Cultivating Both Art And Science

The results of the joint midterm exams were all over the internet. In addition to the discussion about the supreme goddess elite student, Yang Xiaoman, the king of partial subjects, Xu Mang, was also among the main discussions among the people on the net. The topics of discussions in the Weibo forums were mainly about these two.

Xu Mang had not only redefined the meaning of being partial to a subject, more importantly, he had also obtained a perfect score. The value of obtaining a perfect score here was not low at all, it was, after all, a perfect score in the toughest paper in the joint examination.

Initially, people had thought that this storm would pass quickly enough, but some of the more passionate people on the net did further digging and came up with some findings.

Xu Mang, he had actually pulled off cultivating both arts and science!

This wasn't a joke, but a fact...the people on the internet had found that not long ago, the first place in the city-wide essay competition, was actually Xu Mang from One High!

In ancient times, there was art and martial arts. In modern times, there was art and science.

This guy was really too awesome!

However, there were also doubts that followed these comments and praises.

If Xu Mang was able to get first place in the essay competition, why was it that when it came to the midterm joint exams, he had handed in a blank paper? What the heck was that about!?

In regards to this issue, there were many speculations offered by everyone on the net—that Xu Mang was wearing XTEP, that he had diarrhea, that Xu Mang had had to help an old lady to cross the road, and by doing so, he was late, or that Xu Mang's house was on fire, so he was trying to put it out…

There were many speculations, and obviously, most of it was bullsh*t.

And finally, one person gave the most pertinent answer. 

He may have fallen asleep during the exam…

When a person becomes the subject of talk for all present, don't mention falling asleep during exams, even if he were to take a dump, a lot of people would think that the sh*t had a pleasant aroma.

On the same day, Xu Mang made the headlines with the title 'Shocking! A student actually boldly did such a thing during the exam, and his results have knocked everyone's socks off!'


In Class 1 of Year 3, Xu Mang was lying down on his table as usual, thinking about what had happened recently. Getting first place in the city-wide essay competition, obtaining a perfect score for the toughest math paper in the joint midterm exams...these achievements seemed to have been obtained through external means and not through his own strength or effort.

Thinking of this, Xu Mang felt a little sad, but the sadness didn't linger long as he figured it out.

Take Yang Xiaoman as an example. This violent flat-chested savage was always browsing on Weibo or some intricate fashion magazine. Sometimes, she would brush up on some exercises for the subjects, but ultimately, she still ranked first in the city's joint examination.

Was that reasonable?

Was there such consideration in life?


That didn't count?

Xu Mang raised his head and looked around the classroom, and his eyes landed on a guy wearing spectacles. His name was Li Xiaosong, ranked sixth in the class. You could barely consider him to be an elite studious student, but underneath it all, he was in fact similar to those scum or slacker students.

He loved to play online games, and sometimes, he would sneak into internet cafes and play all the way into the middle of the night, or occasionally, even overnight. He would then sleep in class the next day. He handed in his homework occasionally, and for all obvious signs, Li Xiaosong was just the type of person who was sitting around, waiting to die. 

However, in every single exam, he had always managed to place in the top ten. Take note, every single time!

No matter whether you were willing to accept it or not, there were just some people in society who didn't need to work hard. Even though this reality was a bit cruel, it was happening all around you.

Haha, this d*mned reality…

"So, I've somehow become your girlfriend now…" Yang Xiaoman suddenly said, turning around to look at him. She then asked him quietly, "When are you taking me out for a meal?"

"What, and what, the what?" Xu Mang spluttered with a terrified face. "Have you been overly lonely recently? A fire lit in your heart? And now that fire can't be smothered, so you're taking it out on me!?"

Yang Xiaoman: (# ̄~ ̄#)

Moron! Idiotic big moron!

Sometimes, Yang Xiaoman desperately wished that she could unscrew his head and see what the hell was inside Xu Mang's head. While she was at it, she should probably also check his eyes to see if he had developed any cataract, otherwise, why would he reject such a beautiful young girl like her.

