You are Acting Blindly!

Li Yao held onto his waist for a long time before he regained his energy.

He sat on the sofa and started contemplating about life. After drinking the medicine, the little piglet became extremely energetic and jumped around every day. It even wanted to rush out and charge at him. But why did he start having cold sweat when he drank it? It was impossible that he was weak from the start. He was not like the two animals in the dormitory. He always took care of his body and would not stay up late to watch films.

Could it be that the medicine had side-effects?

Li Yao became even more flustered.

He was careless… He should have been more careful and tested it more. I am so good-looking. I don't want to die young!

Li Yao sat on the sofa nervously, waiting for his body's next reaction. Gradually, his cold sweat was gone. The warm feelings spread throughout his four limbs, giving Li Yao the feeling of being soaked in a hot spring bath.

How comfortable~

Afterward, he fell asleep…

When Li Yao woke up, it was already late. After regaining his senses, he remembered what happened earlier. He started checking his body forcefully. Everything was normal.

Li Yao let out a breath. However, he was still worried. The next day, he ran to the Southeast Affiliated hospital to look for a senior to conduct a full-body check-up for him. That day, he received the report which concluded that his body's functioning was normal. His health was extremely good, almost exceptionally good.


Li Yao was no longer worried. Looked like the cold sweat yesterday was a normal reaction.

It was definitely not because he was weak!

After both medicines had been refined, there was hope for Aunt Lin's illness. Li Yao was extremely happy. He took out his phone to check. Lin Xiaowei had not gone online yet. However, to put her at ease, Li Yao gave the offline Lin Xiaowei a message: "The detoxification medicine and the vitality antidote have been made. I have tested them personally too. No problem."

After sending the message, Li Yao kept his phone and returned.

He had been busy with refining the medicine in this period of time. A month passed unknowingly, and the mid-autumn festival had arrived silently. Taking advantage of the three-day-long holiday, Li Yao and Lin Xiaoxi returned home.

Dad and Mom were all good. The two of them did not even miss their son, who had barely left for a month.

When he returned home, he did not see anyone!

—Dad and Mom had directly gone on a road-trip for the mid-autumn festival!

They did not even inform their own son! If Li Yao did not have the home keys, he would not even be able to enter!

This made Li Yao remember what a certain netizen experienced—upon reaching home, that netizen realized that his home had already been moved away without informing him. Could you experience the surprise felt when you got home and discovered that there was no one there? The key point was that everyone was doing well, just that they had forgotten about you!

Li Yao started thinking deeply.

Am I really your biological child?

Never mind, don't try to investigate your roots. What if something bad happens?

Even if Li Yao was insensitive, he would not be able to bear it. Just pretend that… he was a freebie from a phone package. Li Yao tidied up his home before going to the supermarket to buy a few boxes of mooncakes. He also kept the sealed package of medicine. After he finished preparing, Li Yao brought these items to visit the Lin Family the next day.

Uncle Lin was the one who opened the door this time. Upon seeing Li Yao, who had come carrying mooncakes, he was extremely happy. "Oh, Big Yao, why did you come over with things? Your parents went out to play, right? Stay for a meal today."

Uncle Lin welcomed Li Yao passionately. Aunt Lin was busy in the kitchen and greeted Li Yao.

The old couple was harmonious and exceptionally warm.

Li Yao placed the mooncake box down and sat down with Uncle Lin in the living room. "Where's Xiao Xi?"

Uncle Lin said, "She went shopping with her classmates. She'll come back later."

So it's like that.

Li Yao paused and asked, "Is aunt's body still good?"

He could not see anything weird from Uncle Lin's expression. He said lightly, "It's just like that. Motor neurone disease is a slow-acting illness. We still have time. Just make the best out of the present. That's the most important thing."

When things became irreversible, they could only accept it and spend the remaining days well, not leaving any regrets behind.

Li Yao was silent.

Would the beauty of the present become the lingering pain of the future?

The beauty that had passed was also a sort of regret too.

