The Outspoken Lin Xiaoxi

Lin Xiaoxi, are you a demon?

He directly blacklisted Lin Xiaoxi's number. Thereafter, he went through WeChat and penguin number and blacklisted them all. After completing all this, he sent a message to Uncle Lin: "Uncle Lin, why did you let Xiaoxi go with me together to report to school? I have been busy recently. I may not be free."

Uncle Lin: "Aren't you all in Southeast University? It happens to be on the way. I am creating a chance for you by doing this. Don't stand on ceremony. Hehehe."

Li Yao: "???"

What f*cking don't stand on ceremony, and even hehehe!

Are your family members all demons?

Li Yao's mood was very complicated now. It was as if other people's parents wanted to give the white cabbage that his own family had put in a lot of effort to grow to the pig arch… Oh, wrong, where was there such a good-looking pig like himself? Bah! This was also wrong.

How can I be a pig!

As Li Yao watched himself in the full-length mirror at the head of the bed, he looked left and right.

Tsk, really good-looking.

He kept his cell phone and decided not to go to school together with Lin Xiaoxi.

That girl was absolutely poisonous!

Due to school re-opening, there would be a mighty army returning back to school. Whether he chose public transport or the highway, they would be very jammed. Hence, Li Yao packed his luggage early and prepared to return to school. When he was packing his luggage, he discovered that it was really good to have a space ring. Otherwise, there was an additional heap of miscellaneous things that he still had to pack. He had to say that Lin Xiaowei was still very considerate.

But it was a pity that he did not dare to put his luggage into the space ring. Otherwise, his mom would nag him to death.

For example:

You are bringing so little things. Are you pretending to be rich!

Where are your long johns?

Why didn't you bring your long johns!!!

Being certified by the nation as after the 90s, Li Yao had already passed the age where he would want to be fashionable instead of being comfortable. When the weather became cold every time, he would consciously put on his long johns.

Hence, Li Yao still packed two suitcases and two backpacks.

When his mom saw the full suitcases, she was very satisfied.

"Have you brought everything to avoid having to run back? The transport also requires money."

Li Yao: "…"

You still don't know that your son's net worth is in the millions. Hey! I'm not telling you!

Li Yao's mom helped him to bring all the big and small bags downstairs. His dad was waiting downstairs. He would drive and send Li Yao to school. When he went downstairs, he realized that his dad was actually smoking and chatting with Uncle Lin. Lin Xiaoxi, who looked unhappy, was beside him.

Li Yao was suddenly shocked: "Why are you… "

Li Yao's mom did not wait for him to finish talking when she single-handedly pressed onto his head and pushed him into the car!

Following that, she smiled and looked at Uncle Lin. "Old Lin, has everything been packed? If so, let's go?"

Uncle Lin replied. "Go go go! When you are in school, you must be obedient… Don't create trouble."

He did not worry about his own family's girl being bullied.

He worried about this girl bullying others.

Li Yao glared with the eyes of a dead fish in the car. He saw his parents putting on a show outside. When Lin Xiaoxi was also being stuffed in, he exchanged glances with her. He rolled his eyes at the same time. What evil had he done!

After Comrade Old Li was done, he waved to Old Lin. He conveniently brought Mom and got into the car together.

Li Yao was puzzled. "Both of you old folks are following?"

His mom did not even turn her head: "Both of us are following to help Xiaoxi clean up her bedroom."

Li Yao looked around. "???"

Am I your biological child?

He glanced at Lin Xiaoxi.

Lin Xiaoxi: ㄟ(▔,▔)ㄏ

Why are you looking at me!

Li Yao smiled. Nothing… I just especially feel like opening up your brain.


He moved to one side and leaned against the car window. He had a depressed face as he looked outside.

My heart is so tired.

Even though they went back to school a few days in advance, the route back to school was not that smooth. There were many cars returning back to school on the expressway. Hence, it was very jammed. The journey that was usually three hours was forcibly dragged to become more than five hours. They departed in the morning and only arrived in the afternoon. After Comrade Old Li found a place to park the car, Comrade Old Li and Comrade Zhang Yufeng eagerly helped Lin Xiaoxi carry her things. They left Li Yao alone behind to watch that warm scene.

What evil had he done!

That girl is a lace, Comrade Old Li, Comrade Zhang Yufeng!

His dad walked for a while, turned back, and shouted: "Why are you in a daze? Lead the way! We are not familiar!"


He did not have a choice. He could only drag his luggage single-handedly as he led the way on the side. Lin Xiaoxi had to report at the registration area. There were members of the Youth League and Student Union to help the new students get enrolled and settle all kinds of matters. His roommates, Cao Rui and Chen Tao, were both members of the Student Union. Li Yao felt that he should be able to meet them there.

He went to the registration area and took a look.


These two things had changed their hairstyles, making them look alert today. Their clothes were also fashionable. They looked very flashy in the crowd. The weather was still very hot at this time, but those two flashy people were smiling brilliantly under the sunlight… It looked like they had obtained many female juniors' WeChat accounts.

The last member of the bedroom who followed beside Cao Rui and Chen Tao was Zhao Shuisheng.

This was a man from the southwestern mountains. He was very tall, dark, and strong. He looked very societal, but he was a very gentle man in reality. When he met with problems, he always liked to smile shyly. He was not a member of the Student Union. He was being dragged along by those two things, Cao Rui and Chen Tao, to help. In actual fact, he was pulled here to complement their looks.

The so-called good looks were being complemented.

However, in room number 403, in terms of looks, Li Yao could beat 10 of them!

Even if he was wearing a simple white shirt and jeans, Li Yao, who was under the sunlight, also exuded a gentle and fresh brilliance. Even if he was pulling two suitcases in his hands in addition to two bags, he also attracted the attention of many girls.

Li Yao was already used to this kind of attention. He was indifferent. And when those girls saw Lin Xiaoxi beside Li Yao, their gazes suddenly darkened again.

Is the boy already taken?


it's such a pity!

The characters of Cao Rui and Chen Tao from the room were more straightforward. When they saw Li Yao, they turned around and prepared to leave. Every time they were together with Li Yao, they would become the girls' insulators. There would absolutely be no one noticing them. But Zhao Shuisheng waved to Li Yao and revealed an honest smile. "Li Yao, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Li Yao put down his luggage and also waved his hand. Thereafter, Cao Rui and Chen Tao glanced at Lin Xiaoxi, who was beside the two old folks of the Li family.

They knew that Li Yao was the only child. They also knew Li Yao's parents!

So, who was that girl?

Could it be Li Yao's relative?

Their eyes suddenly lit up.

This look had come from a direct line of succession. Cao Rui and Chen Tao exchanged glances. Their hot gazes reached a consensus in an instant: Come, we'll fight based on our capabilities! Beast of burden!

Following that, these two beasts of burden came over with confident and evil smiles. "Li Yao, it's been a long time since we met."

"Hello Uncle and Aunty~"

"Is this your family's relative? Is she also our Southeast University's student? If you need any help, feel free to say~"

Li Yao felt a wave of nauseousness.

The oily smiles on those two beasts of burden were simply burning his eyes.

He moved and stood at one side. These two beasts of burden had collided and reacted by piling up. They were seeking death! His own parents had worked hard for their "prospective daughter-in-law". Even if it was Lin Xiaoxi, she was also not a character to be provoked.

As predicted, Lin Xiaoxi took one step back and spoke coldly.

"Don't come over. I reject ugliness."