The Rich Lin Xiaowei

The luxuriously dressed and neatly attired man waved his hands again. His spiritual knowledge was immediately connected to the control center crystal in the magical tower, immediately infiltrating into the sea of data at the bottommost layer. He retrieved the recent operation records and crushed the Earth's coordinates.

That man shook his head and smiled. "Her thinking was elaborate. Unfortunately, she's too naive. Every magical tower hides numerous secrets. The old folks in the Magical Association are keeping an eye on us every single minute."

After tidying up the mess for his discipline, the legendary magician turned around and returned to his room.

As expected, the "Magic Military Police" from the veteran unit visited.

The legendary magician took out a face mask from his fridge. This was invented and named by his discipline. By soaking it with the essence of various elixirs and placing it over his face, it could help take care and improve his skin condition… The elixir was in direct contact with his face, allowing his skin to soak up the nutrients better.

—A good thing!

It was deeply favored by this legendary magician, who lived an exquisite life.

Oh, this thing seemed to have been circulating around the female magicians in the Magic Association. The response was enthusiastic, and the sales were very good. There was even a trend for it to spread to the elite classes of other countries.

Because of this face mask, they earned a lot of money.

Everyone knew that magicians spent a lot of money. Hence, magicians often lacked money.

It was a great thing that this discipline could earn so much money. As her teacher, he could lead a comfortable life too.

He heard that his discipline was still researching some facial and makeup products…

Although these were items that already existed, if his discipline acted personally, it must be special. For no reason, the legendary magician was a little excited—his own discipline was a genius. All sorts of weird ideas flowed like a river. She was really a natural magician!

He applied the mask onto his face carefully so that the skin on his face could absorb the nutrients better. After that, he laid down on the soft sofa and waited.

Soon, the ice elemental servant, who was wearing heavy armor and giving out a chilly aura, came into the room. "Master, the captain of the Magic Military Police wants to see you."

"Let him enter."


After a short while, the captain of the Magic Military Police, who was wearing a black, stiff-collared robe with the "Sun Libra" symbol sewn onto the collar and sleeves, walked into the legendary magician's room. The captain had dazzling blonde hair, which was casually tied up at the back of his head in a cool manner. After seeing the legendary magician, he greeted him extremely respectfully. "I greet you, the legendary man. The mystic sage. Master Ken Teji."

Ken Teji waved his hands and gestured for him to end the greeting. "What's the matter?"

The military captain: "The Association noticed that there was a lot of restless energy here… So we came here to check up on you. Do you need any help?"

Ken Teji let out an "ah" sound. He said casually, "Just now, my discipline was playing with the multi-planar detector. Did it alert the association? Or are you saying that the association would like our detection data?"

The captain stared blankly. "…"

Sorry, I disturbed you!

Although the association stipulated that this data must be uploaded and backed-up, none of the major powers would do that. That was a huge resource! Perhaps this legendary magician started detecting the planes in preparation for his dear discipline… They should not have come to ask! They could not afford to anger him!

The captain replied. "Then it's alright. Please rest. We will leave now."

"You're not staying for a cup of tea?"

"No, no."

Just like that, a potential transplanetary colonial war was appeased. Master Ken Teji was relatively proud. Although he did not know how his discipline found out the specific coordinates, she was, after all, a genius magician. Furthermore, she was his discipline. She would definitely have some exceptional qualities! Hahaha! It was just that his discipline was very weird sometimes…

Why did she always call himself "Colonel Ken"?

A flash of spiritual light shone suddenly at the top of the warehouse. Li Yao, who was already prepared for it, hid to the side. Who knew what Lin Xiaowei sent over? What if it was a huge and hard object? He would feel so wronged if he was smashed to death by it.

After the spiritual light disappeared, a palm-sized box fell from the sky.

Li Yao: "…"

Are you kidding me?

The materials were so short?

I spent three million dollars and you sent me a tiny box?

Li Yao pursed his lips, picked up the box, and opened it.

—Inside was a silver ring inlaid with tiny pieces of ruby gemstones.

Li Yao was a little confused.

What did this mean?

Could it be that Lin Xiaowei had feelings towards him?

He took out his phone to ask her about it. However, her profile picture was still gray. It was evident that Lin Xiaowei had expended a lot of energy in that crazy operation earlier. It was difficult to even get online. Li Yao pursed his lips and continued to rummage through the box. He saw a note at the bottom layer. "Don't think of weird things. This is a half-planar space ring."

Oh, you scared me.

Li Yao let out a breath of relief immediately. Afterward, he became excited!

A half-planar space ring?

Even for a magician, this was a very rare resource. Lin Xiaowei once bragged to him that she had a planar space ring that was given to her by her teacher. She even said proudly that her teacher had even better ones. However, good things would attract others' eyes. Her teacher planned to give it to her after Lin Xiaowei got promoted to the middle ranks.

Back then, Li Yao was extremely jealous!

I want that kind of teacher too!

It was all good now. He was a man with a planar ring too!

Li Yao tried it on and wore the ring on his left index finger. Hey, it looked really good. And it fit him!

Afterward, he touched the ring with his spiritual consciousness. The spiritual consciousness rapidly entered, and a space expanded within his brain. It had a diameter of ten miles, and the space was exceptionally large. Now, as long as he was willing to, he could retrieve materials anytime just by expending his mental powers. Within this space, there were a pile of materials, four big boxes, a bunch of alchemy tools, and a pile of shining magical stones.

Li Yao shook his head. "Lin Xiaowei is actually a wealthy person…"

Those materials must have been very expensive, right?

After cleaning up a bit, Li Yao left this abandoned warehouse silently. He was oblivious to the fact that the high-energy waves produced there were like fire beacons in the night. It alerted a lot of beings.

After returning home and calming down his excited emotions, Li Yao started to plan his next course of action. However, when he flipped his calendar, he suddenly felt attacked.

What the heck?

School is starting soon?

Li Yao felt a bit stunned. He felt like he had done absolutely nothing for this one month or so.

How can school start soon???

I can't bear to leave my sofa and the happiness of staying at home all day!

But tragic reality never cared about personal feelings.

At that moment, Li Yao received Lin Xiaoxi's message: "My Dad told me to report at the provincial capital with you… Did you bribe my dad? How useless! His daughter is now a rich and beautiful girl! How can he be bribed???"

Li Yao: "???"