God's Life

When they returned to the dormitory, they saw a stranger in the room.

Oh, the last roommate?

Dutch Potato, Squirrel, and Like Jade were not back yet. The newcomer was smoking on the balcony.

Seeing Wang Yan and Song Chen enter, the new roommate did not move. He waved with a cigarette in his hand and greeted them.

"Hello, Bros! I'm your roommate Zhang Yiwei from Sichuan."

Zhang Yiwei was dark and skinny. He wasn't tall but looked very valiant.

The sides of his hair were shaved to reveal the scalp, and the hair on the top of his head all stood up on ends. He looked like a veteran smoker with a cigarette between his fingers. He didn't have stage fright at all when greeting others.

Since the new boy acted casual, Wang Yan of course acted even more casual.

"Bro, come over and help us after smoking!"