Arrogant Wang's Aura

Despite his vow of not stopping, Wang Yan had already rested for two days.

Therefore, he did not go for a massage after swimming.

No matter how unqualified Miss Yuanxiang was, she was at least a pretty girl with a face score of 80.

Decent Wang thought to himself, if Miss Yuanxiang had any evil intentions towards me, he'd be in an awkward positon...

No, no, no!

He couldn't go!

President Wang was still determined.

So he stepped into the gym, intending to do some weight lifting to vent his frutration.

It was a Tuesday afternoon, and there weren't many people in the gym.

Wang Yan walked around, but he couldn't find any equipment that he knew how to use. He took a liking to a woman at first sight.

She was about 25 years old, and was in the stage of maturing from an immature youth. Her face was popular among the internet celebrities, but her figure was very good.