"Didn't we previously agree on this? If you scored full marks on your math paper, I'd be your girlfriend." Yang Xiaoman huffed. "Enough with the nonsense, bring me out for a big meal tomorrow, Saturday!"

Xu Mang was speechless as he looked seriously at Yang Xiaoman's angelic face...and after a long while, he finally spoke.

"Haha! I finally understand…" Xu Mang laughed coldly. "Convince, confuse, and con!"


"You're trying to convince me, but you can't, so you're trying to confuse me, and then con me instead! What, you're not happy with the definitions I used?"

Yang Xiaoman had nothing else to lose now, and so she shoved her fist right in his face, hissing dangerously, "Do you see my fist? From now on, if you dare to utter the word 'no', don't blame my fist for responding!"

Xu Mang backed down immediately. Was this the rumored fist of love?

And so, the two put aside the fact about being a couple for now but decided that a big meal would be done. Xu Mang was helpless about the situation. The perfect score didn't seem to be worth it now, picking up a violent flat-chested girlfriend, not to mention needing to spend a lot of money…

"Hey! Have you noticed that our classmates have changed the way they look at you?" Yang Xiaoman asked. "Especially those students with somewhat decent results."

"Really? Don't pay them any mind, then…" Xu Mang replied, waving his hand dismissively. 

He really didn't care what his classmates thought of him. Whatever they did, everyone had to die sometime in the future anyway!

What Xu Mang was concerned most about at the moment was the Mathematical Olympiad. It was the best way to kill off Li Hua.

At the same time, Liang Feng had come to the class and called for Xu Mang to come out.

"Xu Mang! I have great news! You've been drafted into the Mathematical Olympiad team and will be taking part in the upcoming competition." Liang Feng delivered the good news to Xu Mang, a happy smile on his face.

"Really? Who was taken off? Was it Li Hua?" Xu Mang asked in excitement.

"It's the student from Class 7 that was squeezed out." Liang Feng replied. "You're all the best students I have ever brought out, so work hard and get first place!"

This wasn't Liang Feng trying to exaggerate or anything, but it was really the words from his heart. There were only five members in the Mathematical Olympiad team—Class 1 had taken 3 spots, and the problem was this class was one of the art stream classes!

Xu Mang face held a skeptical expression at Liang Feng's words. "Mr. Liang...didn't you say not long ago that we were the worst bunch you had ever taught apart from Yang Xiaoman? What's with the sudden change? Does being a teacher mean you have to learn the art of face-changing from Sichuan?"

"You little brat…" Unfortunately, Liang Feng didn't know how else to retort because what Xu Mang had said was the truth.

"From next week onward, come to school every weekend to attend the training, even during night self-study!" Liang Feng ordered. "The actual notice will be sent separately, just wait for it."

"I even have to sacrifice my rare weekends?" Xu Mang asked, slightly horrified at the thought, before asking yet again, "Can I request to be exempted?"

"...Don't try to kill me by raising my blood pressure anymore, kid." Liang Feng muttered. "If you don't join the training, how are you going to get any placing?"

"It's not like I've ever listened in your classes anyway, but I still scored full marks…" Xu Mang retorted.

That… was a really irrefutable point!

Liang Feng didn't know what to do at this point. It was difficult to make this kid do anything he didn't want to, although, of course...there was one more way, and that was to just bulldoze through him!

"Enough with this nonsense! I am the one leading the team this time, if you continue to cause so many problems, I will swap you out of the team!" Liang Feng threatened as he stared Xu Mang down.

However, the Xu Mang today was not like the past him. He had grown his wings, and he was not about to back down!

"I don't believe you!" Xu Mang said, shaking his head. "Without my peerless genius, this school won't be able to take the championship!"

"You...I...that…" Liang Feng was on the verge of erupting. Xu Mang was not scary, but it was scary when he was intelligent...he never imagined in a million years that once this kid obtained his achievements, he would become more ferocious than usual, going on such a rampage and making people helpless!

"Mr. Liang, why are you so mad?" Xu Mang suddenly asked cheekily, a grin on his face. "Don't you know what I prioritize as a person? I'm a young man who sees studies as more important than life, how could I not come for training...don't worry, I will be there!"