Fight Against Evil

Saturday noon, Liang Feng used the 30-minute lunch break to gather the members of the Mathematical Olympiad team together. It was like an orientation to introduce them to each other so that they could gain a little more understanding about their teammates, and Xu Mang was included in it.

There were five of them in total—in addition to the three from Class 1, the other two were a boy and a girl, Lin Mengjie from Class 8, and Cheng Tianjie from Class 5.

Lin Mengjie's strength was strong, ranking first in her class, and third in the entire grade. Her talent was in mathematics, having a natural affinity for it and winning quite a few awards. Many of the mathematics-related competitions would have her appearance.

In comparison, Cheng Tianjie was weaker than Lin Mengjie by a lot. Of course, this was a comparison between students in the cream of the crop. If he was placed in the average students' category, he would be an incomparable existence. He ranked third in his class and 17th in the entire grade. His specialty was in mental arithmetic, participating in the National Mental Arithmetic competition and placing among the top 64 strong contestants.

Listening to Liang Feng prattle on about nonsense, Xu Mang couldn't help but let out a big yawn. Glancing at Lin Mengjie, he noted that although she was not as beautiful as Yang Xiaoman, her body was a standard model figure!

Those were some d*mn great curves, both in the front and back!

If Yang Xiaoman could reach those standards, he would probably…


"Look at that!" Xu Mang said, moving to stand beside Yang Xiaoman. "That is what is called a real woman!"

Yang Xiaoman: (* ̄︿ ̄)

You were really asking for a beating, weren't you?

It was obvious that she had way better looks!

Yang Xiaoman was so close to erupting, but she couldn't do anything. Disregarding the current environment and situation where she was not able to do anything to him, today was also the day that this guy had invited her out for a big meal. If she beat him up, he might also throw a temper.


What was so great about having big breasts?

What was so great about having a perky butt?

What was so great about having a tall figure?

Don't you know that dense and concentrated is the best feature in essence?

What a blind idiot!

Yang Xiaoman grit her teeth, mentally giving Xu Mang the beating of his life.

He had initially thought that the violent flat-chested woman would explode, who would have known that she would remain calm and unprovokable…if he continued to provoke her, that would just be digging his own grave for real.

Very quickly, the gathering was over. Just as Xu Mang, Yang Xiaoman, and Li Hua were heading back to class, they were intercepted by a group of burly students. From the way they dressed, it appeared that these were the bullies from the basketball team.

"Watch it, you sh*t head, you're gonna get it after school!" The vice-captain spat, glaring at Xu Mang, then he walked off with the rest of his teammates.

Watching the figures of those brawny boys leave, Xu Mang couldn't help but let out a sigh. There was finally friction with the basketball team. It could have been fate, perhaps it was God's will. On the path to kingship, there would inevitably be huge obstacles to overcome.

If you won, the road ahead of you would be bright!

If you lost, then don't be discouraged, just start over from the beginning!

"Hmph!" Li Hua snorted, leaving Xu Mang and Yang Xiaoman behind as he went ahead to the classroom. Li Hua only had feelings of contempt toward these kinds of matters. Brutes would always be brutes, and they would never change on the inside no matter what face they put on on the outside.

"You okay? What did you do to them?" Yang Xiaoman asked anxiously, worried about Xu Mang's safety.

"Don't worry about it. This is a lawful society!" Xu Mang said, smiling confidently and pointing to his brain. "I will use this to handle them!"


Although Xu Mang was showing that he was as cool as a cucumber, Yang Xiaoman knew that he was anything but. He was probably panicking to death on the inside, but he was just putting on a facade for others to see. It was highly probable that he would be beaten up by other people today…

Yang Xiaoman had heard of the group of people from the basketball team. Rumor has it that most of them were sports specialists, so you could easily imagine how much danger Xu Mang was in.

"Or...shall I ask my driver to pick us up, then?" Yang Xiaoman suggested.

