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Little Tu made up her mind to stay away from Wang Yan and immediately relaxed.

I don't care if you're rich and young, or how much money your family has. It's not like you're going to spend it on me!

After all, there's no such thing as two humans that were exactly the same.

Li Nuoyi wouldn't give up until the end, while Little Tu would immediately retreat when she felt something was wrong.

As for Gao Ya, the anger and jealousy in her heart were about to come out.

As a woman, she thought that she was prettier and more interesting than Nuonuo, but now she didn't even stand a chance, which was a depressed feeling that even Little Tu couldn't fully understand.

But she was much more mature than Little Tu, at least on the surface she could control her emotions.

However, when they came out of the elevator and the personal butler of the presidential suite came up to welcome them, Gao Ya couldn't hold it in anymore.