A New Skill

"You say that you can cure a terminal disease that the entire world is helpless against. What's your family background? Are you preparing to get the medical Nobel prize?"

Li Yao pursed his lips, thinking that Uncle Lin must be really angry. Even his Northeastern accent came out.

Lin Chengdong was like a trapped lion. He was unable to rescue his wife and unable to support his family. He no longer had the responsibility of a husband and the respect of a parent. He even accepted this unjust arrangement of Fate, yet there was someone who jumped out, wishing to turn his bad luck around. Wasn't it enough trouble already? He glared at Li Yao with bloodshot eyes. Li Yao really wanted to smash everything into pieces.

F*ck life!

Uncle Lin covered his face and squatted down in front of the bedroom door. "Leave. Let Uncle calm down."

Li Yao nodded, got up, and said, "Ok. Then I'll leave now, Uncle."

After Li Yao left, the room immediately became silent.

Lin Chengdong squatted at the bedroom entrance, his emotions having calmed down slightly. He returned to the living room and rummaged for a while before finding a half-opened packet of cigarettes. He took one out and lit it up—the smell of smoke was much lighter than before. However, as he had not smoked for a long time, he still choked on the smoke and started coughing. In the encircling wisps of smoke, tears came out as he coughed. No matter how much he wiped the tears away, they would not dry.


Until the smoke disappeared, Lin Chengdong went into the restroom to wash his face.

The coolness upon his face calmed him down.

When he returned to the living room again, he saw that there were a few test tubes left on the table. Lin Chengdong frowned immediately. "Nonsense!"

He reached out his hand and was prepared to bring these things downstairs to throw them into the dustbin.

However, at that moment, his wife's voice came from the bedroom. Lin Chengdong immediately did not care about throwing away the rubbish. He opened the bedroom door and dashed in. His previously angry and gloomy appearance had disappeared, only leaving behind a tender gentleness. "What's wrong, Yu Fen?"

Aunt Lin said, "I'm a bit thirsty."

Lin Chengdong said, "I'll pour you some water."

After drinking the water, Aunt Lin leaned against the headboard. She held the cup and looked towards her husband. "You scolded Big Yao?"

Lin Chengdong instantly blushed from embarrassment. He lowered his head and stuttered. "No, no."

Aunt Lin smiled. "That child is being kind. You are so old, yet you don't even know your boundaries. Furthermore, that medicine… really seemed to be working. I feel much more comfortable."

Lin Chengdong smiled bitterly. "Do you have to console me like that?"

Aunt Lin sat up straight and said with a serious expression, "Let me tell you that I'm really not consoling you."

Lin Chengdong had lived for more than twenty years with this woman in front of him. He could easily tell if her words were true or false. However, her current behavior did not seem fake.

Could it be that the medicine was effective? Lin Chengdong said suspiciously, "Then we'll go to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow?"

Aunt Lin said, "After the mid-autumn festival. We'll go after Xiao Xi returns to school."

Lin Chengdong said, "Okay!"

It was already getting slightly cold during the mid-autumn festival. Li Yao tightened his jacket around him and felt even more wronged.

Dad and Mom had left coolly. There was not even a mouthful of warm rice at home!

He kindly went to his best friend's home to give them life-saving medicine, yet he got scolded!

What kind of stupid life is this?

Li Yao bought a bento set from the convenience store back home and warmed it using his microwave. During this mid-autumn festival, he was alone at home, eating a bento set desolately—Would you believe me if I told you that? Indeed, I'm not the main character of this novel! Feeling-so-wronged.jpg!

At that moment, his phone vibrated, and he received a message from Lin Xiaoxi. "Li Yao, you came to my house?"

Lin Xiaoxi: "Why didn't you stay for a meal? My Dad and Mom are a bit weird. They were a little unwilling when I suggested they call you over. What's going on???"

Li Yao smiled and replied: "I'm having fun outside."

Lin Xiaoxi replied. "Bastard. Why didn't you call me to have fun? Let's terminate our friendship!"

What do you mean by terminating our friendship?

Li Yao's mood improved considerably. Actually, he could understand Uncle Lin's emotions. Of course, this did not mean that he was not sad!

He needed to seek compensation, right?

Hence, he opened his conversation record with Lin Xiaowei. "It's the mid-autumn festival~ Have you eaten mooncakes?"

Lin Xiaowei's profile picture was still gray. Li Yao could only leave a message for her. "I sent the medicine to your house. Uncle Lin won't believe me and scolded me. I feel really wronged, okay? You need to compensate me! Damn it, you really owe me one! No, do I owe you??? Anyway, happy mid-autumn… Um, is it too cheesy to say happy mid-autumn festival? Then I'll wish you an awesome mid-autumn festival!"

After sending the message, Li Yao kept his phone and prepared to meditate.

Although he was extremely lazy, he never neglected his meditation training. Every day, he would meditate before sleeping. Recently, he even started to gradually replace sleeping with meditation as he realized that meditation was better for maintaining his body than sleeping…

After keeping it up for a few months, he felt that his mental strength was increasing rapidly.

As the foundation of being a magician, one's mental strength was extremely important. A lot of spells were strongly related to mental strength. One such example was the "Master's Hand". When he first started, Li Yao could only control objects that weighed 100 to 200 grams. However, he could now control objects that weighed 3 kilograms. Furthermore, the speed and force of telekinesis increased alongside the strengthening of one's mental powers.

After all, reality was a game.

The game would fix certain values for you. Regardless of how one played, one could only fluctuate within this numerical range.

However, in reality, there would be different effects according to one's personal capabilities and improvement.

Recently, Li Yao was trying to see if he could multitask and control two items at once—it worked but was hard to control freely.

After practicing the construction of the "Master's Hand" again, Li Yao levitated a blob of clear water above his palm and made it change into all sorts of shapes. He looked at the blob of water and sank into a deep contemplation: currently, the magician skills that he possessed were meditation and the "Master's Hand". Although knowledge about alchemy was a part of a magician's internal strength and it would be extremely powerful when trained to an advanced level, at his present stage, it was only like a life skill for him.

He lacked a powerful attacking skill!

Oh, he also lacked defense skills!

Hm.. He also lacked auxiliary and transportation skills!

In conclusion, he lacked everything!

Li Yao, who was still a newbie in the magician world, coveted all skills. He always wanted more and stronger magic skills.

Lin Xiaowei said that if he completed this mission, she would give him a powerful skill. He did not know what skill that was.

Li Yao waved his hand and threw the blob of water into the sink. His ambition erupted.

If she won't give it to me, I'll invent one myself!

Real men should be brave enough to invent various positions!

Let's arrange it!

In the subsequent days, Li Yao started to research new positions to use the "Master's Hand". After the holidays ended, he already had a few ideas. During the holidays, his parents did not return until Li Yao returned to school. They were really having fun without any restraint. There was no news from Uncle Lin's family either. It was not appropriate for him to ask either… He only hoped that Uncle Lin was not an extremely devout discipline of science.

Li Yao returned to school and walked around in the dormitory. After chatting with his dormitory mates, he returned to his singles apartment outside. He planned to configure some objects and tidy up his recent thoughts.

At that moment, his phone vibrated.

Lin Xiaowei said, "You've worked hard. Looks like I missed the mid-autumn festival."

Upon seeing that Lin Xiaowei had finally revived, Li Yao let out a breath of relief. He said happily, "It's fine. The mid-autumn festival occurs every year."

Lin Xiaowei said, "It's been tough for you recently. Oh right, I'll give this to you. You must have been waiting anxiously."

While she said that, he received a document from Lin Xiaowei.

—That was the new skill.