Explode On The Spot

Lin Xiaoxi was extremely fast.

Perhaps she really was the school's champion for the 500m sprint competition. However, there was something obviously unusual about this incident. Lin Xiaoxi's internal alarm started ringing crazily, making her head ache a little.

Damn it. She was extremely flustered.

Lin Xiaoxi was a little angry: when have I, Lin 'Million', been so distressed before?

The surrounding mist became thicker, and the grayish-white mist eventually engulfed everything. Lin Xiaoxi's visibility was limited to a distance of two steps away. Furthermore, the campus road underneath her feet, which was initially not very long, became extremely extensive. No matter how she walked, she could not reach the end. Even if Lin Xiaoxi was extremely slow, she would have realized that there was something wrong with the mist.

She stopped. For an unknown reason, she thought of the still, silent scene of a movie.

Damn it. Getting more flustered…

Lin Xiaoxi sucked in a deep breath and yelled to boost her courage. "Where are these demons coming from? Do you think that I'll be scared of you? Let me tell you, you are in bad luck!"


A man's feminine chuckle came from the mist. It was full of contempt.

Lin Xiaoxi immediately became mad. "F*ck you, please explode on the spot! You still laughed. F*ck your laughter!"

The voice in the mist became slightly angrier. "This lady is quite good-looking, but her mouth is quite dirty. I'll tear your mouth apart."

Lin Xiaoxi was not afraid at all. "Come if you are capable!"

The mist suddenly moved, turning into fangs and claws.

However, at that moment, the man hiding in the mist suddenly let out a shocked yell. "…You!"

Before the feminine voice finished speaking, a loud explosion sound came from the mist.


A lump of dark-red blood exploded in the grayish-white mist. With the invasion of the gray mist, the dark-red blood looked withered and pathetic. Soon, it was swallowed by the gray mist.

Lin Xiaoxi looked at the blood weirdly and was a bit puzzled.

It really exploded???

The gray mist dispersed gradually. Lin Xiaoxi vaguely saw a tall figure, who was carrying a huge club, leave. She chased after him subconsciously. However, she lost his tracks after walking for two steps. After the mist had completely disappeared, she discovered that she was in the open space beside the dormitory. The blood and man that appeared in the mist had disappeared.

Did she meet a ghost?

Lin Xiaoxi shivered. She turned around and ran back to her dormitory. She covered herself with her blanket and did not dare to go out.

After all, she was a little girl.

Her prickliness and arrogance when she was trapped were only methods to boost her courage. When everything had ended, she was more afraid and cowardly than anyone else.

She took out her phone and sent a message to Li Yao. "F*ck, Li Yao! I encountered a supernatural event!"

Li Yao had not been meditating for long when he heard the ringing of his phone. He woke up from his meditation, turned his phone on, and saw Lin Xiaoxi's message. He frowned and thought that things were not that simple.

"Who are you f*cking?"

Lin Xiaoxi replied. "…"

+748… The negative mood came from Lin Xiaoxi.

You are crazy!

Lin Xiaoxi immediately did not feel so flustered. If even a crazy person like Li Yao could live well in this world well, why couldn't a little angel like her live well too? After calming down, a brave thought suddenly surfaced in Lin Xiaoxi's brain. That thought was so exhilarating and made her feel a sudden boost of excitement.

Hence, she replied to Li Yao. "Go and die, bastard!"

Men are all dumb pig trotters. None of them are reliable!

Li Yao: "???"

Why did she suddenly scold him?

When he sent another message over, she did not reply to him.



Li Yao shook his head and put down his phone. He did not think further about Lin Xiaoxi's words. His and Lin Xiaoxi's matters were already considered natural events. Furthermore, he was no longer considered an ordinary man. If he had not met any supernatural events yet, how could Lin Xiaoxi encounter it? She was so lucky, yet she could meet a ghost? Instinctively, Li Yao did not believe her!

He thought that Lin Xiaoxi might be playing Truth or Dare.

But this time, she chose Dare.

Li Yao entered the meditation state once again. The night passed silently.

In the morning, Li Yao walked out of his bedroom. He poured himself milk in the tiny kitchen, toasted bread, and prepared yogurt fruit salad. Hugging his breakfast, he turned the television on. The television was showing the morning news: All is well in the provincial city. The nation is peaceful. The international situation is unstable… Perfect!

Li Yao finished his breakfast. After washing the kitchen equipment, he opened his notes and found a lot of information regarding cancer. After tidying them, he sent them to Lin Xiaowei.

The level of detailedness for this data collection was evidently different from last time.

There was no choice. The priorities were different.

Chen Xi's request was only business for Li Yao. Furthermore, it was business that did not matter if he did it or not.

They were not close. He had already given her face by agreeing to this.

After sending the information over, Lin Xiaowei did not reply. Li Yao was not anxious either.

He turned his head and started to develop the sub-standard version of the detoxification medicine and Vitality Elixir.

The Vitality Elixir that he gave Li Shishi was the original version. The effects of the medicine were strong and immediate. It was so strong that it seemed a bit outrageous. He might be killed because it defied the rules and regulations. Hence, Li Yao wanted to develop some sub-standard versions of the elixir.

The several medicinal herbs that Lin Xiaowei sent from the alternate world had a strong effect. Because the spiritual energy in that world was much thicker, the herbs contained some spiritual energy too. After being smelted and concocted by the alchemy magic spell, this spiritual energy could maximize its effects. In other words, the alchemy skills could maximize the "spiritual radiation" effect, allowing the medicine to be transported to the entire body and trigger the feedback mechanisms of the body through spiritual energy.

If the final refining process was removed, while the detoxification medicine could still detoxify, its effects would be much weaker.

This was no longer alchemy skills.

It was knowledge of magical medicine.

While he was busy, Lin Xiaowei sent a message over. "Cancer can't be cured."

"…" Li Yao was speechless.

My thirty million!

Lin Xiaowei said, "The nature of cancer is that the cells become cancerous and undergo hyperplasia. The detoxification medicine is practically useless. The fatal part of cancer is that the cancerous cells will keep replicating without any limit, damaging the patient's body. Hence, my suggestion is to use chemotherapy to kill the cancer cells, then use the Vitality Elixir to increase the strength of the patient's body."

Li Yao nodded his head.

He understood the theories.

This would be a slow treatment process. The results of the treatment might depend on the patient's immunity system and the recovery of the body's mechanisms, thereby killing the cancerous cells using his own body.


Would the cancerous cells absorb spiritual energy and medicinal effects of the elixir and become even tougher to kill?

He threw that suspicion to her.

Lin Xiaowei went silent for a while before saying. "Your suspicion is not impossible. The cancerous cells may even mutate a second time. Actually, there's a similar case of cancerous cells in our world. These hyperplasia cells might keep replicating under the influence of the spiritual energy and spread to the entire body. The consequences are extremely terrifying…"

Li Yao asked, "For example?"

Lin Xiaowei said, "You might now understand the scientific name from where I am now. But in Earth's language—a living corpse."