Come and Chase Me

Lin Xiaowei became unhappy. "I'm a magician, not a doctor."

Li Yao said, "Motor neurone disease can be cured, but cancer cannot be cured. You are looking down on cancer!"

There were both terminal illnesses. Why compare?

Lin Xiaowei said, "…Actually, the medicine that I gave you can cure the majority of terminal illnesses. Mankind's medical knowledge is actually advancing really slowly. The only diseases that can be cured thus far are the few types of diseases like bacterial infections.

"Mankind's medical knowledge has not even figured out the specific principles and treatment options for a cold. The most common treatment was actually merely suppressing the illness and to trigger the body's immune system to combat the illness. However, the medicine that I gave you is the ultimate advancement of this set of theories."

Li Yao became thoughtful. "Are you not trying to help me?"

Lin Xiaowei: "… "

Lin Xiaowei said, "Can you understand human language?"

Li Yao said, "I understand. Be more specific."

Anyway, he did not quite understand.

Lin Xiaowei explained. "…Never mind. Give me some information. I'll give you the conclusion after I analyze them."

Li Yao said, "I want it tonight!"

Lin Xiaowei said, "Do you think you have the upper hand? You still want it tonight, how cocky! Why don't you go to heaven?"

After saying that, Lin Xiaowei's profile picture turned gray.

Li Yao glared at it. You don't give any face at all!

He started to anticipate when Lin Xiaowei could return to Earth. At the time… Oh damn. She would be legendary. No, he would have to develop a top-secret move. He would be even more impressive than her when she returned. He would pin her face down and rub it against the ground! He kept his phone and apologized. "After all, cancer is still more complicated. I might not be able to give you a confirmed answer tonight."

Chen Xi said, "It's alright. I understand."

It was already good to have hope. She did not wish for too much.

Li Yao nodded, stood up, and prepared to leave. "I hope that what happened today can be kept secret." After speaking, he scanned everyone in the room.

Li Shishi stood up and said to her men, "Keep it secret, understand?"

Her sudden transition to a cold aura stunned Chen Xi. Are you so changeable?

Chen Xi also looked at the man in black. He nodded deeply. "So, can you release me?"

He was still tied-up!

Li Yao waved his hand. "Let's go."

The man in black was speechless. "???"

Very quickly, there were only Chen Xi and the man in black staring at each other in the huge living room. The man in black was still tied-up. He looked at Chen Xi awkwardly. "Mistress, you see…"

Chen Xi turned around and left, leaving that man in black there in deep thought.

Did I do something wrong?

On the journey back, Li Shishi kept staring at Li Yao. Her curious eyes looked like she was judging an alien. "Can you really cure cancer?"

Li Yao's expression darkened. "Didn't we say to keep it a secret?"

Li Shishi smiled. Okay, she would not ask anymore.

Some things were better left unknown.

Anyway, they were going to cooperate. Take it slow~

After a while, she felt a bit bored. "It's the November holidays. Do you have any plans? I'll bring you out to play."

Li Yao thought about it, shook his head, and said, "Isn't it crowded everywhere? It's no fun."

Li Shishi said, "I can book the entire plane and the entire venue."

"…" Li Yao was speechless.

Are you impressive because you are rich?


It was impressive to be rich.

However, Li Yao rejected her. "Money is a good thing. I wish I had it too. Of course, I will definitely become extremely rich. But some things cannot be solved by money."

Furthermore, he was still extremely eager to train diligently. Otherwise, it would be really awkward if Lin Xiaowei returned stronger than him. The person pinned and rubbed against the ground would definitely be him.

Li Shishi agreed to Li Yao's words.

Otherwise, why would she try so hard to be friends with Li Yao?

When the car reached the parking lot of Li Shishi's company, Li Yao jumped off the car, waved his hand, and left.

Sitting beside the car door, Li Shishi supported her cheeks with both of her hands, watching on as Li Yao walked further and further… The assistant came silently to the side of the business car and waited there quietly. After a long time, Li Shishi said, "Ah Ke, this junior is really interesting."

Assistant Ah Ke said, "Oh."

Li Shishi glanced at the assistant. "You are too boring."

After speaking, Li Shishi jumped off the car. Her aura immediately changed. She became that charismatic and strict woman who controlled the entire corporation. The wind would blow wherever she walked. "Is the chemical report out?"

The assistant lifted her head. "It's out. It's completely harmless. It really can increase cell activity to a large extent and even repair damaged cells. But we cannot deconstruct the molecular structure of the main components. In other words, we cannot produce it on our own."

Li Shishi nodded. "I understand."

After returning to his singles apartment in the college town, Li Yao entered training mode after bathing. Although a lot of things happened today, they would not hinder his training progress.

He could have made a living from his looks. Yet, he was so hardworking.

I am so awesome!

Li Yao gave himself a 'like'.

He would leave Chen Xi's matters to tomorrow.

Teacher Qi Yu had once said, leave today's matters for tomorrow's me.

To the me tomorrow, thank you for your hard work.

The November holiday was a consecutive break of seven days. A lot of Lin Xiaoxi's dormitory mates had all asked each other out to travel. This was one of the activities that college students loved to do.

However, Lin Xiaoxi rejected their offers.

She still remembered what Li Yao told her. She did not want to waste her own time. So-called "youth" was only the foolish people's lack of restraint. They do the most outlandish things in the name of youth, making a huge mess out of themselves in the best time of their lives. It was as if they could not prove that they had lived if they did not do this.



Wasn't studying hard and improving yourself considered youth?

Lin Xiaoxi opened her notes and massaged the area between her eyebrows.

During the school holidays, the entire college town had become deserted. A lot of shops had closed temporarily, and it was inconvenient for Lin Xiaoxi to eat.

But it's alright. I, the Lin "million", do not lack money!

Let's get food delivery!

She had already ordered McDonald's to be sent to her dormitory.

How great it is to be rich!

As she immersed in this blissful feeling, she started to feel that Li Yao's words made a lot of sense.

Upon thinking about that, she tidied the notes beside her hands and prepared to return to the dormitory.

To take care of the students who lived far away from home, the dormitories were not closed. This was a huge convenience for Lin Xiaoxi. She was still upset about the last time when her Dad came specially here to scold her, so she did not want to go home for the holidays. Of course, studying was important too. It was definitely not because she still felt awkward with him.

On her way back, carrying her backpack, Lin Xiaoxi was in a good mood.

It was just that the weather was very chilly.

She could not help but tighten the clothes around her body.

After the mid-autumn festival, the weather would become colder. Lin Xiaoxi was thinking about that when she discovered that something was not right. Why was it becoming even colder?

It's unusual!

A bad feeling rose from the bottom of her heart.

Lin Xiaoxi was extremely sure about her instincts. Hence, she started sprinting crazily!

F*ck you!

I was the champion of the 500m sprint competition!

If you are capable, come and chase me!