall that this "Good Little Rabbit" was the older of the young siblings who accompanied Wei Xiuhong. This should be the remuneration she had mentioned. Someone who drives a Mercedes is indeed generous.

But, why is she inviting me to be a guest? Why, have you fallen for me after seeing me display my divine prowess and communicate with the dead? Forget about it, you're not my cup of tea.

Chen Hao couldn't be bothered with her. He also saw that someone called "Sword Heart" had added him as a friend. Chen Hao generally ignored the friend requests of those he didn't know, so he simply deleted it.

Chen Hao set down his phone and prepared to sleep.

But his mind was filled with the Dipper Steps and he couldn't get it. After tossing and turning for a bit, Chen Hao reached out and pulled the black cat into his embrace.

"Meow!" The startled black cat's fur exploded.

"What are you meowing for? You eat my food and drink my water. Will it kill you to sleep with me? Stop moving." Chen Hao berated the cat, then went on to regard the black cat as his pillow. It felt pretty good.

The black cat was speechless.