It Is Really Effective???

After a series of shocking experiences, Li Yao got a new spell from Lin Xiaowei.

——-Frost Death's Wrath!

Lin Xiaowei was pleased. "My teacher is a legendary mage who is proficient in eight types of magic. He specializes in shape-shifting, defense, and necromantic magic. So he disassembled and merged some skills in the low-level spells to improvise on this one. It is a powerful attack skill that can be learned in the apprenticeship stage.

"The damage of this spell falls second. The most powerful aspect of this spell is that its form is interchangeable. After you analyze it, you'll understand."

Li Yao rubbed his temples, feeling a little pained.

After receiving all the information, he knew the effects of Frost Death's Wrath.

After the spellcaster completes the spell circuit, the "Frost Element" and "Necrotic Power" are smelted into spell power. The duration of the spell depends on the spellcaster's concentration time, and during the spell effect, the caster can determine its form according to his will. This magic power transforms and was released as rays, mist, and even cold wind.

The targets who were attacked by this magical force would be eroded by both the frost and the necrotic powers.

In terms of attacking, it was indeed very powerful!

It filled up the gap of an apprentice during attacks.

That mage is indeed impressive.

So Li Yao exclaimed sincerely. "It is indeed awesome!"

"Hahahahaha, my teacher even came up with an even more impressive spell, "The Breeze of The Ignited Soul". When you are promoted to a proper magician, you will get to learn it. Do you want to learn it? Hahaha, come on. Call me Daddy and I'll teach you~~"

Li Yao was in deep thought. "Isn't life vastly different in two different worlds???"


Lin Xiaowei: "…"

The negative mood that came from Lin Xiaowei +666…

Lin Xiaowei replied. "The circuit in your dog brain is really interestingly strange, but Daddy doesn't wanna talk to dogs. He is rolling his eyes at the dog and getting ready to go offline!"

Li Yao laughed. After all, it was her Dad. He had to deal with her temper. "You didn't bear too heavy a burden last time, right?"

"I'm fine, I've already recovered. There are no after-effects."

"Stay safe."

"Yeah, of course!"

Although they were separated by the screen, Li Yao could sense how firm Lin Xiaowei was. Her simple words showed substance, making his phone feel a little heavier.

After some casual talk, Li Yao ended the chat and prepared to analyze the skills that he had just gained.

On the same day, at his old home, in the county.

After Xiaoxi returned to school, Uncle Lin brought his wife to the best third-tier hospital in the county, the Central Hospital, for a body examination. Now, they were rich, and they could go in the VIP way. They got the test results on the same day. Even if so, they also waited almost an entire day. In this whole day, Uncle Lin felt like he was in an uncomfortable situation, and he felt really troubled.

His rational sense told him that this was a terminal illness and not child's play. Li Yao's silly antics would not help.

But emotionally speaking, he was really hoping for a miracle!

Finally, the professional had gotten Auntie Lin's test report and invited them to the consultation room. "The results of this test are very optimistic. The index and nerve conduction rate test shown on the electromyogram shows that your condition is improving… The speed of this improvement is even a bit unconventional. It's incredible. Have you… undergone any special treatment recently?"

Conventional treatment methods would never produce such results!

That professional's eyes lit up as he stared at the Lin Couple. If he found the cure to ALS, it would be such a blessing to the human race!

And he… would become the pioneer in this area, leaving a name for himself in history!

Yet, Lin Chengdong did not answer the professional's question.

When he knew that his wife's condition had improved, he felt like he was struck by lightning. His thoughts were chaotically complicated, yet it also felt like his mind went blank!

The professional asked, feeling confused. "Mr. Lin? Mr. Lin? Mrs. Lin, is something wrong with Mr. Lin?"

Tears welled up in Auntie Lin's eyes. She wiped the corner of her eyes and heaved a long sigh of relief. "Perhaps he's happy."


Auntie Lin had just finished speaking when Uncle Lin slammed the table. Like a husky in a house, he ran around in circles and could not restrain from slapping the table. "HA!"

"Recovered! Hahahahaha, recovered! ALS so what! Hahahaha, we're fine now!"

Uncle Lin looked hysterical, and the professional was a little worried.

Many family members of the patients suffered from very great psychological pressure. The highs and lows of such mental states could become the root causes of several illnesses. Aunt Lin got up and went beside Lin Chengdong. She took his hand gently and said softly, "Old Lin, everything is fine now… Alright … Let's go home, shall we?"

His wife's warmth and comfort made Lin Chengdong calm down gradually. After going hysterically happy previously, he felt rather exhausted. He took a few deep breaths, and he felt a strong sense of exhaustion.

He thanked the professional. "Thank you, thank you!"

The professional waved. "I didn't do anything. Have you guys undergone any treatment lately? I'm really curious."

Okay, I'm not just curious.

I have a strong desire to know!

Lin Chengdong made eye contact with his wife. They both thought about the special medication that Li Yao brought to them.

Now that they thought about Li Yao's confident attitude, they could sense that things were not simple. So, he shook his head and said, "This is a terminal illness… we didn't even have any hope. We just wanted to spend her final days well, so we did not do anything at all this whole time. We are just trying to have as much happiness as possible. Who knew, my wife's condition would improve, so we came for a checkup. I never thought about it! She really changed for the better!"

The professional asked, "Really?"



Since the patient did not want to say it, the professional could not force them to speak up. Indeed, many patients will loosen up their minds after being diagnosed. They start to eat well and enjoy life more happily. After a while, their condition sometimes improves… I can only say that the human body is a wonder.

As doctors, they had seen a lot of baffling things happen in all these years.

The Lin Couple bid goodbye to the professional, and on the way back, Aunt Lin said. "We have to thank Big Yao."

Lin Chengdong was so happy that he kept hitting the steering wheel. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. We have to thank him properly! Hahahaha~"

Aunt Lin rolled her eyes at Old Lin. "I'm going to thank him, and you go apologize."

Uncle Lin's face turned sullen. "…"

Do I not have some dignity?!

I'm his uncle!

No big deal, I will just let Xiaoxi follow Big Yao along when he goes traveling during the 1/10 holiday. I'm sending my precious flower to that rascal. It's good enough, huh!

Aunt Lin did not go along well with that. "Old Lin, Big Yao saved my life."

Uncle Lin was silent for two seconds. Then, in a stiff voice, he answered. "Fine."

In the consultation room at the Central Hospital, the professional who finished the test report for the Lin Couple was compiling a copy of Aunt Lin's medical reports. The recovery from ALS was very valuable for research. Who knows, they might still have to seek cooperation from the patient and her family. But at this time, a lady carrying an exquisite bento walked in.

That lady was wearing a long dress, and her figure was really hot. Her face was very cute, and her wrist was really pale. Her neck was very fair, and her pupils were really black. Her hair was very black.

But her eyes were very cold.

She looked at the medical report in the professional's hand and asked, "The medical report of the ALS patient?"

The professional answered subconsciously. "Yes."




"Patient He Yufen, patient's family Lin Chengdong."

"Thank you." The lady turned around and left the consultation room after asking her questions. When the lady left, the professional sighed in relief and slumped into his chair like a dead fish out of water. He was totally taken aback by that woman's aura!!!

She… Who is she???

How scary.