If things did not have a turning point, Uncle Lin would definitely be in extreme pain in the future.

Luckily, Uncle Lin had a good daughter. She was so impressive that she did not need to make decisions in life.

Hence, Li Yao said, "Uncle Lin, I have already found a way to cure her. I came today for this."

It was evident that Uncle Lin did not believe him. "Big Yao, we need to look at reality."

Li Yao took out eight test tubes from the box beside him. Two test tubes contained a light-green liquid, while the other six contained a light red liquid. "For these eight medicines, drink the light green ones once every two weeks. For the light red ones, drink it once a week."

Uncle Lin inspected the eight medicines. "Where did you get these things?"

This was hard to explain.

Li Yao was a bit flustered. He could not say that he refined them himself, right? That the recipe and the ingredients were provided by their deceased yet transmigrated daughter? Damn it, if he did that, Uncle Lin would definitely call the pol-… Oh, no. He would call the asylum.

He could not blame Uncle Lin for being so suspicious too.

For a terminal disease recognized by the World Health Organization, would you believe me if I took out eight test tubes of medicine casually and said that drinking these would cure the illness?

"I believe Big Yao."

Just when Li Yao did not know how to explain, Aunt Lin had already come into the living room silently. She looked at Li Yao with a smile. Aunt Lin still had an apron wrapped around her, and the vegetables were still cooking on the stove. The light whiff of fragrance drifted about the room. She stood on the side of the living room and said firmly yet gently, "I believe."

Afterward, he walked over, picked up one tube of the detoxification medicine, and asked, "Just drink it like that?"

Uncle Lin became anxious. "Yu Fen!"

Aunt Lin said gently, "Old Lin, can Big Yao sabotage me?"

Uncle Lin said, "I'm afraid that Big Yao will accidentally worsen things despite his kind intentions!"

Aunt Lin patted her husband's shoulder. Her gaze was gentle yet firm. "It's a matter of time. Just try it."

She turned towards Li Yao. "Then I'll just drink it?"

Li Yao nodded.

Aunt Lin pulled the cork-stopper off the test tube. A slightly pungent and minty smell drifted out. Aunt Lin frowned and laughed. "This smell is a bit strong."

Uncle Lin's face paled immediately.

All of you! Why don't you believe in science? Why do you dare to drink anything blindly?

However, after speaking, Aunt Lin drank the medicine. After drinking, Aunt Lin pursed her lips, frowned, and smiled. "The taste is even stronger."

Li Yao laughed.

Who knew what those magicians were thinking? Actually, that smell and taste could be made milder. However, those magicians were too lazy to research it. They would rather endure the attack on their senses than waste their time on sensory enjoyment. They were more willing to spend their precious time on other more meaningful projects.

Li Yao picked up the light red "Vitality Antidote" and smiled. "This tastes worse."

Aunt Lin was speechless. "…"

Old Lin's face became even paler.

It was her first time taking the medicine. Li Yao looked from the side. Fifteen minutes after drinking the detoxification medicine, Aunt Lin's body started warming up and having cold sweat. These high-fever symptoms made Uncle Lin extremely worried. However, Li Yao pressed Uncle Lin down and told him that this was the normal reaction. Perhaps it was because her neurons had been infiltrated by the heavy metal toxins for so long that the detoxification medicine took more than an hour to complete the initial detoxification.

Aunt Lin, who had expended too much energy, seemed a bit exhausted. Her expression looked terrible.

But this was not the time to rest. Li Yao pulled the anxious Uncle Lin back and told him to remain calm. He took the Vitality Antidote and told Aunt Lin, "Drink this before going to rest."

Aunt Lin smiled weakly. "Okay."

Enduring the pungent smell and weird taste, Aunt Lin finished drinking the Vitality Antidote. Uncle Lin helped her back to her bedroom to rest.

After Aunt Lin had laid down, Uncle Lin closed the door carefully and looked at Li Yao with a serious, and almost fierce, expression. He suppressed his anger and yelled in a low voice, "Where did you get this weird recipe from? You are acting blindly!"