Xu Mang shook his head, saying gravely, "No need!"

Yang Xiaoman felt that Xu Mang was being bull-headed. He was already in this sort of situation and yet, he still wanted to keep his face until death…needless to say, isn't that typical of a man, beings that refused to give up their image even in the face of death.

"Fine, I don't care then! Do whatever you like!" Yang Xiaoman said angrily. "Not a single hair better be harmed on that head, otherwise, I'll beat you to death!"

Saying that, the violent flat-chested woman stomped off.


It was the last period on Saturday, and it was rare to see Xu Mang not lying down and sleeping on the table, but instead, looking out the window. His thoughts had flown out the windows and up to the skies and into space...come to think of it, there was a photo of the black hole releasing this weekend, right?

If there was a black hole, was there a white hole?


"Do you know much about black holes?" Xu Mang poked Yang Xiaoman's back as he asked quietly. "When a black hole and a white hole collide, according to theories in Einstein's Field Equations, will a wormhole form from it?"

Yang Xiaoman: Σ(`д′*ノ)ノ

What the hell!?

How did this guy have so much understanding regarding the galaxy theories?

" did you know that?" Yang Xiaoman replied, astonishment in her voice.

"I just searched it on Baidu just now…" Xu Mang chuckled. "So, will a wormhole appear from it?"

" this what an idiot should be concerned about right now?" Yang Xiaoman said, shooting him a glare, saying heatedly, "You should be thinking about how to leave the school!"

"How to leave school? By using my legs, of course!" Xu Mang said, a confused look on his face. "Are you asking me to climb over the walls to get out?"

"Hmph! I'm tired of entertaining you!" Yang Xiaoman huffed angrily, shutting her mouth. 

Very soon, school was over.

Students packed their bags in a flurry of actions, leaving the classroom at the speed of light. 

Xu Mang didn't hurry, pretending to pack his books into his bag, glancing at the time as he quietly said, "Let's wait a few minutes, yeah?"

"Alright." Yang Xiaoman agreed, nodding her head.

A few minutes later, Xu Mang and Yang Xiaoman left the classroom, walking down the stairs past the corridors. Xu Mang saw a group of people standing at the front gates, and upon walking nearer, he realized they were all a bunch of modern hipsters.

Tight t-shirts, skinny jeans, loafers, and colorful bird nest hairstyles.

There were even a few that looked to be students among them. to put it?

A group of unintelligent idiots!

Xu Mang let out a sigh. If he couldn't even handle this group of people, he wouldn't be able to mingle in school...he would have to retreat from this place!

"What do we do? They...they have a lot of people." Yang Xiaoman said, pulling on Xu Mang's shirt, concern lacing her voice. "Let's go and inform the principal!"

"No need! It doesn't seem like this bunch of people are the brightest bunch, just some kids lacking strength. They don't look capable of doing much to stir the pot, so calm that panicked heart of yours!" Xu Mang said, his face relaxed as he laughed and replied to her.

Yang Xiaoman was a little confused. It was already the critical moment of a life and death situation, how was he still maintaining such a thoroughly cool facade? Could it be...he had an ace up his sleeve? And this ace could handle this group of ruffians?

Xu Mang glanced at the huge banner hanging on the school walls, there were a lot of words on it, and these words gave Xu Mang unlimited strength and confidence!

[Fight Against Evil, Purify The Environment, Spread Peace!]

[Hotline: 110]

Suddenly, the System gave him a quest prompt. 

[New Quest: Concerned Citizen]

[Description: Please obtain a pennant of 'Concerned Citizen' issued by the relevant authorities] 

[Rewards: Upgrade Cards*2]

Xu Mang pulled out his phone quietly, dialing the number on the banner.

"Hello? Is this 110? I would like to make a report!"

  1. The words on the banner refer to the duty of every citizen of the People's Republic of China to safeguard security, honor, and interest of the motherland.