Without the System, What Are You

"Handsome, alone?"


Wang Yan nodded and raised his glass. Self-deprecatingly, he said, "Young lady, you are beautiful and kind. Are you here to comfort me because you feel sorry for me?"

"Haha! More or less!"

The girl found him interesting and laughed heartily. After a toast, she directly sent out an invitation, "Since you are alone, how about sharing a table with us?"

Only then did Wang Yan carefully examine the woman.

The ceiling lights had been turned off, and the room was very dim now. He could barely make out a rough outline.

She was about 25 years old, wearing Gucci's belt. Although her clothes could not be recognized, they had a good texture. Her necklace was platinum studded with diamonds, and her watch had a ring of diamonds on it. Every time the spotlights swept over it, it shone with a dazzling brilliance.

Eh? !

It seem like a Cartier? !

Sure, she was from a family that did not lack money.