Bai Ru Got Anxious

Early in the morning, Chen Hao was woken by the knocking of the door.

He crawled out of bed feeling irritated, with an urge to pound the disturber to death.

He didn't have to go to work now, but why the hell did he feel more vexed than when he was working? Who was the one disturbing his sleep early in the morning?

After putting on his clothes, Chen Hao walked to the door with a terrible countenance and opened it. When he saw who was at the door, he held back his urge to scold the person.

The person standing at the door was a woman—Bai Ru.

It had been two days since he saw her, and she was still as hot and sexy as ever.

Of course, it wasn't for this reason that Chen Hao held back the urge to scold her. Mainly, she was his client. As a master, it would be improper for him to spew out vulgarities. He needed to maintain his aura and image as a master!

"What makes you come here?" Although Chen Hao wouldn't scold her, lest it destroy his image, he felt a loss of face as a master to have someone disturb him at his place this early in the morning. Even though you're a client, it's up to me to take up your business. How can I allow you to force me like this? With you being so domineering, how do I keep up my style?

Bai Ru pursed her lips and smiled. "Naturally, it's to ask for your help regarding the Stream Mountain issue, Master."

Chen Hao asked, "Have you found the deity figurine?"

Bai Ru said, "Yes, but it's not so easy to get my hands on such items. We're in the midst of discussing it. I estimate it will arrive in two days' time."

Chen Hao was displeased. You haven't even found the most important thing, and you're talking about settling the issue?

"Then find me again when that thing arrives." Chen Hao made a move to close the door.

But Bai Ru turned her body sideways and stopped him from doing so. She said earnestly, "Master, I need your help."

Chen Hao said in a displeased manner, "I already stated my request, and you haven't gotten the item yet. How am I supposed to help you?"

Bai Ru said, "That thing isn't urgent. But I need to confirm you're agreeing to help. Else, all the work I have done previously will go to waste."

Chen Hao was befuddled. Why don't I understand what you're saying?

Bai Ru didn't dare hide it from him and quickly told him the inside story. Realization then dawned on Chen Hao.

The so-called Shuanglong Group wasn't the company owned by one family, but by two families. The name Shuanglong Group came from the names of the two largest stakeholders in the company.

One of them was called Bai Jinglong and the other was called Xue Longqi. They were a pair of good friends who grew up together. When they grew up, these two ambitious friends worked hard together and, after much difficulty, founded the Shuanglong Group. From the name, one could tell the friendship between these two families.

But no matter how good their ties were, when it involved one's interests, the relationship couldn't persist for long. As they earned more and more money and their goals began to diverge, the two founders grew estranged. Although they still appeared close on the surface, in reality, the competition had already begun.

The older generation were wily foxes, plus they were still somewhat bound by their ties, so they didn't do anything overboard. But when it came to the younger generation, that was where the conflict occurred.

Bai Jinglong's daughter Bai Ru and Xue Longqi's son Xue Chuang were mortal enemies. They were each responsible for a different branch of business in the corporation, and they kept vying with each other to prove that he/she was the future of the Shuanglong Group.

Developing Stream Mountain was a major decision of Shuanglong Group—whether or not the company could advance hinged on the success of this project. But at a crucial moment this issue occurred, even resulting in the deaths of some people. Hence, they had no choice but to halt the project.

This was troublesome. If it wasn't handled appropriately, not only would Shuanglong Group suffer huge losses, but the future development of the company itself would also suffer a great blow. This was something that the management of Shuanglong Group didn't wish to see.

But after several negotiations and yet no solution, they came to a consensus on something.

Shuanglong Group made a promise that whoever managed to solve the Stream Mountain issue would become the next successor of the company.

This was a rare opportunity, so Bai Ru and Xue Chuang naturally wouldn't let it slip by, each deploying their own means.

Bai Ru pinned her hopes on Chen Hao, whereas Xue Chuang invited an expert from another city.

Originally, Xue Chuang wasn't successful in inviting him, so Bai Ru still had some time to prepare. But for some reason, that expert suddenly agreed, and he was rushing here today, to check out the situation at Stream Mountain.

If he beat her to it in the first step, he would always be one step ahead of her. If Xue Chuang inspected the site first, then Bai Ru would have lost. Bai Ru didn't dare gamble on the fact that the unknown master he found was a fraud. This was why she so anxiously came to invite Chen Hao this early in the morning.

What she wanted was for Chen Hao to appear earlier than that expert. This way, even if that expert arrived, Chen Hao would have the chance to handle the matter first, and only if Chen Hao didn't manage to resolve it would that expert be allowed to take over. This was the first-mover advantage.

After hearing all this, what else could Chen Hao say?

He had seen stories of feuds of rich families on plenty of TV dramas, and this time he was experiencing it in person.

Just as Chen Hao was about to talk, Bai Ru's phone rang.

Bai Ru's countenance changed when she picked it up and glanced at it. She quickly put the call through. "What's going on? What? Ok, I got it."

Bai Ru hung up directly and said with a scorching gaze, "Master Chen, the expert has already arrived. He'll probably reach Shuanglong Group very soon. Master, we have no time for hesitation. Please help me out this once. If it's a success, I can give you a remuneration of three million yuan."

Chen Hao knew that he couldn't put on a pretense any longer. He was very tempted by this business and already had the intention to take it on. He would feel a lack of face if he let someone snatch it away from him!

"Ok, I'll prepare some things and go with you to meet that master." Chen Hao decisively agreed.

He quickly packed up his things, then carried with him the black cat who had settled his breakfast by himself and was lying down and letting the food digest, before leaving his rented apartment with Bai Ru.

She sped all the way.

Ten minutes later, when Chen Hao and Bai Ru arrived at a building with tens of stories, several luxury cars likewise stopped.

Bai Ru merely took a glance at those cars and scoffed. She clearly hadn't expected that despite her quick action, Xue Chuang still managed to catch up.

Chen Hao, however, didn't really mind.

A master like him who came to be because of a system would really like to see for himself how a true master of cultivation looked like.

After getting out of the car, Chen Hao saw that Xue Chuang's formation appeared much more impressive than Bai Ru's.

There stood several bodyguards in suits and ties, an alluring secretary with a voluptuous figure, her fair bosom spilling out of her top. Even Xue Chuang himself was handsome and outstanding, with the aura of a rich man's son.

He appeared more magnificent in terms of aura!

Chen Hao sighed silently. He then saw a man wearing a dark green long-sleeved shirt, in his forties, with a square face and a crew-cut hairstyle, holding a string of agate beads, being respectfully invited to step out by Xue Chuang.

"Yo, it's Sister Ru. What a coincidence." Xue Chuang smiled lightly, his tone mild, and behaving like a big brother.

Bai Ru pursed her lips and smiled. "What a coincidence. I just found a master to help take a look at the Stream Mountain issue. Why, Brother Chuang, you also invited a master?"


Xue Chuang's gaze swept over the few people standing next to Bai Ru, and his gaze halted on Chen Hao for a moment.

Looks young, average appearance, no aura, no style. Then, his gaze shifted to…

Xue Chuang took the chance to glance at his female secretary's chest, chuckling softly, feeling disdain in his heart.

Can such a person be called a master? Loser, more like it. Seems like this time, I won.

"Hur Hur. Sister Ru, you've been duped by frauds twice. You need to be more careful." Xue Chuang pretended to remind her out of kindness, then stuck out his hand to invite the man with a crew-cut into the entrance of the building.

  1. Shuang means double in Chinese