Born To be a Playboy

He returned to the Shangri-la hotel in a VIP car of the International Trade Center.

It was exactly 6:30 pm. Wang Yan casually sent a group text message: "Who's up?"

The presidential suite of the hotel originally included a breakfast for two, but Wang Yan got a special treatment. He was given a meal ticket for four for breakfast, so they could all come and have a free meal.

It was not nice to say that they freeloaded, since no one was lacking in food. It was just that a five-star breakfast buffet was definitely more nutritious and delicious than that in the school cafeteria. Since the girls lived near the hotel, they were willing to come and eat with Wang Yan.

Just as the text message was sent, Liu Li immediately replied, "Wang Wang, I'm going to the training room. I'll eat at 8:30, so you don't have to wait for me. I'll finish my homework quickly and see you at noon."